









通过debug调试后发现图片大小发生变化话是因为PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues07中在获取图片所在的行号-列号时,调用了XSSFClientAnchor anchor = pic.getPreferredSize();方法来过去XSSFClientAnchor 对象,getPreferredSize()此方法中会计算图片的首选比例(Calculate the preferred size for this picture.),所以不通过 pic.getPreferredSize()此方法获取XSSFClientAnchor 此对象就可以保证图像不会被缩放。




通过查看poi的API发现XSSFClientAnchor 对象可以通过XSSFPicture.getClientAnchor来过去,所以重写后的方法如下。


     * 获取Excel2007图片
     * @param sheet    当前sheet对象
     * @param workbook 工作簿对象
     * @return Map key:图片单元格索引(1_1)String,value:图片流PictureData
    public static Map<String, PictureData> getSheetPictrues07(XSSFSheet sheet,
                                                              XSSFWorkbook workbook) {
        Map<String, PictureData> sheetIndexPicMap = new HashMap<String, PictureData>();
        for (POIXMLDocumentPart dr : sheet.getRelations()) {
            if (dr instanceof XSSFDrawing) {
                XSSFDrawing     drawing = (XSSFDrawing) dr;
                List<XSSFShape> shapes  = drawing.getShapes();
                for (XSSFShape shape : shapes) {
                    if (shape instanceof XSSFPicture) {
                        XSSFPicture      pic      = (XSSFPicture) shape;
                        XSSFClientAnchor clientAnchor = pic.getClientAnchor();
                        String           picIndex = clientAnchor.getRow1() + "_" + clientAnchor.getCol1(); //与原来行号,列号的方法不同但是大同小异
                        sheetIndexPicMap.put(picIndex, pic.getPictureData());
        return sheetIndexPicMap;




            ImportParams params = new ImportParams();
            params.setVerifyHandler((IExcelVerifyHandler<VehicleInfoImportVo>) obj -> {
                try {
                    // 无效数据检查
                    if (checkInvalid(obj)) {
                        return new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult(true);
                    // 数据格式检验
                    String msg = checkVehicleInfoImportVo(obj);
                    if (StringUtils.isBlank(msg)) {
                        return new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult(true);
                    } else {
                        return new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult(false, msg);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    log.error("校验错误", e);
                    return new ExcelVerifyHandlerResult(false);
            // 导入的数据格式
            //objectExcelImportResult 此对象中保存失败和成功的数据集合以及workbook
            ExcelImportResult<VehicleInfoImportVo> objectExcelImportResult = ExcelImportUtil.importExcelMore(
                    VehicleInfoImportVo.class, params);




    private Workbook removeSuperfluousRows(Workbook book, List<Row> rowList, ImportParams params) {
        for (int i = params.getStartSheetIndex(); i < params.getStartSheetIndex()
                + params.getSheetNum(); i++) {
            for (int j = rowList.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                if (rowList.get(j).getRowNum() < rowList.get(j).getSheet().getLastRowNum()) {
                    book.getSheetAt(i).shiftRows(rowList.get(j).getRowNum() + 1, rowList.get(j).getSheet().getLastRowNum(), -1);
                } else if (rowList.get(j).getRowNum() == rowList.get(j).getSheet().getLastRowNum()) {
                    book.getSheetAt(i).createRow(rowList.get(j).getRowNum() + 1);
                    book.getSheetAt(i).shiftRows(rowList.get(j).getRowNum() + 1, rowList.get(j).getSheet().getLastRowNum() + 1, -1);
        return book;



                        Map<String, PictureData> sheetPictrues07 = PoiPublicUtil.getSheetPictrues07((XSSFSheet) book.getSheetAt(0), (XSSFWorkbook) book);
                        if (sheetPictrues07 != null && sheetPictrues07.size() > 0) {
                            for (Row row : successRow) {
                                int rowNum = row.getRowNum();
                                short lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();
                                for (int i = 0; i < lastCellNum; i++) {
                                    PictureData pictureData = sheetPictrues07.get(rowNum + "_" + i);
                                    if (pictureData != null) {
                                        RemovePicWorkbook.removeExcelImageByPicture(book, pictureData);

public class RemovePicWorkbook {
    public static void removeExcelImageByPicture(Workbook workbook, PictureData pictureData) {

        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);

        Drawing drawing = sheet.getDrawingPatriarch();

        XSSFPicture xssfPictureToDelete = null;

        if (drawing instanceof XSSFDrawing) {

            for (XSSFShape shape : ((XSSFDrawing) drawing).getShapes()) {

                if (shape instanceof XSSFPicture) {

                    XSSFPicture xssfPicture = (XSSFPicture) shape;

                    String shapename = xssfPicture.getShapeName();

                    int row = xssfPicture.getClientAnchor().getRow1();

                    int col = xssfPicture.getClientAnchor().getCol1();

                    if (pictureData instanceof XSSFPictureData) {
                        XSSFPictureData inPictureData = (XSSFPictureData) pictureData;
                        XSSFPictureData curpictureData1 = xssfPicture.getPictureData();
                        PackagePartName inPartName = curpictureData1.getPackagePart().getPartName();
                        PackagePartName curPartName = inPictureData.getPackagePart().getPartName();
                        if (curPartName.equals(inPartName)) xssfPictureToDelete = xssfPicture;


        if (xssfPictureToDelete != null) ExcelDeleteImage.deleteEmbeddedXSSFPicture(xssfPictureToDelete);

        if (xssfPictureToDelete != null) ExcelDeleteImage.deleteCTAnchor(xssfPictureToDelete);
 * I have now been trying for too long to remove an image from my XSSFSheet. I cannot find any information about this, but I would think that it has to be possible..
 * Is there any way to remove an image from my XSSFSheet? Even the official (?) apache poi website does not mention anything besides creating and reading images
 * I am now not far away from giving up and just copying everything except said image into a new sheet. Which is obviously not how this should be done. I don't think I would be able to sleep well for a week if I did that.
 * My last unsuccessful attempt was to use my code which moves images (I shared that code in this post) but instead of setting valid row numbers I would set null, but that's not possible since the parameter for setRow() is int (primitive type).
 * Then I tried setting a negative value for the anchor rows. While this technically removes the images, the excel file has to be repaired when it is opened the next time. The images are not being displayed.
 * I believe I would have to remove the relation from the XSSFDrawing too to completely remove the image (I think this after finding this custom implementation of XSSFDrawing) but I have no idea what is going on there...
 * I would be grateful for any kind of help here!
 * For XSSF this is not as simple as it sounds. There is HSSFPatriarch.removeShape but there is not something comparable in XSSFDrawing.
 * We must delete the picture itself inclusive the relations. And we must delete the shape's anchor from the drawing.
 * Example which goes trough all pictures in a sheet and deletes a picture if it's shape name is "Image 2":
public class ExcelDeleteImage {

    public static void deleteCTAnchor(XSSFPicture xssfPicture) {

        XSSFDrawing drawing = xssfPicture.getDrawing();

        XmlCursor cursor = xssfPicture.getCTPicture().newCursor();


        if (cursor.getObject() instanceof org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.spreadsheetDrawing.CTTwoCellAnchor) {

            for (int i = 0; i < drawing.getCTDrawing().getTwoCellAnchorList().size(); i++) {

                if (cursor.getObject().equals(drawing.getCTDrawing().getTwoCellAnchorArray(i))) {


                    System.out.println("TwoCellAnchor for picture " + xssfPicture + " was deleted.");



        } else if (cursor.getObject() instanceof org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.spreadsheetDrawing.CTOneCellAnchor) {

            for (int i = 0; i < drawing.getCTDrawing().getOneCellAnchorList().size(); i++) {

                if (cursor.getObject().equals(drawing.getCTDrawing().getOneCellAnchorArray(i))) {


                    System.out.println("OneCellAnchor for picture " + xssfPicture + " was deleted.");



        } else if (cursor.getObject() instanceof org.openxmlformats.schemas.drawingml.x2006.spreadsheetDrawing.CTAbsoluteAnchor) {

            for (int i = 0; i < drawing.getCTDrawing().getAbsoluteAnchorList().size(); i++) {

                if (cursor.getObject().equals(drawing.getCTDrawing().getAbsoluteAnchorArray(i))) {


                    System.out.println("AbsoluteAnchor for picture " + xssfPicture + " was deleted.");





    public static void deleteEmbeddedXSSFPicture(XSSFPicture xssfPicture) {

        if (xssfPicture.getCTPicture().getBlipFill() != null) {

            if (xssfPicture.getCTPicture().getBlipFill().getBlip() != null) {

                if (xssfPicture.getCTPicture().getBlipFill().getBlip().getEmbed() != null) {

                    String rId = xssfPicture.getCTPicture().getBlipFill().getBlip().getEmbed();

                    XSSFDrawing drawing = xssfPicture.getDrawing();



                    System.out.println("Picture " + xssfPicture + " was deleted.");





    public static void deleteHSSFShape(HSSFShape shape) {

        HSSFPatriarch drawing = shape.getPatriarch();


        System.out.println("Shape " + shape + " was deleted.");


    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        String filename = "C:\\Users\\yuxia\\Desktop\\ce.xlsx";

        String outfilename = "C:\\Users\\yuxia\\Desktop\\ce1.xlsx";

        InputStream inp = new FileInputStream(filename);

        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inp);

        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);

        Drawing drawing = sheet.getDrawingPatriarch();

        XSSFPicture xssfPictureToDelete = null;

        if (drawing instanceof XSSFDrawing) {

            for (XSSFShape shape : ((XSSFDrawing) drawing).getShapes()) {

                if (shape instanceof XSSFPicture) {
                    XSSFPicture xssfPicture = (XSSFPicture) shape;

                    String shapename = xssfPicture.getShapeName();

                    int row = xssfPicture.getClientAnchor().getRow1();

                    int col = xssfPicture.getClientAnchor().getCol1();

                    System.out.println("Picture " + "" + " with Shapename: " + shapename + " is located row: " + row + ", col: " + col);

                    if ("图片 3".equals(shapename)) xssfPictureToDelete = xssfPicture;




        if (xssfPictureToDelete != null) deleteEmbeddedXSSFPicture(xssfPictureToDelete);

        if (xssfPictureToDelete != null) deleteCTAnchor(xssfPictureToDelete);

//        HSSFPicture hssfPictureToDelete = null;
//        if (drawing instanceof HSSFPatriarch) {
//            for (HSSFShape shape : ((HSSFPatriarch) drawing).getChildren()) {
//                if (shape instanceof HSSFPicture) {
//                    HSSFPicture hssfPicture = (HSSFPicture) shape;
//                    int picIndex = hssfPicture.getPictureIndex();
//                    String shapename = hssfPicture.getShapeName().trim();
//                    int row = hssfPicture.getClientAnchor().getRow1();
//                    int col = hssfPicture.getClientAnchor().getCol1();
//                    System.out.println("Picture " + picIndex + " with Shapename: " + shapename + " is located row: " + row + ", col: " + col);
//                    if ("Image 2".equals(shapename)) hssfPictureToDelete = hssfPicture;
//                }
//            }
//        }
//        if (hssfPictureToDelete != null) deleteHSSFShape(hssfPictureToDelete);

        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outfilename);





    private void saveImage(Object object, String picId, Map<String, ExcelImportEntity> excelParams,
                           String titleString, Map<String, PictureData> pictures,
                           ImportParams params) throws Exception {
        if (pictures == null) {
        PictureData image = pictures.get(picId);
        if (image == null) {
        byte[] data = image.getData();
        String fileName = IdUtils.fastUUID();
        fileName += "." + PoiPublicUtil.getFileExtendName(data);
        if (excelParams.get(titleString).getSaveType() == 1) {
            String path = getSaveUrl(); // 此方法获取保存的路径扩展一下就好了
            File savefile = new File(path);
            if (!savefile.exists()) {
            savefile = new File(path + "/" + fileName);
            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(savefile);
            try {
            } finally {
            setValues(excelParams.get(titleString), object,
                    getAbsoluteSaveUrl(path) + "/" + fileName);
        } else {
            setValues(excelParams.get(titleString), object, data);


posted @ 2021-08-08 13:10  余小叙  阅读(5757)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报