















  • LR分析器由三个部分组成:
  • 其中:SP为栈指针,S[i]为状态栈,X[i]为文法符号栈。状态转换表用GOTO[iX]=j表示,规定当栈顶状态为i,遇到当前文法符号为X时应转向状态jX为终结符或非终结符。
  • ACTION[ia]规定了栈顶状态为i时遇到输入符号a应执行。动作有四种可能:


action[ia]= Sj:状态j移入到状态栈,把a移入到文法符号栈,其中i,j表示状态号。


action[ia]=rk:当在栈顶形成句柄时,则归约为相应的非终结符A,即文法中有A- B的产生式,若B的长度为R(|B|=R),则从状态栈和文法符号栈中自顶向下去掉R个符号,即栈指针SP减去R,并把A移入文法符号栈内,j=GOTO[i,A]移进状态栈,其中i为修改指针后的栈顶状态。






#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <vector>

#include <string>

#include <utility>

using namespace std;


#define numStates 6

#define numInputs 3


int t(char);

int go(char);



char terminals[numInputs] = { '(', ')', '$' };

string table[numStates][numInputs] =

{ // ( ) $

    { "s:2", "r:S~!", "r:S~!" },

    { "", "", "a:" },

    { "s:2", "r:S~!", "r:S~!" },

    { "", "s:4", "" },

    { "s:2", "r:S~!", "r:S~!" },

    { "", "r:S~(S)S", "r:S~(S)S" }



char nonterminals[1] = { 'S' };

int gotos[numStates][1] =


    { 1 },

    { -1 },

    { 3 },

    { -1 },

    { 5 },

    { -1 }




int main()


    char k;

    const int spacing = 10;

    int state;

    char in;

    string action;


    vector < pair < char, int > > stack;

    stack.push_back(make_pair('$', 0));

    cout << "hello, Press Return to step through parse" << endl << endl;


    string input = "()()$";


    cout << "Enter your input string to recognize: ";

    getline(cin, input);

    input += '$';



    cout << setfill('=') << left << setw(2 * spacing) << "Stack"

        << setw(2 * spacing) << "Input"

        << setw(2 * spacing) << "Action" << endl << setfill(' ');


    while (1)



        // Display stack

        cout << endl;

        int u = 0;

        for (u = 0; u<stack.size(); u++)

            cout << stack[u].first << " " << stack[u].second << " ";

        for (; u<7; u++)

            cout << " ";

        for (int u = input.size(); u<spacing; u++)

            cout << " ";


        // Display input

        cout << setw(spacing) << input;


        // Display the action code to take

        cout << setw(spacing) << left << action;


        state = stack.back().second;


        in = input[0];



        action = table[state][t(in)];


        // Stepping pause



        cout << "=> ";


        // blank/error cell

        if (action == "")


            cout << "ERROR input not accepted" << endl;

            return 0;



        // Accepted cell

        else if (action[0] == 'a')


            cout << "INPUT STRING ACCEPTED" << endl;

            return 0;



        // Reduction

        else if (action[0] == 'r')


            cout << "Reducing '" << action.substr(4, action.length() - 1)

                << "' on the stack to " << action[2];




            for (int i = action.length() - 1; i>3; i--)



                if (stack.back().first == action[i])




                // Epsilons do not consume anything

                else if (action[i] == '!')






                    cout << "Error in reduce, expected "

                        << stack.back().first << endl;

                    return 0;




            cout << " Then goto state " << gotos[stack.back().second][go(action[2])] << endl;











        // Shift

        else if (action[0] == 's')


            cout << "Shifting top of input to stack and moving to state " << action[2] << endl;





                action[2] - 48));


            input.erase(0, 1);




    return 0;




int t(char terminal)

{ // Linear search bad

    for (int i = 0; i<numInputs; i++)

    if (terminals[i] == terminal)

        return i;

    cout << "t(): There was an error in look finding '" << terminal << "' in the table." << endl;

    return -1;



int go(char nterminal)

{ // Linear search bad

    for (int i = 0; i<numInputs; i++)

    if (nonterminals[i] == nterminal)

        return i;

    cout << "go(): There was an error in look finding '" << nterminal << "' in the table." << endl;

    return -1;




posted @ 2019-01-22 17:33  夏延  阅读(4769)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报