# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from PyQt4 import QtCore import os,time,socket,datetime,codecs import thread import paramiko import ConfigParser import sys import gc reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8') #ssh登录 class ssh(): def __init__(self,host,username,passwd): self.s = paramiko.SSHClient() self.s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.s.connect(hostname=host,port=22, username=username, password=passwd,timeout = 30) self.ssh = self.s.invoke_shell() time.sleep(2) def Send(self,Command): self.ssh.send(str(Command) + '\r') time.sleep(1) def Recv(self,Buff_Size,click_time): try: buff = self.ssh.recv(Buff_Size,click_time) except: self.Send("\n") buff = self.ssh.recv(Buff_Size, click_time) return buff def Close(self): self.s.close() #获取配置文件信息 class Config_ini(): def __init__(self,filename): self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() #创建配置文件 self.config.readfp(open(filename)) #打开并读取配置文件 def get_info(self,session,key): return self.config.get(session,key) #读取配置文件config中指定段的键值 def session(self): return self.config.sections() #获取所有的段 def option(self,session): return self.config.options(session) #得到指定段的所有信息 def set(self,session,option,value): return self.config.set(session,option,value) #修改配置文件的值 #log信息保存 class Consumer(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self,queue,parent = None): super(Consumer,self).__init__(parent) = queue def write_log(self,PD,SN,Time): if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + "\\log"): os.makedirs(os.getcwd() + "\\log") Path = os.getcwd() + "\\log\\" self.data_file = Path + PD + "_aging_" + SN + "_" + Time + ".log" while True: s = F =, "a+",encoding='gb18030') F.write(s) F.close() #主测试程序 class Main_Test(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self,queue,parent = None): super(Main_Test,self).__init__(parent) = queue self.isWait = True self.working = True self.Red = "QPushButton{background-color:RED}" self.Yellow = "QPushButton{background-color:YELLOW}" self.Green = "QPushButton{background-color:GREEN}" self.Config_ini = Config_ini("ini/Paramiters.ini") #self.GNS_Server_IP = self.Config_ini.get_info("GNS", "Server_IP") self.GNS_aging_time = int(self.Config_ini.get_info("GNS", "aging_time")) # 获取本地ip def Local_IP(self): Local_IP = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) return Local_IP #连接设备 def Connection(self,host): username = "gns" passwd = "feitian" try: self.Connect = ssh(str(host),username,passwd) self.Send_Command("\n") except Exception,e: self.Test_Fail(str(e)) #发送接收数据 def Send_Command(self,Command,Prompt='#',Timeout=10,click_time=1): try: buff = "" log = "" self.Connect.Send(Command) time.sleep(1) runtime = while Prompt not in buff: buff = "" time.sleep(3) buff += self.Connect.Recv(999999,click_time) log += buff steptime = if (steptime - runtime).seconds > Timeout: self.Test_Fail(u"超时, %s 不能找到" % Prompt) break return log except Exception: self.Test_Fail(u"%s不能找到" % Prompt) #记录结果 def Save_Result(self,SN,Status,Time): try: if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + "\\Record"): os.makedirs(os.getcwd() + "\\Record") Path = os.getcwd() + "\\Record\\" F = open(Path + 'Upgrade.log', "a+"),0) F.write("\n" + self.PD + " " + str(SN) + " " + Status + " , Test time : " + str(Time)) F.close() except Exception, e: return str(e) #通过开头和结尾字符串获取中心字符串 def GetMiddleStr(self,content,startStr,endStr): try: startIndex = content.index(startStr) if startIndex >= 0: startIndex += len(startStr) endIndex = content.index(endStr) return content[startIndex:endIndex].strip() except Exception,e: self.Test_Fail(str(e)) #设置颜色 def Set_Color(self,message): self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('color'),message) #设置状态 def Set_Status(self,message): self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('status'),message) #测试通过提示 def Test_Pass(self,message): self.working = False self.Save_Result(self.SN," Pass",self.Time) #保存通过结果 #入队列 self.Set_Color(self.Green) #测试通过显示为绿色 self.Set_Status(message) #按钮显示状态 #测试失败提示 def Test_Fail(self,message): self.working = False self.error_count = self.error_count + 1 self.Save_Result(self.SN, " Fail", self.Time) #保存失败结果 self.Set_Color(self.Red) #测试失败显示红色 Faillentime = second = (Faillentime - self.starttime).total_seconds() Time = u"测试时间:" + self.Running_time(second) #获得老化时间 self.Set_Status(message + "\n" + Time) #按钮显示状态 + " " + Time) #入队列 thread.exit_thread() #线程结束 #测试开始提示 def Test_Running(self,message): self.Set_Color(self.Yellow) #显示黄色 self.Set_Status(message) #运行时间 def Running_time(self,second): h = int(second / 3600) m = int((second - h * 3600) / 60) s = int(second - h * 3600 - m * 60) test_time = str(h) + "h:" + str(m) + "m:" + str(s) + "s" return test_time #程序运行 def Script_Start(self,Value,PD,SN,Host,Time,Remote_IP = None): self.working = True self.PD = PD self.SN = SN self.Host = Host self.Value =Value self.Time=Time self.error_count = 0 self.starttime = #获取本地时间 self.endtime = self.starttime + datetime.timedelta(hours=self.GNS_aging_time) #设置结束时间 self.Test_Running(u'登录设备') #登录信号 self.Connection(self.Host) #连接设备 time.sleep(5) if self.Value == 0 : self.Rsync() #同步数据 if self.error_count == 0: self.Test_Pass(u"同步成功") else: self.BI(Remote_IP) #老化测试 ''' #同步数据 def Rsync(self): self.Test_Running(u"同步数据") rusername = 'safi' Rsync_IP = self.GNS_Server_IP self.Send_Command("cd /opt") self.Send_Command("touch feitian ") self.Send_Command('echo "feitian" > feitian ') self.Send_Command('chmod 600 feitian ') log = self.Send_Command("ping " + Rsync_IP + " -c5" , "#" , 20) if "100% packet loss" in log: self.Test_Fail(u"服务器不能Ping通") else: log = self.Send_Command("rsync -auvzP --delete --password-file=feitian " + rusername + '@' + Rsync_IP + "::GNS /opt&","total size",72000) if "rsync error" in log: self.Test_Fail(u"rsync 同步失败") else : self.Send_Command('chmod 777', "#", 60) self.Send_Command('./ install',"#",60) ''' #老化测试 def BI(self,Remote_IP): iperf = os.popen("tasklist|find /c \"iperf.exe\"") #执行统计iperf进程命令 iperf_number = #读取iperf进程数量 if int(iperf_number) < 1: os.system("start /b iperf.exe -s -w1m&") #后台运行iperf os.system('netsh firewall set opmode disable') #关闭windows系统防火墙 os.system( 'reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\NtpServer /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f') # 修改注册表 os.system( 'reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Config /v AnnounceFlags /t REG_DWORD /d 5 /f') # 修改注册表 os.system("net stop w32time & net start w32time") #停止和启动windows系统NTP服务 self.Test_Running(U"老化测试") #开始老化信号 self.Check_Process() #测试过程提升CPU利用率 self.VersionCheck() #版本检测 self.MAC_check() #MAC地址检测 while self.working == True: time.sleep(5) self.ShowTemperature() #温度检测 self.Clock_Test() #时钟检测 self.MemeryCheck() #内存检测 #self.Discrete() #离散量检测 if Remote_IP != None: self.EthSpeedCheck(Remote_IP) #网口速率检测 self.SSDCheck() #硬盘检测 time.sleep(20) self.Clean_Caches() #清除内存 Finish_time = if (Finish_time - self.endtime).days >= 0: self.Test_Pass(u"老化测试成功") break gc.collect() #清除内存 def Clean_Caches(self): self.Test_Running(u"清除内存") self.Send_Command("echo 3 >> /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches&") time.sleep(3) self.Send_Command("free -m") self.Send_Command('cd /') #测试过程提升CPU利用率 def Check_Process(self): if int(self.GetMiddleStr(self.Send_Command("ps -A | grep -c kcpu"), "kcpu", "[")) < 2: self.Send_Command("cd /sbin") self.Send_Command("./ start 80") self.Send_Command("cd /") #MAC地址检测 def MAC_check(self): self.Test_Running(u"MAC地址检测") MAC = self.Send_Command("ifconfig | grep eth0") if "5C:E0:CA" not in MAC: self.Test_Fail(u"MAC地址格式错误") #时钟检测 def Clock_Test(self): self.Test_Running(u"NTP检测") self.Send_Command("service ntpd stop") self.Send_Command("ntpdate %s &" % self.Local_IP()) time.sleep(10) date = self.Send_Command("date") #获取设备时间 clock = str( #获取本地时间 if clock not in date: self.Test_Fail(u"时钟错误") #网口速率测试 def EthSpeedCheck(self,Remote_IP): self.Test_Running(u"网口速率检测") Ping_message = self.Send_Command("ping %s -c5" % Remote_IP) if "Host Unreachable" in Ping_message: self.Test_Fail(u"Iperf 服务器地址不能Ping通") else: Eth_Speed = self.Send_Command("iperf -c %s -w1m -i1 -t30 | grep '0.0-3'" % Remote_IP, "#", 60,10) if "Broken pipe" in Eth_Speed: self.Test_Fail(u"Iperf 服务器不通") self.Send_Command("del_time") #温度检测 def ShowTemperature(self): self.Test_Running(u"温度检测") temp = self.Send_Command("sensors -u &","Done",20) Core0 = self.GetMiddleStr(str(temp), 'temp2_input:', "temp2_max:") if float(Core0) > 96: self.Test_Fail(u"CPU Core 0 温度超过96℃,当前温度:%s℃" % Core0) Core1 = self.GetMiddleStr(str(temp), 'temp3_input:', "temp3_max:") if float(Core1) > 96: self.Test_Fail(u"CPU Core 1 温度超过96℃,当前温度:%s℃" % Core0) #内存检测 def MemeryCheck(self): self.Test_Running(u"内存检测") self.Send_Command("iostat -m") mem = self.Send_Command("free | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}'", "#", 30) mem = self.GetMiddleStr(str(mem), "}'", "[").strip() if float(mem) < 8126000: self.Test_Fail(u"内存 <8G") #版本检测 def VersionCheck(self): self.Test_Running(u"版本检测") self.Send_Command("vershow | grep Config | awk '{print $2}'",'#',10) self.Send_Command('fpga_version&',"Done",30) self.Send_Command('swv_read&',"Done",30) self.Send_Command('spn_read&',"Done",30) self.Send_Command('dpn_read&',"Done", 30) self.Send_Command('board_pn_read&',"Done", 30) self.Send_Command('mod_read&',"Done",30) self.Send_Command('uname -a&',"Done",30) self.Send_Command('dsn_read&',"Done",30) self.Send_Command('board_sn_read&',"Done",30) self.Send_Command('fpgapn_read&', "Done", 30) self.Send_Command('isopn_read&', "Done", 30) s = self.Send_Command("vershow&","Done",60) if "failed" in s: self.Test_Fail(u"版本未完全升级") #硬盘检测 def SSDCheck(self): self.Test_Running(u"硬盘检测") if 'SATA' not in self.Send_Command('lspci'): self.Test_Fail(u"硬盘模块识别失败") num1 = self.Send_Command("fdisk -l | grep -c sda") num2 = self.Send_Command("df | grep -c sda") if "7" in num1 and "4" in num2: GNS_DISK = self.Send_Command('fdisk -l | grep sda') sda_size = self.GetMiddleStr(GNS_DISK, '/dev/sda:', "GB") if float(sda_size) < 950: self.Test_Fail(u"第一硬盘容量 <950GB") if self.PD == 'GNS': GNS_DISK = self.Send_Command('fdisk -l | grep sdb') if '/dev/sdb' in GNS_DISK: sdb_size = self.GetMiddleStr(str(GNS_DISK), 'Disk /dev/sdb: ', "GB,") if float(sdb_size) < 950: self.Test_Fail(u"第二硬盘容量 <950GB") else: self.Test_Fail(u"未识别到第二硬盘") if int(self.GetMiddleStr(self.Send_Command("ps -A | grep -c dd"), "dd", "[")) < 2: self.Send_Command('dd bs=16M count=1024 if=/dev/zero of=test conv=fdatasync &') time.sleep(400) self.Send_Command('dd bs=16M if=test of=/dev/null &') time.sleep(400) self.Send_Command("rm -rf test &") time.sleep(30) else: self.Test_Fail(u"硬盘分区未识别") time.sleep(30) #离散量测试 def Discrete(self): self.Test_Running(u"离散量检测") self.Send_Command("arinc set_control_off") for i in range(1,17): if i<15: self.Send_Command("hi8435_cfg wrDiscOut %s low" % str(i)) else: self.Send_Command("hi8435_cfg wrDiscOut %s low" % str(i)) low = self.Send_Command("arinc get_signalstatusmatrix", '#', 5) low=self.GetMiddleStr(low,'get_signalstatusmatrix','[') low = int(low[3] + low[7] + low[11] + low[15] + low[19] + low[23] + low[27] + low[31] + low[35] + low[39] + low[44] +low[49] + low[54]) for i in range(1, 17): if i < 15: self.Send_Command("hi8435_cfg wrDiscOut %s high" % str(i)) else: self.Send_Command("hi8435_cfg wrDiscOut %s high" % str(i)) high = self.Send_Command("arinc get_signalstatusmatrix", '#', 5) high = self.GetMiddleStr(high,'get_signalstatusmatrix','[') high = int(high[3] + high[7] + high[11] + high[15] + high[19] + high[23] + high[27] + high[31] + high[35] + high[39] +high[44] + high[49] + high[54]) log1=low+high for i in range(1, 17): if i < 15: self.Send_Command("hi8435_cfg wrDiscOut %s low" % str(i)) else: self.Send_Command("hi8435_cfg wrDiscOut %s low" % str(i)) low = self.Send_Command("arinc get_signalstatusmatrix", '#', 5) low = self.GetMiddleStr(low, 'get_signalstatusmatrix', '[') low = int(low[3] + low[7] + low[11] + low[15] + low[19] + low[23] + low[27] + low[31] + low[35] + low[39] + low[44] +low[49] + low[54]) log2=high+low if log1!=1111111111111 and log2!=1111111111111: self.Test_Fail('Discrete Check FAIL') # 429检测 self.Test_Running(u"429检测") self.Send_Command("hi3593_c0_cfg setRx1BitRate high\r") self.Send_Command("hi3593_c0_cfg setRx2BitRate high\r") self.Send_Command("hi3593_c0_cfg setTxBitRate high\r") self.Send_Command("hi3593_c1_cfg setRx1BitRate high\r") self.Send_Command("hi3593_c1_cfg setRx2BitRate high\r") self.Send_Command("hi3593_c1_cfg setTxBitRate high\r") if int(self.GetMiddleStr(self.Send_Command("ps | grep -c netlink_u_self.APP"), "self.APP", "[")) < 1: self.Send_Command("netlink_u_app &\r", '#', 3) c = self.Send_Command("hi429_sendmsg_user_chip0 123 3\r") if "0x42910001" not in c: self.Test_Fail(u"429 CHIP0 测试失败") d = self.Send_Command("hi429_sendmsg_user_chip1 456 3\r") if "0x42920001" not in d: self.Test_Fail(u"429 CHIP1 测试失败")
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