PHP RSS Parser 介绍

DOMIT! RSS parser

官方网站: 只支持RSS,但是有cache功能,而且有不少其他系统使用。

PHP Universal Feed Parser

官方网站: 作者的连接:

基于Orchild Framework(和XML Parser(,支持RSS 1.0, 2.0 or ATOM,而且使用非常简单,非常类似MagpieRSS,可以利用它构建自己的后台数据库。打算使用这个替换之前的MagpieRSS,并构建自己的CMS。参考Joomla(,和model view controller设计(。






Notice: Undefined property: MagpieRSS::$last_modified in

Undefined property: MagpieRSS::$etag



Some time ago, I wrote a blog portal in PHP, that used  MagpieRSS   0.72. Unfortunately,  there are  plenty of bugs   in MagpieRSS , and it has no support for the newer format Atom 1.0. MagpieRSS hasn’t been updated since November 2005, so I improved on it myself. I have emailed my patches to Kellan, the maintainer of MagpieRSS, but I got no reply.

NOTE:  I don’t use this code anymore, so don’t ask me for further fixes or improvements.   I’m only publishing the code here, so that someone else may create a new project or take over the SourceForge project for MagpieRSS or something. It’s all open source, baby.

My improvements to the  fetcher :

  • Changed the name of the HTTP header from “If-Last-Modified” to the correct “If-Modified-Since” (this is very important, since your client will fetch feeds unnecessarily often otherwise)
  • Made sure that the constant MAGPIE_CACHE_FRESH_ONLY actually works — it doesn’t in the original version
  • Allows you to fetch feeds with the POST method as well as GET
  • Trimming values from the headers “ETag” and “Last-Modified”
  • Removed “Undefined property” warning messages for MagpieRSS::$etag and MagpieRSS::$last_modified

My improvements to the  parser :

  • Assumes version 1.0 if the format is Atom with no version
  • Handles Atom links with different “rel” types better
  • Reads the “subtitle” tag if Atom 1.0
  • Reads the “published” and “updated” tags if Atom 1.0
  • More stable when encountering illegal characters (I actually don’t remember what I meant by this!)

My improvements to the  utils :

  • Fixed bad regular expression to correctly match seconds in W3CDTF timestamps

I also replaced the bundled version of  Snoopy   (1.0) with a newer version (1.2.3). There is in fact an even newer version out, so you should probably download that one. Put the file Snoopy.class.php in the extlib directory and rename it

However, I don’t think I changed the version numbers or the changelog. But at least I fixed some bugs, right?

download   Download Improved MagpieRSS

posted on 2009-08-01 11:10  爱你一万年123  阅读(120)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
