Using Subversion and ViewCVS on Solaris 10

Using Subversion and ViewCVS on Solaris 10

Author: Badcoffee

Date: Jan, 2005

Original Site:
CopyRight: Anyone refer to this article, must include author information and original site URL.


This article is a introduction that show you how to install and setup Subversion and ViewCVS's on Solaris 10.
It also give instructions about subversion usage for developer and gatekeeper (administrator). If you are a advanced
user, please refer to Subversion book for more details.

1. Subversion Setup

1.1 Install Subversion package

  • First, grab the pkg-get package file, from URL below:

        Install it with
        pkgadd -d pkg_get.pkg

        Then, make sure can find /usr/sfw/bin/wget command.
        At last, maybe modify /opt/csw/etc/pkg-get.conf file for proxy setting:
            export http_proxy ftp_proxy

       Set envirment in /etc/profile:

        export SVN_EDITOR
        export PATH

  • Install Subversion package
            pkg-get -i subversion
        For python and apache2 support:

          pkg-get -i pysvn
          pkg-get -i ap2_subversion

1.2 Running a Subversion Server

  •  Create system account:
            groupadd svn
            useradd -c "SVN Owner" -d /export/home/svn -g svn svn
            mkdir /export/home/svn
            chown svn:svn /export/home/svn
            chmod g+w /export/home/svn
  • Creat repository for project
            svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs  /export/home/svn/[project name]
        Import source code into repository:       
            cd [/path/to/source/tree]
            svn import file:///export/home/svn/[project name]
  • Setting access policy of repository:
        vi /export/home/svn/[project name]/conf/svnserve.conf
            anon-access = read
            auth-access = write
            password-db = passwd.conf
            realm = /[project name]

        Create passwd database:
            /export/home/svn/[project name]/conf/passwd.conf
                username1 = passwd1

        Setting right access permission for subversion server: 
            chown -R svn:svn /export/home/svn/[project name]
            chmod -R g+w /export/home/svn/[project name]
            chmod g+s /export/home/svn/[project name]/db

  •  Configure the subversion service:
        Create the start script when system boot:
            vi /etc/rc2.d/S98svnserve
                su - svn -c "/opt/csw/bin/svnserve -d -r /export/home/svn&"

            chmod +x /etc/rc2.d/S98svnserve
        Start subversion service:

  • Check out source code to verify subversion service works correctly
          svn checkout svn://[hostname]/[project name]

2. ViewCVS Setup

2.1 Install ViewCVS package

  • Install python package
        pkg-get -i python
  • Install viewcvs package 

       Note: Before your installation,  you can  refer to INSTALL file in ViewCVS package.
                 Currently, only ViewCVS 1.0 can support subversion, but this version is under development.
                 You can get  ViewCVS 1.0 dev version from ViewCVS site.
  • install enscript package
        pkg-get -i enscript         
  • install gnudiff
        pkg-get -i diffutils
        cp /opt/csw/bin/gdiff* /usr/bin/

2.2 Runing viewcvs with Apache server

  • Configure viewcvs with subversion
        vi /usr/local/viewcvs-1.0-dev/viewcvs.conf

            #cvs_roots = cvs: /home/cvsroot
            svn_roots = [project name]: /export/home/svn/[project name]
            svn_parent_path = /export/home/svn
            default_root = [project name]

            use_enscript = 1
            enscript_path = /opt/csw/bin/
  • import subverion python moudle into python
        # python
            Python 2.3.4 (#3, Nov 10 2004, 12:43:17) [C] on sunos5
            Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
        >>> import svn.repos

  • Start viewcvs web service
            cp -f /usr/local/viewcvs-1.0-dev/www/cgi/*  /var/apache2/cgi-bin/

            vi /var/apache2/htdocs/index.html
                <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

            cp -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

            pkill -9 httpd
            svcadm enable svc:/network/http:apache2

       You can access your project site from URL: http://[hostname]

3. ViewCVS Setup

3.1. For developer

  * Install a subverion client

      Please see section 1.1 above.

  * start work with subversion
    Get project URL of subversion server from gatekeeper
    Check out source code:

      svn checkout -r [version name] svn://[hostname]/[project name]

    After check out, a local work directory is created, you can do following things:

    Check recent change log anytime:

      svn log

    Update your local work copy to a specified version:

      svn update -r [version name]

    Check local work dir status, compare them with server side:
      svn status

    Diff a file current version with specified version

      svn diff -r [version name] [file name]

    Add a new dir

      svn mkdir [dir name]

    Add a new file

      svn add [file name]

    Of course, you can modify a existed file anytime.
    When a change is occurred, don't forget commit your change:

      svn commit

  * Get Help for command:

      svn help

  * Get a certain release of project?
    Need know realse name first.

    Switch local work dir to a certain branch, tag and release:

      svn switch svn://[hostname]/[project name]/tags/[tag name or release name]

3.2. For gatekeeper

  * Create repository for a new project and setting access policy of repository

    Create repository for a new project

      svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs  /export/home/svn/[project name]
    Import source code into repository:      
      cd [/path/to/source/tree]
      svn import file:///export/home/svn/[project name]

    Set access policy of repository:

      vi /export/home/svn/[project name]/conf/svnserve.conf

        anon-access = read
        auth-access = write
        password-db = passwd.conf
        realm = /[project name]

    Create user password database:

      vi /export/home/svn/[project name]/conf/passwd.conf

        username1 = passwd1

    Setting access permission for subversion server:

      chown -R svn:svn /export/home/svn/[project name]
      chmod -R g+w /export/home/svn/[project name]
      chmod g+s /export/home/svn/[project name]/db

  * Add new project into viewCVS:

      vi /usr/local/viewcvs-1.0-dev/viewcvs.conf   

        svn_roots = [project name1]: /export/home/svn/[project name1],
                [project name2]: /export/home/svn/[project name2],
                [project name3]: /export/home/svn/[project name3]

  * Create new tag or branch for project

      svn mkdir -m "[comment]" svn://[hostname]/[project name]/tags
      svn copy -m "[comment]" [local work copy dir] svn://[hostname]/[project name]/tags/[tag name]

  * Backup and Restore repository

    Make a full backup for a subversion project:
      svnadmin dump /export/home/svn/[project name] > [name of path]/[project name].full_dumpfile

    If workspace is damaged, restore a project workspace from a full backup file:

      svnadmin load /export/home/svn/[project name] < [name of path]/[project name].full_dumpfile

  * Create hook scripts for project

    Enter hook dir on subverion server:

      cd /export/home/svn/[project name]/hooks

    Change the *.tmpl file to a executable script, take post-commit.tmpl for example:

      cp post-commit.tmpl post-commit
      chown svn:svn post-commit
      chmod 754 post-commit
    Customize post-commit to invoke your own commands, please refer to sample script below:



echo "Event: putback-to" >> $CONTENT
echo "Repository: $REPOS" >> $CONTENT
echo "Reversion: $REV" >> $CONTENT


echo "User: $AUTHOR" >> $CONTENT
echo "Date: $DATE/n/n" >> $CONTENT
echo "Files:/n$CHANGED/n" >> $CONTENT
echo "Comments:/n$LOG/n" >> $CONTENT

mailx -s "Code change notification mail" -r $AUTHOR@[][mail list address]< $CONTENT

4. Related resource

posted on 2005-01-22 20:58  爱你一万年123  阅读(151)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
