Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop

记得从0.1版本就使用过,当时还是用的是Apache Hadoop,现在都已经有自己的增强版本了,真的不错。


HDFS – Self healing distributed file system

MapReduce – Powerful, parallel data processing framework

Hadoop Common – a set of utilities that support the Hadoop subprojects

HBase – Hadoop database for random read/write access

Hive – SQL-like queries and tables on large datasets

Pig – Dataflow language and compiler

Oozie – Workflow for interdependent Hadoop jobs

Sqoop – Integrate databases and data warehouses with Hadoop

Flume – Highly reliable, configurable streaming data collection

Zookeeper – Coordination service for distributed applications

Hue – User interface framework and SDK for visual Hadoop applications




Hadoop 介绍:


posted on 2011-02-10 08:45  爱你一万年123  阅读(130)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
