python scrapy baidu image【转】
#!/usr/bin/env Python # coding=utf-8 #__author__ = 'leilu' import json import itertools import urllib import requests import os import re import codecs import sys import imghdr reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8") str_table = { '_z2C$q': ':', '_z&e3B': '.', 'AzdH3F': '/' } char_table = { 'w': 'a', 'k': 'b', 'v': 'c', '1': 'd', 'j': 'e', 'u': 'f', '2': 'g', 'i': 'h', 't': 'i', '3': 'j', 'h': 'k', 's': 'l', '4': 'm', 'g': 'n', '5': 'o', 'r': 'p', 'q': 'q', '6': 'r', 'f': 's', 'p': 't', '7': 'u', 'e': 'v', 'o': 'w', '8': '1', 'd': '2', 'n': '3', '9': '4', 'c': '5', 'm': '6', '0': '7', 'b': '8', 'l': '9', 'a': '0' } # str 的translate方法需要用单个字符的十进制unicode编码作为key # value 中的数字会被当成十进制unicode编码转换成字符 # 也可以直接用字符串作为value char_table = {ord(key): ord(value) for key, value in char_table.items()} # 解码图片URL def decode(url): # 先替换字符串 for key, value in str_table.items(): url = url.replace(key, value) # 再替换剩下的字符 return url.translate(char_table) # 生成网址列表 def buildUrls(word): word = urllib.quote(word) url = r"{word}&cl=2&lm=-1&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&st=-1&ic=0&word={word}&face=0&istype=2nc=1&pn={pn}&rn=60" urls = (url.format(word=word, pn=x) for x in itertools.count(start=0, step=60)) return urls # 解析JSON获取图片URL re_url = re.compile(r'"objURL":"(.*?)"') def resolveImgUrl(html): imgUrls = [decode(x) for x in re_url.findall(html)] return imgUrls def downImg(imgUrl, dirpath, imgName): tempfile = os.path.join(dirpath, imgName) try: res = requests.get(imgUrl, timeout=15) if str(res.status_code)[0] == "4": print(str(res.status_code), ":" , imgUrl) return False except Exception as e: print("抛出异常:", imgUrl) print(e) return False with open(tempfile, "wb") as f: f.write(res.content) if os.path.getsize(tempfile) < 1024*10: print("small file") return False if imghdr.what(tempfile) == 'png': filename = os.path.join(dirpath, imgName+'.png') elif imghdr.what(tempfile) =='jpeg': filename = os.path.join(dirpath, imgName+'.jpg') elif imghdr.what(tempfile) =='jpg': filename = os.path.join(dirpath, imgName+'.jpg') elif imghdr.what(tempfile) =='bmp': filename = os.path.join(dirpath, imgName+'.bmp') else: print(imghdr.what(tempfile)) return False os.remove(tempfile) with open(filename, "wb") as f: f.write(res.content) return True def mkdir(path): path = path.strip() dirpath = os.path.join("/home/aimhabo/getBaiduiImage/images/",path) if not os.path.exists(dirpath): print ("新建文件夹") os.makedirs(dirpath) print (dirpath) return dirpath if __name__ == '__main__': #f = open('/home/aimhabo/getBaiduiImage/images.txt', 'r') #for line in f: # word = line.strip().decode('utf-8') word = 'cats猫' print("正在搜索:", word) dirpath = mkdir(word) word = str(word) urls = buildUrls(word) index = 1000 index_max = 1050 for url in urls: print("正在请求:", url) html = requests.get(url, timeout=10).content.decode('utf-8') imgUrls = resolveImgUrl(html) if len(imgUrls) == 0: # 没有图片则结束 break for url in imgUrls: if downImg(url, dirpath, str(index)): index += 1 print("index now on %s" % index) if index > index_max: break if index > index_max: break #f.close()
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【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步