COCO数据集使用super categories时出现IndexError: list index out of range


def getCatIds(self, catNms=[], supNms=[], catIds=[]):



    def getCatIds(self, catNms=[], supNms=[], catIds=[]):
        filtering parameters. default skips that filter.
        :param catNms (str array)  : get cats for given cat names
        :param supNms (str array)  : get cats for given supercategory names
        :param catIds (int array)  : get cats for given cat ids
        :return: ids (int array)   : integer array of cat ids
        #catNms = catNms if _isArrayLike(catNms) else [catNms]
        #supNms = supNms if _isArrayLike(supNms) else [supNms]
        #catIds = catIds if _isArrayLike(catIds) else [catIds]

        #if len(catNms) == len(supNms) == len(catIds) == 0:
        #    cats = self.dataset['categories']
        #    cats = self.dataset['categories']
        #    cats = cats if len(catNms) == 0 else [cat for cat in cats if cat['name']          in catNms]
        #    cats = cats if len(supNms) == 0 else [cat for cat in cats if cat['supercategory'] in supNms]
        #    cats = cats if len(catIds) == 0 else [cat for cat in cats if cat['id']            in catIds]
        #ids = [cat['id'] for cat in cats]
        ids = [cat['id'] for cat in self.dataset['categories']]
        return ids


posted @ 2020-05-09 15:19  aimhabo  阅读(1511)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报