
一. 词根 “a”
1. 表示 无 不 非 具有相反的意义
a + centric (中心的) = acentric (无中心的)
a + moral (道德的) = amoral (非道德的)
a + politic (政治的) = apolitical (道德的)
a + nomal (正常的) = anomaly (反常的)
2. 加在单词前 表示 .....的
a + sleep(睡觉) = asleep 睡着的
a + side(旁边的) = aside (旁边的)
a + live(活着) = alive (活着的)
a + head(头) = ahead (在前头的)
a + wash(冲洗) = alive (泛滥的)
二. 词根 “ab , abs”
1. 表示 相反 变坏 如果是好 变坏坏的变更坏
ab + normal(正常的) = abnormal (相反的)
ab + use(使用) = abuse (滥用的)
ab + sorb(吸收) = absorb (吸收掉)
ab + sent(出现) = absent (缺席的)
ab + duct(引导) = abduct (诱拐的)
ab + ject(抛) = abject (抛弃的,可怜的)
abs + tract(拉在一起) = abstract (抽象的 心不在焉的)
abs + tain(拿住) = abstain (拿不住的 戒绝)
abs + cond(藏起) = abscond (潜逃的)
abs + cind(剪切) = abscind (废除的)
abs + cise(切除) = abscise (切掉的)
三. 词根 “ab , abs”
ab- ac- ad- af- ag- an- ap- ar- as- at 等加在同福音字母的词根前 表示加强,一再
ac + company(陪伴) = accompany(同伴,公司)
ac + celer(加速) = accelerate (增加速度)
ac + compl(共同) = accomplish(强制)
ac + cent(歌唱) = accent (强调)
ac + cumul(堆积) = accumul (积累)
ac + custom(习惯) = accustom (习俗)

     ad + dict(说) = addict  (入迷) additive
     ad + duce(引导) = adduce (引证举例)

     af+ford(拿出) = afford(买得起)
     af+firm(肯定) = affirm(坚定)

     ag +gress(走) = aggression (进攻)
     ag +grand(大) = aggrandize (扩大)
     ag +gravate(重) = aggravate (加重)

     ap + pal(白) = appal (受惊)
     ap+ plause(赞扬) =  applause(赞扬)
     ap + reci(价值) = appreciate (欣赏)
     ap + point(指) = appoint (制定)

     ar + rest(休息) = ar(加强休息 -逮捕)
     ar + rive(河) = arrive (到达河边 到达)    

     as + soic(团体) = assoicate (联合)
     as + simil(相同) = assimilate (同化)
     as + sure(肯定) = assure (确定)
     as + sid(坐的住) = assiduous (勤奋)
     as + sist(站 站起来) = assist (帮助 助手)
     at + tend(关心) = attend (出现,)
     at + tract(拉) = attract (吸引)
     at + tain拿住() = attain (获得)    
     at + tach(接触) = attach (附属) 
     at + test(测试实验) = attest (证实) 

四. 词根 “ad ,” 表示 做 加强

  ad + ept(能力) = adept (熟练的) 
  ad + opt(选择) = adopt (踩奶) 
  ad + here(黏在一起) = adhere (坚持) 
  ad + jacent(躺) = adjacent (临近的) 
  ad + join(参加) = adjoin (临近) 
  ad + ministr(部长) = administrate (管理) 
  ad + mire(惊奇) = admire (羡慕) 
  ad + umbr(阴影) = adumbrate(预示 ) 
  ad + just(正确的) = adjust (调整的) 
  ad + venture(冒险) = adventure (冒险) 
  ad + monish(警告) = admonish (告诫) 
  ad + vent(来) = advent (到来) 

五. 词根 “amphi ,” 表示 两个 两种
amphi + car(车) = amphibian (水路两栖车)
amphi + bian(生命) = amphibian (两栖生物)
六. 词根 “an ,” 表示 无 不
an + arch(统治) = anarchism (无政府主义)
an + harmonic(和谐) = anharmonic (不和谐)
an + echo(回声) = anechoic (无回声的)
an + onymous(名字) = anonymous (匿名的)
七. 词根 “ana ,” 表示 错误 在旁边

  ana + logy(讲话) = analogy (类似) 
  ana + lysis(分析) = analysis (分析) 

八. 词根 “ante ,” 表示 前 先

  ante + date(日期) = antedate () 
  ante + erior(...的) = anterior (先前的) 
  ante + ced(走) = antecedent (走在前面的) 

九. 词根 “anti ,” 表示 反对 相反
anti + war(战争) = antiwar (反战争的)
anti + pathy(感情的) = antipathy (反感)
anti + thesis(论点) = antithesis (反论 对立)
anti + bacterial(细菌的) = antibacterial (抗菌的)
anti + body(身体) = antibody (抗体)
十. 词根 “antherop(o) ,” 表示 人 人类
antherop + logy(学) = antheroplogy (人类学)
antherop + logist(...人) = antheroplogist (人类学者)
adantherop+ ogeography(地理学) = antheropogeography (人类地理学)
antheropo+ morph (形) = antheropomorphous (人形的)
antheropo+ sociology (社会学) = antheroposociology (人类社会学)
十一. 1.词根 “popul ,” 表示 人民 大众
popul + ation(名词词尾) = population (人口)
popul + ate(动词词尾) = populate (使人口集中)
popul + ous(...的) = populous (人口稠密的)
popul + re~ate() = popul (重新定居的)
de + popular() = depopulate (减少人口)

  2.  词根 “demo ,”  表示 人民 民主
  demo + crat(统治) = democrat(民主主义) 
  demo + graphy(描述) = demography (人口统计学) 
  demo + epi(在...之间) = epidemic (流行的 人民间的) 
 3. andr(o) 男人     
  andr + gyne(女人) = andrgyne (阴阳人) 
 4.vir 男人
  vir + ile() =  virile(男人的) 
  vir + ilism() = virilism (男性现象) 
  vir + ilty() = virilty (男子气概) 
 5. gyn  gyno gyneco女人 
  gynec+ ology() = gynecology(妇科学) 
  gynec + ologist() = gynecologist (妇科医生) 
  gynec + ian() = gyncian (妇女的) 
 6. fem. femin 女
  femin + ine ...的 女性的
  femininty -ality 女性的。
  femininism 男女 平等主义

十二. 1.词根 “be ,” 表示 使....成为

  be +guile 欺骗 = beguile 欺骗 
  be + lie(说谎) = belie (掩盖) 
  be + queath(要求) = bequeath (遗留,) 
  be + siege(包围) = besiege (围攻) 
  be + ware(注意) = beware (注意) 
  be + friend(朋友) = befriend (友好对待) 
  be + fool(笨蛋) = befool (欺骗) 
  be + fall(降临) = befall(降临 发生) 
  be + little(小) = belittle (小看) 
  be + wilder(迷惑) = bewilder (使...迷惑) 

十三. 1.词根 “bene ,” 表示 友善 好
bene + vol(意愿) = benevolent (好意的)
bene + fact()做 = benefaction (好事)
bene + fit(做) = benefit (好处利益)
bene + dict()说 = benediction (祝福)
bene + ficent(做) = beneficent (做好事的)
十四. 1.词根 “bi ,” 表示 两个 俩
bi + week(星期) = biweekly (双周刊)
bi + lingual(语言) = bilingual (双语的)
bi + ennial(年) = biennial(两年的)
bi + annual(一年的) = biannual (一年两次的)
十五. 1.词根 “by ,” 表示 旁边的 副的
by + product(产品) = byproduct (副产品)
by + road(路) = byroad (路旁)
by + way(路) = byway (小路)
by + gone(过去的) = bygone (过时的)
by + pass(通过) = bypass (忽略)
by +work (工作) = bywork (副业)
十六.. 1.词根 “circum ,” 表示 旁边的 副的
circum + navigate(航行) = circumnavigate (环游世界)
circum + ference(带来) = circumference (周长)
circum + scrible(写) = circumscrible (限制)
circum + spect(看) = circumspect (小心谨慎的)
circum + vent(走) = circumvent (回避)
十七. 1.词根 “co ,” 表示 共同 通常元音前
co + operation(操作) = cooperation (合作)
co + agul(凝聚) = coagulate (凝聚一起)
co + ally(联合) = coalesce (合作)
co + exist(存在) = coexist (共存)
co + here(粘) = cohere (附着,粘着)
co + incide(进 掉下) = coincide (一致符合的)
co + ordinate(顺序) = cooradinate (协同同等的)
十八. 1.词根 “col,cor ,” 表示 共同 通常辅音前
col + laborate(劳作) = collaborate (协作)
col + locate(地方) = collocate (并置,排列)
col + lingual(语言)= collingual (同一种语言)
col + lapse(滑倒) = collapse (倒塌)
col + late(放) = collate (校对)
col + legi(读) = collegiate (学院的)
col + later(边) = collateral (并列的)
col + league(捆绑) = colleague (同事)
col + lect(选择) = collect (收集)
col + loqu(说话) = colloquial (口语的)
col + lusion(玩) = collusion (玩弄 阴谋)
cor + rect(正) = corret (正确)
cor + respond(反应) = correspend (通信)
cor+ rupt(断) = corrupt (腐败的)
cor + rig(正 改正) = corrigible (可以改正的)
cor + rober(力量) = corrobor (证实)
十九. 1.词根 “com,con ,” 表示 共同
com + bine(捆绑) = combine (联合)
com + passion(爱国,情感) = compassion (同情)
com + patriot(动) = compatriot (同胞)
com + mend(信任) = commend (赞扬,推荐)
com + memor(记住) = commemorate (纪念)
com + mensur(测量) = commensurable (相等的,想称的)
com + parison(平等) = comparison (比较)
com + pact(压紧) = compact (紧密的,合同)
com + fort(加强) = comfort (安慰)
com + mod(动) = commodious (宽敞的)
com + pete(追求) = compete (比赛)
com + pon(放) = component (成分)
com + press(压力) = compress (压缩)

  con + centric(中心) = concentric (通信的) 
  con + tempor(时间) = contemporary (同时代的) 
  con + clude(关闭) = conclude (总结,结束) 
  con + firm(坚定) = confirm (坚定证实) 
  con + dense(浓密) = condense (凝结,浓缩) 
  con + soild(坚固) = consoild (巩固加强) 
  con + flict(打) = conflict (冲突) 
  con + fluence(流) = confluence (汇流) 
  con + greg(集合) = congregate (集合的,矛盾)
  con + sole(安慰) = console (一起安慰) 

二十. 1.词根 “contra ,” 表示 相反的
contra + ary(...的) = contrary (相反的)
contra + vene(走) = contravene (违背)
contra + dict(说) = contradict (反驳)
contra + band(命令) = contraband (走私)
二十一. 1.词根 “counter ,” 表示 相反的
counter + act(行动) = counteract (对抗抵消)
counter + balance(平衡) = counterbalance (相对平衡)
counter + mand(命令) = countermand (撤销)
二十二. 1.词根 “de ,” 表示
1. 表示 去掉 变坏 离开 变慢 乡下
de + struct(结构) = destruct (破坏)
‘ de + salt(盐) = desalt (去盐)
de + forest(森林) = deforest砍伐森林()
‘ de + value(价值) = devalue (降低价值)
de + press(压力) = depress (压制)
‘ de + train(火车) = detrain (下火车)
de + celer(速度) = decelerate (降低速度)
‘ de + code(密码) = decode (破译密码)
de + fame(名称) = defame (诽谤)
2. 表示 加强
‘ de + limit(限制) = delimit (划定限制)
de + pict(绘画) = depict (描绘)
‘ de + fin(界限) = definition (定义 清晰)
二十三. 1.词根 “di ,” 表示 两个 双
di + chrom() = dichromatic ()
di + oxide() = dioxide ()
di + lemma() = dilemma ()
di + chotomize() = dichotomize ()
2. 表示分开
di + late(放) = dilate (膨胀,扩大)
di + lute(冲洗) = dilute (冲洗,稀释)
di + gest(带) = digest (消化,文摘)
di + mini(小) = diminish 减少,消失()
di + gress(走) = digress (离题)
di + vide(分开) = divide (分开)
di + vorce(转) = divorce (离婚) vert vor
二十四. 1.词根 “dia ,” 表示 穿过,二者之间
dia + logue(说话) = dialogue (对话)
dia + meter(测量) = diameter (直径)
dia + phan(显示) = diaphanous (透明的,精致的)
dia + lect(讲) = dialectic (辩证法)
dia + gnosis(知道) = diagnosis (诊断)
dia + gram(画图) = diagram (图表)
二十五. 1.词根 “dif ,” 表示 否定 分开
dif + fer(带来) = difference (不同)
dif + fid(信息) = diffident (自卑的)
dif + fuse(流) = diffuse (散布的,散开的)
dif + fic ult(做) = difficult (困难的)
dif + form(形状) = difform (不同形式的)
二十六. 1.词根 “dis ,” 表示 不 消失掉
dis + like(喜欢) = dislike (不喜欢)
dis + honest(诚实) = dishonest (不成熟)
dis + order(顺序) = disorder (无秩序)
dis + appear(出现) = disappear (消失)
dis + proof(证实) = disproof (反证,反驳)
dis + courage(勇气) = discourage (无勇气)
dis + arm(武装) = disarm (解除武装)
dis + pel(推) = dispel (推开,驱散)
dis + passionate(激情) = dispassionate (平静的)
dis + cover(盖) = discover (揭开 发现)
dis + may(能够) = dismay (沮丧)
dis + semin(种子) = disseminate (播种)
dis + pense(花费) = dispense (分配)
dis + tract(拉住) = distract (分心)
dis + tend(拉扯) = distend (膨胀)
dis + criminate(分辨) = discriminate (分辨)
dis + miss(送) = dismiss (解散)
dis + burse(钱包) = disburse (支出)
dis + card(仍) = discard (丢弃)
dis + cuss(敲打) = discuss (讨论)
二十七. 1.词根 “dys ,” 表示 坏 不良
dys + peps(胃) = dyspepsia (消化不良)
dys + trophy(营养) = dystrophy (营养不良)
二十八. 1.词根 “e ef ,” 表示 出 出来
e + long(长) = elongate (延长,拉长)
e + labor(劳动) = elaborate (精致细做的)
e + ject(投掷) = eject (投出)
‘ e + merge(淹没) = emerge (浮现)
e + vade(走) = evade (逃出 逃避)
‘ e + radic(根) = eradicate (根除)
ef + fluence(流) = effluence (流出)
二十九. 1.词根 “em en ,” 表示 进入 包围
em+ brace(胳膊) = embrace (拥抱)
‘ em + path(情感) = empathy (感情相融的)
em + barrass(套子) = embarrass (使难堪)
em + battle(战斗) = embattle (整军备战)
en + roll(名册) = enroll(计入名册)
en + cage(笼子) = encage (关进笼子)
en chain(链条) = enchain (束缚)
em + power(权利) = empower (授权)
em + bitter(痛苦) = embitter (使痛苦)
em + body (身体) = embody (体现)
em + bell(好) = embellish (装饰)
em + boss(凸出) = emboss (使突出)
em + pyreal(火) = emphreal (天空的)
em + act(动) = emact (颁订)
em + chant(咒语) = emchant (使沉迷)
em + compass(包围) = emcompass (围绕)
em + danger(危险) = emdanger (使危险)
em + courage(勇气) = emcourage (使勇气)
em + ligh(光) = emlighten (启发 开导)
三十. 1.词根 “epi ,” 表示 在...上 在..周围 在...后面
epi + dem(人民) = epidemic (流行的)
epi + gram(写) = epigram (格言,警句)
epi + logue(说) = epilogue (后记)
epi + sode(路 一段经历) = episode (一段经历 片段)
epi + tome(卷册) = epitome (缩影)
三十一. 1.词根 “eu ,” 表示 好 优秀
eu + log(说) = eulogize (赞美)
eu + phem(说) = euphemism (委婉的词)
eu + phon(声音) = euphon (好听的声音)
eu + rhythm(节奏) = eurhythmic (协调的)
eu + phor(带来) = euphoria (带来快感)
eu + genics() = eugenics ()
三十二. 1.词根 “ex ,” 表示 出 出去
ex + clude(关闭) = exclude (排外)
ex + pel(推) = expel (赶出 逐出)
ex + pose(放) = expose (暴露)
ex + alt(高) = exalt (升高)
ex + tract(拉) = extract (拔出)
ex + cise(切) = excise (切除)
ex + ceed(走) = exceed (超出,超过)
ex + hale(呼吸) = exhale (呼气)
ex + hume(土) = exhume (出土)
ex + purgate(冲洗) = expurgate (净化)
ex + wife(妻子) = ex-wife (前妻子)
三十三. 1.词根 “exo ,” 表示 外部的 外面
exo + tic(..的) = exotic (外面的)
exo + teric(...的) = exotric (外界的)
exo + president(总统) = exopresident (前总统)
exo + centric(中心) = exocentric (离心的)
exo + sphere(大气层) = exosphere (外大气层)
exo + odus(大量的) = exoodus (大批移出)
exo + thermic(热) = exothermic (放热)
三十四. 1.词根 “extra ,” 表示 超过的 以外的
extra + curriculum(课程表) = extracurriclum (课外的)
extra + ordinary(秩序) = extraordinary (格外的)
extra + solar(太阳) = extrasolar (太阳系外的)
extra + aneous(...的) = extraneous (外面的)
extra + vag(走) = extravagant ()奢侈的
extra + vert(转) = extravert (外向)
extra + pol(推) = extrapolate (推断)
extra + violet(紫色的) = extraviolet (紫外线的)
三十五. 1.词根 “fore ,” 表示 超过的 以外的
fore + stall(阻止) = forestall (阻止)
fore + father(父亲) = forefather (祖先)
fore + arm(胳膊) = forearm (祖先)
fore + cast(仍) = forecast (预告)
fore + shadow(影子) = foreshadow (预示)
fore + bode(兆头) = forebode (预兆)
三十六. 1.词根 “hetero ,” 表示 异种
hetero + sexual(性别) = heterosexual (异性的)
hetero + doxy() = heterodoxy (异端的)
hetero + geneous() = heterogeneous (异类的)
三十七. 1.词根 “homo ,” 表示 同类的
homo + gen(生产) = homogeneous (同类的)
homo + sexual(性别的) = homosexual (同性别的)
homo + cetric(中心的) = homocentric (同心的)
homo + genize(生产) = homogenize (使一致)
三十八. 1.词根 “hyper ,” 表示 超过的
hyper + active(活动的) = hyperactive (过度活动的)
hyper + senstive() = hypersensitive (超级敏感的)
hyper + critical() = hypercritical (吹毛求疵的)
hyper + bole() = hyperbole (夸张的)
hyper + tension() = hypertension (紧张的)
三十九. 1.词根 “hypo ,” 表示 下面次等的
hypo + derm(皮) = hypodermic (皮虾的)
hypo + thesis(论文) = hypothesis (假说)
hypo + mnes(记忆) = hypomnesia (记忆变的不好)
hypo + tropy() = hypotropy (发育不良)
四十. 1.词根 “il ir ,” 放在同辅音前 表示 不 无
il + legal() = illegal ()
il + literate() = illiterate ()
il + logical() = illogical ()
ir + regular() = irregular ()
ir + rational() = irrational ()
ir + relative() = irrelative ()
ir + relative() = irrelative ()
ir +resolute () = irresolute ()
ir + reproachable() = irreproachable ()
ir + refutable() = irrefutable ()
ir + resistible() = irresistible ()
ir + revocable() = irrevocable ()
ir + refutable() = irrefutable ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
il + () = il ()
ad + () = ad ()
ad + () = ad ()

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· 【硬核科普】Trae如何「偷看」你的代码?零基础破解AI编程运行原理
· 上周热点回顾(3.3-3.9)