Android 编译,烧机的一些方法

$ source build/

$ lunch xxx
$ make fullbuild -j8
$ make libril-qc-qmi-1 -j8    (编译qcril)
$ make qcrilhook -j8    (编译qcrilOemHook)


$ source build/

$ lunch <product>-userdebug

  • Please find the available products in config/products/, list of products will be shown as file with .mk extension.

$ make modem -j8 


repo forall -c "git reset --hard ; git clean -fdx"

Flash framework内容

adb root
adb remount
adb push framework/* /system/framework
adb reboot

Flash BP:

$ adb root
$ adb remount
$ adb shell mount -o rw,remount  /firmware
$ adb push image /firmware/image
$ adb shell sync
$ adb reboot

posted @ 2018-05-10 16:15  枫奇丶宛南  阅读(56)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报