springboot-openai-chatgpt bussiness logic vuln

## intro
 Least Privilege Violation, control any invitations to refresh the attacker's own balance or create a new account with a specified high number usage times.
## POC

The API `api/mjkj-chat/cgform-api/addData/${chatUserID}` is used by managers to add data. However, its permission check can be bypass with arbitrary user add controller, allowing normal users to execute this API successfully by exploiting the `chatUserID` parameter, which can be found in the normal chat history.

1. A normal user logs into the system and retrieves the `chatUserID` from their chat history.

2. Without any permission validation, the user sends a request to the `addData` API, using the `chatUserID` parameter they obtained.

POST /api/mjkj-chat/cgform-api/addData/${chatUserID}


“data”: “malicious data”


Since the API lacks a proper permission check, the normal user can successfully add data on behalf of the target user.


More details can be found in the code slice



## Result

user can access the service without payment.


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