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                                                 Career Palanning  职业规划
   What is career planning?
Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes choosing an occupation ,getting a job,growing in our job,possibly chan
ging careers,and eventually retiring.This book will focus on career choice athe process one goes through in selecting an occupation.This may happen once in our lifetime,but it is more likely to happen several times as we first define and then redefine ourselves and our goals.

   A Four Step Process

The career planning process is comprised of four steps. One might seek the services of a career development professional to help facilitate his or her journey through this process.Whether or not you choose to work with a professional,or  work through the professional,or work through the process on your own is less important than the amout of thought and energy you put into choosing a caeer.

   Self   自我认识
Gather information about yourself    进行自我评估
Interests                            兴趣
Values                               价值观
Roles                                角色
Skills/Aptitudes                     技术/才能
Preferred Environments               喜欢的工作环境
Developmental Needs                  职业发展需求
Your Realities                       你的实质

    Options  选择
Explore the occupations in which you are interested                   发掘你感兴趣的职业
Research the industries in which you would like to work               了解你想从事的领域
Research the Labour Market                                            搞清劳动力市场现状

   Match   资讯整合
During this phase of the process, you will:
Identify possible occupations
Evaluate these occupations
Explore alternatives
Choose both a short term and a long term option

   Action    行动
You will develop the steps you need to take in order to reach your goal,for example;
Investigating sources of additional training and education,if needed
Developing a job search strategy
Writing your resume
Gathering company information
Composing cover letters
Preparing for job interviews


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