
import socket
import ipaddress
import multiprocessing
import threading
import asyncio
import concurrent.futures
#pip install netifaces==0.11.0
import netifaces
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager

#4 linux: pip install uvloop
#import uvloop
# 使用 uvloop 作为默认的事件循环

# 获取当前的IP地址、子网掩码和网关
def get_network_info():
    interfaces = netifaces.interfaces()
    for interface in interfaces:
        addresses = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)
        if netifaces.AF_INET in addresses:
            ipv4_info = addresses[netifaces.AF_INET][0]
            ip = ipv4_info.get('addr')
            netmask = ipv4_info.get('netmask')
            gateway = netifaces.gateways()['default'][netifaces.AF_INET][0]
            return ip, netmask, gateway
    return None, None, None

# 打印要扫描的IP范围和端口范围
def print_scan_info(start_ip, end_ip, port_range):
    print(f"Scanning IP range: {start_ip} - {end_ip}")
    print(f"Scanning port range: {port_range[0]} - {port_range[1]}")

# 尝试检测服务名称
def get_service_name(port, ip=''):
        service_name = socket.getservbyport(port)
    except OSError:
        service_name = 'Unknown Service'
    return service_name

# 获取当前IP所在的局域网网段
def get_local_network():
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    local_ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)

    # 假设使用的是标准子网掩码 (CIDR: /24)
    ip_network = ipaddress.ip_network(f'{local_ip}/24', strict=False)
    return ip_network

# 服务识别
def identify_service(response):
    # 识别 HTTP 服务
    if 'HTTP' in response:
        return 'HTTP Service'

    # 识别 FTP 服务
    if '220' in response:
        if 'FTP' in response:
            return 'FTP Service'

    # 识别 SMTP 服务
    if '220' in response:
        if 'ESMTP' in response:
            return 'SMTP Service'

    # 识别 SSH 服务
    if 'SSH' in response:
        return 'SSH Service'

    # 识别 Redis 服务
    if 'Redis' in response:
        return 'Redis Service'

    # 识别 MySQL 服务
    if 'MySQL' in response:
        return 'MySQL Service'

    # 识别 PostgreSQL 服务
    if 'PostgreSQL' in response or 'postgres' in response:
        return 'PostgreSQL Service'

    # 识别 MongoDB 服务
    if 'MongoDB' in response or 'mongo' in response:
        return 'MongoDB Service'

    # 识别 MS SQL 服务
    if 'Microsoft SQL Server' in response or 'SQL Server' in response:
        return 'MS SQL Service'

    # 识别 Oracle DB 服务
    if 'Oracle' in response:
        return 'Oracle DB Service'

    # 识别 RDP 服务
    if 'RDP' in response or 'Remote Desktop' in response:
        return 'RDP Service'

    # 识别 LDAP 服务
    if 'LDAP' in response or 'Directory Service' in response:
        return 'LDAP Service'

    # 识别 SNMP 服务
    if 'SNMP' in response or 'Simple Network Management Protocol' in response:
        return 'SNMP Service'

    # 识别 SIP 服务
    if 'SIP' in response or 'Session Initiation Protocol' in response:
        return 'SIP Service'

    # 识别 VNC 服务
    if 'VNC' in response or 'Virtual Network Computing' in response:
        return 'VNC Service'

    # 识别 XMPP 服务
    if 'XMPP' in response or 'Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol' in response:
        return 'XMPP Service'

    # 识别 NTP 服务
    if 'NTP' in response or 'Network Time Protocol' in response:
        return 'NTP Service'

    # 识别 DHCP 服务
    if 'DHCP' in response or 'Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol' in response:
        return 'DHCP Service'

    # 识别 IMAP 服务
    if 'IMAP' in response or 'Internet Message Access Protocol' in response:
        return 'IMAP Service'

    # 识别 POP3 服务
    if 'POP3' in response or 'Post Office Protocol' in response:
        return 'POP3 Service'

    # 识别 Telnet 服务
    if 'Telnet' in response:
        return 'Telnet Service'

    # 识别 HTTP Proxy 服务
    if 'Proxy' in response or 'HTTP Proxy' in response:
        return 'HTTP Proxy Service'

    # 识别 Git 服务
    if 'Git' in response:
        return 'Git Service'

    # 识别 Elasticsearch 服务
    if 'Elasticsearch' in response:
        return 'Elasticsearch Service'

    # 识别 Solr 服务
    if 'Solr' in response:
        return 'Solr Service'

    # 识别 Memcached 服务
    if 'Memcached' in response:
        return 'Memcached Service'

    # 识别 RabbitMQ 服务
    if 'RabbitMQ' in response:
        return 'RabbitMQ Service'

    # 识别 Couchbase 服务
    if 'Couchbase' in response:
        return 'Couchbase Service'

    # 识别 CouchDB 服务
    if 'CouchDB' in response:
        return 'CouchDB Service'

    # 识别 MariaDB 服务
    if 'MariaDB' in response:
        return 'MariaDB Service'

    # 识别 Cassandra 服务
    if 'Cassandra' in response:
        return 'Cassandra Service'

    # 识别 InfluxDB 服务
    if 'InfluxDB' in response:
        return 'InfluxDB Service'

    # 识别 Zookeeper 服务
    if 'Zookeeper' in response:
        return 'Zookeeper Service'

    # 识别 Redis Sentinel 服务
    if 'Redis Sentinel' in response:
        return 'Redis Sentinel Service'

    # 识别 Memcached 服务
    if 'Memcached' in response:
        return 'Memcached Service'

    # 识别 Prometheus 服务
    if 'Prometheus' in response:
        return 'Prometheus Service'

    # 识别 Grafana 服务
    if 'Grafana' in response:
        return 'Grafana Service'

    # 识别 Jenkins 服务
    if 'Jenkins' in response:
        return 'Jenkins Service'

    # 识别 Docker 服务
    if 'Docker' in response:
        return 'Docker Service'

    # 识别 Kubernetes 服务
    if 'Kubernetes' in response:
        return 'Kubernetes Service'

    # 识别 Kubernetes Dashboard 服务
    if 'Kubernetes Dashboard' in response:
        return 'Kubernetes Dashboard Service'

    # 识别 Vault 服务
    if 'Vault' in response:
        return 'Vault Service'

    # 识别 Harbor 服务
    if 'Harbor' in response:
        return 'Harbor Service'

    # 识别 Istio 服务
    if 'Istio' in response:
        return 'Istio Service'

    # 识别 Nginx 服务
    if 'Nginx' in response:
        return 'Nginx Service'

    # 识别 HAProxy 服务
    if 'HAProxy' in response:
        return 'HAProxy Service'

    # 识别 OpenVPN 服务
    if 'OpenVPN' in response:
        return 'OpenVPN Service'

    # 识别 WireGuard 服务
    if 'WireGuard' in response:
        return 'WireGuard Service'

    # 识别 Squid Proxy 服务
    if 'Squid' in response:
        return 'Squid Proxy Service'

    # 识别 Samba 服务
    if 'Samba' in response:
        return 'Samba Service'

    # 识别 TeamSpeak 服务
    if 'TeamSpeak' in response:
        return 'TeamSpeak Service'

    # 如果无法识别
    return 'Unknown Service'

# 扫描一个端口是否开放
async def scan_port(ip, port, semaphore, timeout=3):
    async with semaphore:
            reader, writer = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection(ip, port), timeout=timeout)

            # async with lock:
            service_name = get_service_name(port)
            # 获取服务的banner信息
            service_banner, service = await identify_service_from_banner(ip, port)
            print(f"{ip}:{port} is open, 标准Service: {service_name} 网络服务标识返回:{service_banner} 服务含义:{service}")

            await writer.wait_closed()

# 通用的TCP Banner Grabbing方法
async def identify_service_from_banner(ip, port):
        reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(ip, port)
        writer.write(b"\r\n")  # 发送一个空行以触发 Banner 返回
        await writer.drain()

        banner = await reader.read(4096)
        await writer.wait_closed()

        if banner:
            service_name = identify_service(banner.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore'))
            return banner.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore').strip(), service_name
            return "No banner received", "Unknown Service"
    except (asyncio.TimeoutError, ConnectionRefusedError, OSError):
        return "Unknown Service", "Unknown Service"

# 多线程扫描指定IP的所有端口
def scan_ip(ip, port_range, timeout=3):
    # 限制同时进行的任务数量,避免资源占用过多
    loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
    semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(64)  # 限制同时进行的任务数量

    tasks = [loop.create_task(scan_port(ip, port, semaphore, timeout=timeout)) for port in range(port_range[0], port_range[1] + 1)]

# 每个进程调用的扫描函数
def process_scan(start_ip, end_ip, port_range, timeout=3, max_threads=10):
    start_int = int(ipaddress.ip_address(start_ip))
    end_int = int(ipaddress.ip_address(end_ip))

    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_threads) as executor:  # 每个进程内的线程池大小
        for ip_int in range(start_int, end_int + 1):
            ip_address = str(ipaddress.ip_address(ip_int))
            executor.submit(scan_ip, ip_address, port_range, timeout)

# 使用进程池扫描一个IP段的所有IP
def scan_network(start_ip, end_ip, max_processes=4, max_threads=4, timeout=3, port_range=(1, 65535)):
    # 计算每个进程处理的IP段范围
    start_int = int(ipaddress.ip_address(ip_list[0]))
    end_int = int(ipaddress.ip_address(ip_list[-1]))
    total_ips = end_int - start_int + 1
    ips_per_process = total_ips // max_processes
    with Pool(processes=max_processes) as pool:
        for i in range(max_processes):
            process_start_ip = str(ipaddress.ip_address(start_int + i * ips_per_process))
            process_end_ip = str(
                ipaddress.ip_address(start_int + (i + 1) * ips_per_process - 1)) if i < max_processes - 1 else str(
            pool.apply_async(process_scan, (process_start_ip, process_end_ip, port_range, timeout, max_threads))


if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Windows 系统中显式设置 `multiprocessing` 的启动方式为 "spawn"

    # 获取并打印网络信息
    current_ip, netmask, gateway = get_network_info()
    print(f"Current IP: {current_ip}")
    print(f"Netmask: {netmask}")
    print(f"Gateway: {gateway}")

    port_range = (1, 65535)

    max_processes = 2

    # ip_range_per_process = 32  # 每个进程处理的IP数量

    # 设置线程数量
    max_threads = 4

    # 设置端口扫描超时时间(秒)
    timeout = 1

    # 获取当前局域网网段
    local_network = get_local_network()
    print(f"Scanning network: {local_network}")

    # 使用多进程扫描整个网段
    # processes = []
    ip_list = list(local_network.hosts())  # 获取所有主机IP

    # 扫描IP段
    scan_network(ipaddress.ip_address(ip_list[0]), ipaddress.ip_address(ip_list[-1]), max_processes, max_threads, timeout, port_range)


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