sklearn 缺失值处理器: Imputer
class sklearn.preprocessing.Imputer(missing_values=’NaN’, strategy=’mean’, axis=0, verbose=0, copy=True)
- missing_values: integer or “NaN”, optional (default=”NaN”)
- strategy : string, optional (default=”mean”)
- The imputation strategy.
- If “mean”, then replace missing values using the mean along the axis. 使用平均值代替
- If “median”, then replace missing values using the median along the axis.使用中值代替
- If “most_frequent”, then replace missing using the most frequent value along the axis.使用众数代替,也就是出现次数最多的数
- The imputation strategy.
- axis: 默认为 axis=0
- axis = 0, 按列处理
- aixs =1 , 按行处理
- Imputer 只接受DataFrame类型
- Dataframe 中必须全部为数值属性
- 数值属性的列较少,可以将数值属性的列取出来 单独取出来
import pandas as pd import numpy as np df=pd.DataFrame([["XXL", 8, "black", "class 1", 22], ["L", np.nan, "gray", "class 2", 20], ["XL", 10, "blue", "class 2", 19], ["M", np.nan, "orange", "class 1", 17], ["M", 11, "green", "class 3", np.nan], ["M", 7, "red", "class 1", 22]]) df.columns=["size", "price", "color", "class", "boh"] print(df) # out: ''' size price color class boh 0 XXL 8.0 black class 1 22.0 1 L NaN gray class 2 20.0 2 XL 10.0 blue class 2 19.0 3 M NaN orange class 1 17.0 4 M 11.0 green class 3 NaN 5 M 7.0 red class 1 22.0 ''' from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer # 1. 创建Imputer器 imp =Imputer(missing_values="NaN", strategy="mean",axis=0 ) # 先只将处理price列的数据, 注意使用的是 df[['price']] 这样返回的是一个DataFrame类型的数据!!!! # 2. 使用fit_transform()函数即可完成缺失值填充了 df["price"]=imp.fit_transform(df[["price"]]) df # out: ''' size price color class boh 0 XXL 8.0 black class 1 22.0 1 L 9.0 gray class 2 20.0 2 XL 10.0 blue class 2 19.0 3 M 9.0 orange class 1 17.0 4 M 11.0 green class 3 NaN 5 M 7.0 red class 1 22.0 ''' # 直接处理price和boh两列 df[['price', 'boh']] = imp.fit_transform(df[['price', 'boh']]) df # out: ''' size price color class boh 0 XXL 8.0 black class 1 22.0 1 L 9.0 gray class 2 20.0 2 XL 10.0 blue class 2 19.0 3 M 9.0 orange class 1 17.0 4 M 11.0 green class 3 20.0 5 M 7.0 red class 1 22.0 '''
- 数值属性的列较多,相反文本或分类属性(text and category attribute)较少,可以先删除文本属性,处理完以后再合并
from sklearn.preprocessing import Imputer # 1.创建Iimputer imputer = Imputer(strategy="median") # 只有一个文本属性,故先去掉 housing_num = housing.drop("ocean_proximity", axis=1) # 2. 使用fit_transform函数 X = imputer.fit_transform(housing_num) # 返回的是一个numpyarray,要转化为DataFrame housing_tr = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=housing_num.columns) # 将文本属性值添加 housing_tr['ocean_proximity'] = housing["ocean_proximity"] housing_tr[:2] # out: ''' longitude latitude housing_median_age total_rooms total_bedrooms population households median_income 0 -121.89 37.29 38.0 1568.0 351.0 710.0 339.0 2.7042 1 -121.93 37.05 14.0 679.0 108.0 306.0 113.0 6.4214 '''