PowerShell to Create New Mailboxes in the smallest database in Exchange 2007 Organization
Loadbalance of the Exchange Database is very important. We need to make sure that database is not dumped with all the mailbox and once database gets big then move maiboxes to the other database. We can automate this process buy make the script to find the smallest size of the database in the Exchange orginisation and create the mailbox in the same
$MailboxSvr = Get-MailboxServer | select name $i = 0 foreach($svr in $mailboxsvr) { $db = Get-MailboxDatabase -Server $svr.Name foreach($database in $db) { $Server = $database.Server.Name $Db = $database.Identity $edbfilepath = $database.EdbFilePath $path = “`\`\” + $Server + “`\” + $edbfilepath.DriveName.Remove(1) + “$”+ $edbfilepath.PathName.Remove(0,2) $Dbsize = get-item $path |select-object length $K = $Server + ” ” + $Db + ” ” + $Dbsize.Length if ($i -eq 0 ) { $edbsize = $Dbsize.Length } If ($edbsize -gt $Dbsize.Length) { $edbsize = $Dbsize.Length $sdb = $database.Identity }
$i = 1 } } Write-output “ENTER THE FOLLOWING DETAILS” $DName = Read-Host “User Diplay Name “ $FName = Read-Host “First Name “ $LName = Read-Host “Last Name “ $passwd = Read-Host “Password ” -asSecureString $PrincipalName = $FName + “.” + $LName + “@domain.com” $Aliasname = $FName + “.” + $LName New-Mailbox -Name $DName -Database $sdb -UserPrincipalName $PrincipalName -FirstName $FName -LastName $LName -Alias $Aliasname -Password $passwd -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $true -SamAccountName $Aliasname