

envoy这个组件的expoter路径为 /stats/prometheus,那么这样的特殊路径如何配置,才能让vm-agent抓取到?

  • 方法1:在 prometheus_cfg.yaml中使用static_config,对所有envoy配置 metric_path
    • 非常麻烦,而且需要让vm-agent不停加载配置
  • 方法2:使用filesd的方法来配置,然后在JSON中通过__metrics_path__字段指定特殊路径。
    • 不行,这个方法走不通
  • 方法3:使用httpsd来配置,然后在JSON中通过__metrics_path__字段指定特殊路径。
    • 这个方法OK


// ScrapeWork represents a unit of work for scraping Prometheus metrics.
// It must be immutable during its lifetime, since it is read from concurrently running goroutines.
type ScrapeWork struct {
	// Full URL (including query args) for the scrape.
	ScrapeURL string

	// Interval for scraping the ScrapeURL.
	ScrapeInterval time.Duration

	// Timeout for scraping the ScrapeURL.
	ScrapeTimeout time.Duration

	// How to deal with conflicting labels.
	// See https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#scrape_config
	HonorLabels bool

	// How to deal with scraped timestamps.
	// See https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#scrape_config
	HonorTimestamps bool

	// Whether to deny redirects during requests to scrape config.
	DenyRedirects bool

	// OriginalLabels contains original labels before relabeling.
	// These labels are needed for relabeling troubleshooting at /targets page.
	OriginalLabels []prompbmarshal.Label

	// Labels to add to the scraped metrics.
	// The list contains at least the following labels according to https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#relabel_config
	//     * job
	//     * __address__
	//     * __scheme__
	//     * __metrics_path__
	//     * __scrape_interval__
	//     * __scrape_timeout__
	//     * __param_<name>
	//     * __meta_*
	//     * user-defined labels set via `relabel_configs` section in `scrape_config`
	// See also https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/jobs_instances/
	Labels []prompbmarshal.Label

	// ProxyURL HTTP proxy url
	ProxyURL *proxy.URL

	// Auth config for ProxyUR:
	ProxyAuthConfig *promauth.Config

	// Auth config
	AuthConfig *promauth.Config

	// Optional `metric_relabel_configs`.
	MetricRelabelConfigs *promrelabel.ParsedConfigs

	// The maximum number of metrics to scrape after relabeling.
	SampleLimit int

	// Whether to disable response compression when querying ScrapeURL.
	DisableCompression bool

	// Whether to disable HTTP keep-alive when querying ScrapeURL.
	DisableKeepAlive bool

	// Whether to parse target responses in a streaming manner.
	StreamParse bool

	// The interval for aligning the first scrape.
	ScrapeAlignInterval time.Duration

	// The offset for the first scrape.
	ScrapeOffset time.Duration

	// Optional limit on the number of unique series the scrape target can expose.
	SeriesLimit int

	// The original 'job_name'
	jobNameOriginal string

posted on 2022-05-26 16:57  ahfuzhang  阅读(134)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报