Oil refining machine Different areas, olive varieties of olive fruit

OIL REFINING MACHINE Different areas, olive varieties of olive fruit, produce different standards of olive oil, according to the October 2009 introduction of the "GB 23347-2009" olive oil, olive pomace oil national standards, in addition to acidity, the trans fatty acids But also to identify refined olive oil and extra virgin olive oil standards: the c18: 1T, c18: 2T + c18: 3T integrated value ≤ 0.1%. According to the International Olive Oil Council standards, the so-called olive pomace oil that olive pomace oil can not indicate the name of olive oil.

Oil refining machine (Bulk Oil): the vast majority of sales in the supermarket are the industrial oil. Italy and Spain are the largest producers of such industrial oils. They are from the world's major producing areas of low-cost acquisition of vats of crude oil, and then mixed blending. This type of olive oil is not planted on the label, only marked the origin of filling. Because it is based on a unified formula for blending, so the general taste of industrial oil is more uniform, but because of its low price, by the general consumer welcome.

●Oil refining machine Anti-cancer can reduce the incidence of cancer and enhance cancer patients chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment.

●Oil refining machine anti-aging and Li Zhi Jiannao can slow down the elderly nerve cell function degradation and brain atrophy, which can prevent and delay the occurrence of senile dementia.

Oil refining machine women often eat olive oil, can enhance skin elasticity, received the effect of moisturizing beauty: Greece has a Mediterranean named Cretan island, island residents of stroke, cancer, Alzheimer's disease Rate is the lowest in the world, almost no heart disease, life expectancy is also long. The World Health Organization survey, one of the reasons is. The island is rich in olives, inhabitants of the olive oil as a daily edible oil: Today, foreign nutritionists best known healthy diet model is the "Mediterranean diet", the Mediterranean diet is an important component of the residents daily consumption of olive oil.


posted on 2017-02-16 10:54  agrimachinery  阅读(128)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报