
(转)WindowsMobile 开发索引--http://www.cnblogs.com/wmj/

2010-05-29 00:13  Aga.J  阅读(409)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

WindowsMobile 开发索引

windowsPhone 界面

windowsPhone My beautiful transparentImage control with IImagingFactory 

windowsPhone my beautiful loading control

my custom windowsMobile soft key control 

windowsPhone 语音

windowsPhone play voice

windowsPhone fuck winmm.dll 

windowsPhone web服务

windowsPhone webservice compression for cf

windowsMobile调用webservice 传递struct参数的问题

windowsPhone sip

windowsPhone call sip

windowsPhone 平台调用



windowsPhone 多线程


Mobile Invoke 

windowsPhone 声明不同参数的委托 

windowsPhone 线程单一性 

windowsPhone PKI

Mobile PKI

windowsPhone 串口通讯

windowsPhone 串口通讯

windowsPhone 照相机 

windowsMobile CameraCaptureDialog 抛出An invalid argument was specified 

windowsPhone 设备管理 

windowsPhone 电源管理 

windowsPhone other

windowsPhone Assembly.GetCallingAssembly and GetExecutingAssembly 

windowsPhone 常见进程

windowsPhone GetManifestResourceStream method throw null exception

with ref to call native code in csharp

Windows Mobile 6 SDK Refresh - Samples

Be careful this.Hide method

windowsMobile Form.Close Method

windowsMobile Minimum

clsoe windowMobiel system

windowsMobile System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes 不兼容问题

CF Type Recursive Load
