Cluster - HA -keepalived








第1章 keepalived服务说明

1.1 keepalived是什么?


  Keepalived软件主要是通过VRRP协议实现高可用功能的。VRRP是Virtual Router RedundancyProtocol(虚拟路由器冗余协议)的缩写,VRRP出现的目的就是为了解决静态路由单点故障问题的,它能够保证当个别节点宕机时,整个网络可以不间断地运行。

  所以,Keepalived 一方面具有配置管理LVS的功能,同时还具有对LVS下面节点进行健康检查的功能,另一方面也可实现系统网络服务的高可用功能。


1.2 keepalived服务的三个重要功能




1.3 Keepalived高可用故障切换转移原理

  Keepalived高可用服务对之间的故障切换转移,是通过 VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol ,虚拟路由器冗余协议)来实现的。

  在 Keepalived服务正常工作时,主 Master节点会不断地向备节点发送(多播的方式)心跳消息,用以告诉备Backup节点自己还活看,当主 Master节点发生故障时,就无法发送心跳消息,备节点也就因此无法继续检测到来自主 Master节点的心跳了,于是调用自身的接管程序,接管主Master节点的 IP资源及服务。而当主 Master节点恢复时,备Backup节点又会释放主节点故障时自身接管的IP资源及服务,恢复到原来的备用角色。


  VRRP ,全 称 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol ,中文名为虚拟路由冗余协议 ,VRRP的出现就是为了解决静态踣甶的单点故障问题,VRRP是通过一种竞选机制来将路由的任务交给某台VRRP路由器的。

1.4 keepalived 原理


1.4.2 文字,表述


  Keepalived高可用对之间是通过VRRP通信的,因此,我们从 VRRP开始了解起:

    1) VRRP,全称 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol,中文名为虚拟路由冗余协议,VRRP的出现是为了解决静态路由的单点故障。

    2) VRRP是通过一种竟选协议机制来将路由任务交给某台 VRRP路由器的。

    3) VRRP用 IP多播的方式(默认多播地址(224.0_0.18))实现高可用对之间通信。

    4) 工作时主节点发包,备节点接包,当备节点接收不到主节点发的数据包的时候,就启动接管程序接管主节点的开源。备节点可以有多个,通过优先级竞选,但一般 Keepalived系统运维工作中都是一对。

    5) VRRP使用了加密协议加密数据,但Keepalived官方目前还是推荐用明文的方式配置认证类型和密码。

  介绍完 VRRP,接下来我再介绍一下 Keepalived服务的工作原理:

  Keepalived高可用对之间是通过 VRRP进行通信的, VRRP是遑过竞选机制来确定主备的,主的优先级高于备,因此,工作时主会优先获得所有的资源,备节点处于等待状态,当主挂了的时候,备节点就会接管主节点的资源,然后顶替主节点对外提供服务。

  在 Keepalived服务对之间,只有作为主的服务器会一直发送 VRRP广播包,告诉备它还活着,此时备不会枪占主,当主不可用时,即备监听不到主发送的广播包时,就会启动相关服务接管资源,保证业务的连续性.接管速度最快可以小于1秒。

第2章 keepalived软件使用

2.1 软件的部署

2.1.1 第一个里程碑 keepalived软件安装

 yum install keepalived -y 


第二个里程碑: 进行默认配置测试

2.1.2 配置文件说明



15-30行 虚拟ip配置 brrp



2.1.3 最终配置文件





2.1.4 启动keepalived


2.1.5 【说明】在进行访问测试之前要保证后端的节点都能够单独的访问。

测试连通性.    后端节点


2.1.6 查看虚拟ip状态


2.1.7 【总结】配置文件修改


    01. router_id 信息不一致

    02. state 状态描述信息不一致

    03. priority 主备竞选优先级数值不一致

2.2 脑裂






2.2.1 脑裂产生的原因


    😶 高可用服务器对之间心跳线链路发生故障,导致无法正常通信。





    😶  高可用服务器上开启了 iptables防火墙阻挡了心跳消息传输。

    😶 高可用服务器上心跳网卡地址等信息配置不正确,导致发送心跳失败。

    😶 其他服务配置不当等原因,如心跳方式不同,心跳广插冲突、软件Bug等。

    提示: Keepalived配置里同一 VRRP实例如果 virtual_router_id两端参数配置不一致也会导致裂脑问题发生。


2.2.2 常见的解决方案


  🎑 同时使用串行电缆和以太网电缆连接,同时用两条心跳线路,这样一条线路坏了,另一个还是好的,依然能传送心跳消息。

  🎑 当检测到裂脑时强行关闭一个心跳节点(这个功能需特殊设备支持,如Stonith、feyce)。相当于备节点接收不到心跳消患,通过单独的线路发送关机命令关闭主节点的电源。

  🎑  做好对裂脑的监控报警(如邮件及手机短信等或值班).在问题发生时人为第一时间介入仲裁,降低损失。例如,百度的监控报警短倍就有上行和下行的区别。报警消息发送到管理员手机上,管理员可以通过手机回复对应数字或简单的字符串操作返回给服务器.让服务器根据指令自动处理相应故障,这样解决故障的时间更短.


2.3 如何进行脑裂情况监控

2.3.1 在什么服务器上进行监控?


2.3.2 监控什么信息?




2.3.3 编写监控脑裂脚本



2.3.4 测试 确保两台负载均衡能够正常负载


2.4 排错过程


  2)curl 负载均衡服务器地址,可以实现负载均衡


    keepalived日志文件位置 /var/log/messages

2.5 更改nginx反向代理配置 只监听vip地址

修改nginx监听参数  listen; 



2.6 让keepalived监控nginx






2.6.1 使用keepalived的监控脚本

  说明 执行的脚本名称尽量不要和服务名称相同或相似


2.7 多实例的配置

2.7.1 lb01的keepalived配置文件


2.7.2 修改lb02的keepalived配置文件


修改nginx配置文件,让bbs 与www分别监听不同的ip地址






 2.8 keepalived双主模式示意图 


Software Design

Keepalived is integrally written is pure ANSI/ISO C. The software is articulated around a central I/O multiplexer that provide realtime networking design. The main design focus were to provide an homogene modularity between all elements, this why a core library were created to remove code duplication. On the other hand, the goal were to produce a safe and secure code to ensure production robustness and stability.

To ensure robustness and stability, daemon is split into 3 distinct processes. The global design is based on a minimalistic parent process in charge with forked children process monitoring. Then 2 children processes, one responsible for VRRP framework and the other for healthchecking. Each children process has its own scheduling I/O multiplexer, that way VRRP scheduling jitter is optimized since VRRP scheduling is more sensible/critical than healthcheckers. On the other hand this split design minimalize for healthchecking the usage of foreign librairies and minimalize its own action down to and idle mainloop in order to avoid malfunctions caused by itself. The parent process monitoring framework is called watchdog, the design is : each children process open an accept unix domain socket, then while daemon bootstrap, parent process connect to those unix domain socket and send periodic (5s) hello packets to children. If parent cannot send hello packet to remote connected unix domain socket it simply restart children process. This watchdog design offers 2 benefits, first of all hello packets sent from parent process to remote connected children is done throught I/O multiplexer scheduler that way it can detect deadloop in the children scheduling framework. The second benefit is brought by the uses of sysV signal to detect dead children. When running you will see in process list :

  111 Keepalived <-- Parent process monitoring children
  112 \_ Keepalived <-- VRRP child
  113 \_ Keepalived <-- Healthchecking child

All the atomic elements are introduced bellow :

Control Plane :
Keepalived configuration is done throught the file keepalived.conf. A compiler design is used for parsing. Parser work with a keyword tree hierarchy for mapping each configuration keyword with specifics handler. A central multi-level recursive function read the configuration file and traverse the keyword tree. During parsing, configuration file is translated into an internal memory representation.
Scheduler - I/O Multiplexer :
All the event are scheduled into the same process. Keepalived is a single process. Keepalived is a network routing software, it is so closed to I/O. The design used here is a central select(...) that is in charge of scheduling all internal task. POSIX thread libs are NOT used. This framework provide its own thread abstraction optimized for networking purpose.
Memory Management :
This framework provides acces to some generic memory managements functions like allocation, reallocation, release,... This framework can be used in two mode : normal_mode & debug_mode. When using debug_mode it provide a strong way to eradicate and track memory leaks. This low level env provide buffer under-run protection by tracking allocation memory and released. All the buffer used are length fixed to prevent against eventual buffer-overflow.
Core components :
This framework define some common and global libraries that are used in all the code. Those libraries are : html parsing, link-list, timer, vector, string formating, buffer dump, networking utils, daemon management, pid handling, low level TCP layer4. The goal here is to factorize code to the max to limite as possible code duplication to increase modularity.

WatchDog :
This framework provide children processes monitoring (VRRP & Healthchecking). Each child accept connection to its own watchdog unix domain socket. Parent process send "hello" messages to this child unix domain socket. Hello messages are sent using I/O multiplexer on the parent side and accepted/processed using I/O multiplexer on children side. If parent detect broken pipe it test using sysV signal if child is still alive and restart it.

Checkers :
This is one of the main Keepalived functionnality. Checkers are in charge of realserver healthchecking. A checker test if realserver is alive, this test end on a binary decision : remove or add realserver from/into the LVS topology. The internal checker design is realtime networking software, it use a fully multi-threaded FSM design (Finite State Machine). This checker stack provide LVS topology manipulation accoring to layer4 to layer5/7 test results. Its run in an independent process monitored by parent process.
VRRP Stack :
The other most important Keepalived functionnality. VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol : RFC2338) is focused on director takeover, it provide low-level design for router backup. It implements full IETF RFC2338 standard with some provisions and extensions for LVS and Firewall design. It implements the vrrp_sync_group extension that guarantee persistence routing path after protocol takeover. It implements IPSEC-AH using MD5-96bit crypto provision for securing protocol adverts exchange. For more informations on VRRP please read the RFC. Important things : VRRP code can be used without the LVS support, it has been designed for independant use.Its run in an independent process monitored by parent process.
System call :
This framework offer the ability to launch extra system script. It is mainly used in the MISC checker. In VRRP framework it provides the ability to launch extra script during protocol state transition. The system call is done into a forked process to not pertube the global scheduling timer.

The SMTP protocol is used for administration notification. It implements the IETF RFC821 using a multi-threaded FSM design. Administration notifications are sent for healthcheckers activities and VRRP protocol state transition. SMTP is commonly used and can be interfaced with any other notification sub-system such as GSM-SMS, pagers, ... 
Netlink Reflector :
Same as IPVS wrapper. Keepalived work with its own network interface representation. IP address and interface flags are set and monitored through kernel Netlink channel. The Netlink messaging sub-system is used for setting VRRP VIPs. On the other hand, the Netlink kernel messaging broadcast capability is used to reflect into our userspace Keepalived internal data representation any events related to interfaces. So any other userspace (others program) netlink manipulation is reflected to our Keepalived data representation via Netlink Kernel broadcast (RTMGRP_LINK & RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADDR).
IPVS wrapper :
This framework is used for sending rules to the Kernel IPVS code. It provides translation between Keepalived internal data representation and IPVS rule_user representation. It uses the IPVS libipvs to keep generic integration with IPVS code.
The Linux Kernel code provided by Wensong from LinuxVirtualServer.orgOpenSource Project.

The Linux Kernel code provided by Alexey Kuznetov with its very nice advanced routing framework and sub-system capabilities.
posted @ 2018-07-26 19:36  依忆伊意壹懿  阅读(266)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报