
CentOS6上安装sqlite 3.40.1

2024-04-15 14:20  安达小狗  阅读(102)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

因为CentOS6版本略低,所以不能安装太高版本的sqlite,因此试着安装了一下 3.40.1



Compiling for Unix-like systems

tar xzf sqlite.tar.gz ;# Unpack the source tree into "sqlite"
mkdir bld ;# Build will occur in a sibling directory
cd bld ;# Change to the build directory
../configure ;# Run the configure script
make ;# Run the makefile.
make sqlite3.c ;# Build the "amalgamation" source file
make test ;# Run some tests (requires Tcl)

安装成功后,在bld目录下就会出现可执行文件 sqlite3 

