use msxml Delphi 6 里idhttp貌似没有Header里的一些东西的处理方法。也是摸索了很久,记录一下。 function HttpRequest(http: TIdHttp; strUrl: string; inStr: string; var outStr, Errmsg: s 阅读全文
select * from T_A a (nolock) where a.xh not in (select xh from T_B) 方法1:效果甚微 select * from T_A a (nolock) where not exists (select xh from T_B where x 阅读全文
--列转行小实例 --创建测试表 if object_id(N'test', N'U') is not null drop table test go with UnPivotTable as ( select 1 as UserNO, '33' as A, '44' AS B, '55' as C 阅读全文
with t as ( select '-' as col1 --isnumeric('-')这里会判断为数字,所以不能用 union all select '1' as col1 union all select '2' as col1 union all select '3.4' as col1 阅读全文
--行转列小实例 --创建测试表 if object_id(N'test', N'U') is not null drop table test go with PivotTable as ( select 'xxx' as czy, '点赞' as czlx, 2 as num union all 阅读全文