tattoo实现ad-hoc连接 第一步:取得tattoo的root权限 具体过程参考 第二步:更改环境变量 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib export PATH=$PATH:/system/bin:/data/local/bin:/data/busybox 第三步:加载tattoo-hack.ko,重新挂在system insmod /data/local/bin/tattoo-hack.ko mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system 第四步:修改tiwlan.ini Code: adb pull /system/etc/wifi/tiwlan.ini . This will copy the file from the device to the computer. In Linux the file will be stored in the user’s home directory. I am not sure where it will be stored in Windows (search for it if you can’t find it). Open the file in a text editor. Locate the text “WiFiAdhoc = 0″ and change the 0 to 1. Then we will place two new lines right underneath it, to make it look like this: Code: WiFiAdhoc = 1 dot11DesiredSSID = InsertyourSSIDhere dot11DesiredBSSType = 0 Replace InsertyourSSIDhere with the name/SSID of your planned ad-hoc network. We are finished with this file for now, so save and close the file. In the terminal, type: Code: adb pull /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf . Wpa_supplicant.conf is the tool we use to configure the network security. Open the file in the text editor. I have my file configured like this: Code: ctrl_interface=tiwlan0 update_config=1 eapol_version=2 ap_scan=2 fast_reauth=1 network={ ssid="InsertyourSSIDhere" scan_ssid=0 mode=1 key_mgmt=NONE # group=WEP104 # auth_alg=SHARED # wep_key0="InsertyourownPASSKEYhere" } Once you are happy with your configuration, save and close the file. 第五步:将文件放回tattoo 先将tiwlan.ini和wpa_spplicant.conf通过adb放回sdcard中 adb push tiwlan.ini /sdcard adb push wpa_supplicant.conf 然后通过busybox的cp指令copy到/system分区 export PATH=$PATH:/data/busybox:/data/local/bin cp /sdcard/tiwlan.ini /system/etc/wifi/ cp /sdcard/wpa_supplicant.conf /data/misc/wifi/ 注意在/system/etc/wifi/中也有个wpa_supplicant.conf,但是修改覆盖这个文件没有用。 然后,重启手机 就可以看到wifi有ad-hoc网络了, 但是wifi的IP地址还不知道怎么设置,现在使用的是DHCP方式获取IP。 现在我的tattoo已经可以通过笔记本共享上网了
posted @ 2012-07-16 14:49  adodo1  Views(208)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报