
Choosing the Right Import Method

If the data is already in an HBase table:

  • To move the data from one HBase cluster to another, use snapshot and either the clone_snapshot or ExportSnapshot utility; or, use the CopyTable utility.

  • To move the data from one HBase cluster to another without downtime on either cluster, use replication.

  • To migrate data between HBase version that are not wire compatible, such as from CDH 4 to CDH 5, see Importing HBase Data From CDH 4 to CDH 5.

If the data currently exists outside HBase:

  • If possible, write the data to HFile format, and use a BulkLoad to import it into HBase. The data is immediately available to HBase and you can bypass the normal write path, increasing efficiency.

  • If you prefer not to use bulk loads, and you are using a tool such as Pig, you can use it to import your data.

If you need to stream live data to HBase instead of import in bulk:

  • Write a Java client using the Java API, or use the Apache Thrift Proxy API to write a client in a language supported by Thrift.

  • Stream data directly into HBase using the REST Proxy API in conjunction with an HTTP client such as wget or curl.

  • Use Flume or Spark.

Most likely, at least one of these methods works in your situation. If not, you can use MapReduce directly. Test the most feasible methods with a subset of your data to determine which one is optimal.


posted @ 2016-04-12 10:55  Daem0n  阅读(611)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报