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该寄存器在clk上升沿并且ctrl为1时,寄存并输出数据到pout。 code如下: entity reg is port( indata:in bit_vector; clk:in bit; ctrl:in bit; pout:out bit_vector ); end reg; a... 阅读全文
code如下: entity mux2 is port( in1,in2:in bit_vector; ctrl:in bit; pout:out bit_vector ); end mux2; architecture func of mux2 is begin pout<=in1 when ... 阅读全文
code如下: entity compare is port( in1,in2:in bit_vector; pout:out bit ); end compare; architecture func of compare is begin process(in1,in2) variable left:... 阅读全文
带有控制端的code: entity adder is port(in1:in bit_vector; in2:in bit_vector; ctrl:in bit; pout:out bit_vector ); end adder; architecture func of adder is begin... 阅读全文