2019-03-27 14:29 叶伟民 阅读(1135) 评论(4) 编辑 收藏 举报就在广州.NET俱乐部紧锣密鼓的准备配合VS2019发布搞一场大Party的时候,德国慕尼黑.NET俱乐部早就已经对外宣布他们将会配合VS2019发布搞两场活动,注意,是两场哦,不是一场哦。
• 17:30 - Doors open - event starts!
• 18:00 - Live Q&A with Visual Studio Big Wigs
• 18:30 - Write beautiful code, faster
• 19:00 - LiveShare testing with a remote .NET Group (广州.NET俱乐部很想成为这个Remote .NET Group,可惜因为时差和微软广州办公室装修所以未能成功)
该活动网址为: https://www.meetup.com/Munchen-NET-Meetup/events/258984948/
19:00 Opening
Get to know each other, grab a beer and take a seat!
19:15 Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2019 is here! We will show some awesome Visual Studio 2019 technical content to celebrate the launch and get you up to speed with all the new features.
20:00 C# 8.0 Introduction
Together with Visual Studio 2019 C# 8.0 has been released. We will have a look at the new language features and discuss where to go from here if they are useful in your daily work.
20:45 Pizza & Beer
Is there anything that combines better with cool technologies than pizza and fresh Bavarian beer? We doubt it! Discuss what you saw and exchange your personal experiences with others! If enough of us are willing to continue this at a local bar, this evening can get long!
该活动网址为: https://www.meetup.com/MunichXamarinNET/events/258972531/