py 爬取页面 并存储
1 #思路 : 利用beautiful 省去了正则这个麻烦事,把页面搞出来然后提取js,css,img ,提取命令使用getopt 很方便,使用前需要确保已经安装了beautiful soup,如没有安#装请 到 下载
2 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
3 import urllib, urllib2,time
4 import sys,os
5 import getopt
6 reload(sys)
7 sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")
9 #set default value
10 clock_time = 60
11 target_url = ""
12 target_lib = "/tmp/backup"
14 def usage() :
15 print "simple like this :"
16 print " -d 60 -u -o \tmp\backup"
18 def getHtml(target_url,target_lib,time) :
19 response = urllib.urlopen(target_url)
20 Html=
21 target_lib=target_lib+'/'+time
22 os.makedirs(target_lib)
23 #save html
24 print target_lib
25 try :
26 f = open(target_lib+"/index.html","w")
27 f.write(Html)
28 f.close()
29 print "save index.html ok!"
30 except Exception,e:
31 print str(e)
33 # save picture
34 os.makedirs(target_lib+"/images")
35 soup = BeautifulSoup(Html)
36 f=soup.find_all('img')
37 if f != None :
38 for i in f :
39 pic_url=i.get('src')
40 response = urllib.urlopen(pic_url)
41 pic_url=pic_url.split('/')
42 pic=
43 try :
44 f = open(target_lib+"/images/"+pic_url[-1],"wb")
45 f.write(pic)
46 f.close()
47 except Exception,e :
48 print str(e)
50 print "save picture ok!"
52 #save js
53 os.makedirs(target_lib+"/js")
54 f=soup.find_all('script')
55 noName=0
56 if f != None :
57 for i in f :
58 if i.get('src')!=None :
59 js_url=i.get('src')
60 response = urllib.urlopen(js_url)
61 js_url=js_url.split('/')
62 js=
63 try :
64 f = open(target_lib+"/js/"+js_url[-1],"w")
65 f.write(js)
66 f.close()
67 except Exception,e :
68 print str(e)
69 else : # js 可以嵌入在文档里 保存为wuming
70 f = open(target_lib+"/js/"+"wuming"+str(noName)+".js","w")
71 noName+=1
72 f.write(i.string)
73 f.close()
74 print "save js ok!"
76 #save css
77 os.makedirs(target_lib+"/css")
78 f=soup.find_all('link')
79 if f != None :
80 for i in f :
81 if i.get('type') != None and i.get('type') == "text/css" :
82 css_url=i.get('href')
83 response = urllib.urlopen(css_url)
84 css_url=css_url.split('/')
85 css=
86 try :
87 f = open(target_lib+"/css/"+css_url[-1],"w")
88 f.write(css)
89 f.close()
90 except Exception,e :
91 print str(e)
92 print "save css ok!"
94 def main() :
95 global clock_time
96 global target_url
97 global target_lib
99 if not len(sys.argv[1:]) :
100 usage()
101 try :
102 opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:u:o:",[])
103 except getopt.GetoptError as err :
104 print str(err)
105 usage()
107 for o,a in opts :
108 if o in ("-d") :
109 clock_time = a
110 if o in ("-u") :
111 target_url = a
112 if o in ("-o") :
113 target_lib = a
115 lastTime = int(time.time())
116 timeArray = time.localtime(lastTime)
117 otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", timeArray)
118 getHtml(target_url,target_lib,otherStyleTime)
120 while True :
121 nowTime=int(time.time())
122 if nowTime - lastTime >= 60 :
123 lastTime=nowTime
124 timeArray = time.localtime(nowTime)
125 otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", timeArray)
126 getHtml(target_url,target_lib,otherStyleTime)
127 print "update at time" + otherStyleTime
128 if __name__=="__main__" :
129 main()
2 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
3 import urllib, urllib2,time
4 import sys,os
5 import getopt
6 reload(sys)
7 sys.setdefaultencoding("utf-8")
9 #set default value
10 clock_time = 60
11 target_url = ""
12 target_lib = "/tmp/backup"
14 def usage() :
15 print "simple like this :"
16 print " -d 60 -u -o \tmp\backup"
18 def getHtml(target_url,target_lib,time) :
19 response = urllib.urlopen(target_url)
20 Html=
21 target_lib=target_lib+'/'+time
22 os.makedirs(target_lib)
23 #save html
24 print target_lib
25 try :
26 f = open(target_lib+"/index.html","w")
27 f.write(Html)
28 f.close()
29 print "save index.html ok!"
30 except Exception,e:
31 print str(e)
33 # save picture
34 os.makedirs(target_lib+"/images")
35 soup = BeautifulSoup(Html)
36 f=soup.find_all('img')
37 if f != None :
38 for i in f :
39 pic_url=i.get('src')
40 response = urllib.urlopen(pic_url)
41 pic_url=pic_url.split('/')
42 pic=
43 try :
44 f = open(target_lib+"/images/"+pic_url[-1],"wb")
45 f.write(pic)
46 f.close()
47 except Exception,e :
48 print str(e)
50 print "save picture ok!"
52 #save js
53 os.makedirs(target_lib+"/js")
54 f=soup.find_all('script')
55 noName=0
56 if f != None :
57 for i in f :
58 if i.get('src')!=None :
59 js_url=i.get('src')
60 response = urllib.urlopen(js_url)
61 js_url=js_url.split('/')
62 js=
63 try :
64 f = open(target_lib+"/js/"+js_url[-1],"w")
65 f.write(js)
66 f.close()
67 except Exception,e :
68 print str(e)
69 else : # js 可以嵌入在文档里 保存为wuming
70 f = open(target_lib+"/js/"+"wuming"+str(noName)+".js","w")
71 noName+=1
72 f.write(i.string)
73 f.close()
74 print "save js ok!"
76 #save css
77 os.makedirs(target_lib+"/css")
78 f=soup.find_all('link')
79 if f != None :
80 for i in f :
81 if i.get('type') != None and i.get('type') == "text/css" :
82 css_url=i.get('href')
83 response = urllib.urlopen(css_url)
84 css_url=css_url.split('/')
85 css=
86 try :
87 f = open(target_lib+"/css/"+css_url[-1],"w")
88 f.write(css)
89 f.close()
90 except Exception,e :
91 print str(e)
92 print "save css ok!"
94 def main() :
95 global clock_time
96 global target_url
97 global target_lib
99 if not len(sys.argv[1:]) :
100 usage()
101 try :
102 opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:u:o:",[])
103 except getopt.GetoptError as err :
104 print str(err)
105 usage()
107 for o,a in opts :
108 if o in ("-d") :
109 clock_time = a
110 if o in ("-u") :
111 target_url = a
112 if o in ("-o") :
113 target_lib = a
115 lastTime = int(time.time())
116 timeArray = time.localtime(lastTime)
117 otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", timeArray)
118 getHtml(target_url,target_lib,otherStyleTime)
120 while True :
121 nowTime=int(time.time())
122 if nowTime - lastTime >= 60 :
123 lastTime=nowTime
124 timeArray = time.localtime(nowTime)
125 otherStyleTime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", timeArray)
126 getHtml(target_url,target_lib,otherStyleTime)
127 print "update at time" + otherStyleTime
128 if __name__=="__main__" :
129 main()