



1 hist(X[,1], breaks=seq(from=floor(min(X[,1])),to=ceiling(max(X[,1])),by=0.3), freq=TRUE, col="blue1", main="x1")  # histogram of 1st feature
2 hist(X[,2], breaks=seq(from=floor(min(X[,2])),to=ceiling(max(X[,2])),by=0.3), freq=TRUE, col="blue1", main="x2")  # histogram of 2nd feature





 1 ## Find the abnormal threshold. Different step values should be tried to make the algorithm finding the best threshold.
 2 ## To get the threshold, all the possible value will be checked and the one got the best F1 score will be chosen.
 3 ## parameters:
 4 ##     valProb  -  a vector, which stores probability of validation samples.
 5 ##     yval  -  a vector, which stores label of validation samples.
 6 ##     step  -  integer, step size of the probability value traversal
 7 ## return value:
 8 ##     a vector, the length of it is 2. 1st element in the vector is threshold.
 9 ##                                      2nd element in the vector is the best F1 score.
10 craEx8AD_funFindThreshold<- function(valProb, yval, step=0.001)
11 {
12     # todo: check the parameters at first.    
13     if (step < 0) {
14         step <- (max(valProb) - min(valProb)) / 1000
15     }
16     thresholdCandidate <- seq(from=min(valProb), to=max(valProb), by=step)
17     bestF1 <- 0
18     bestThreshold <- 0
19     for (val in thresholdCandidate) {
20         ## calculate the F1 score
21         # precision        
22         p <- length(which(valProb[which(yval == 1)] < val)) / length( which(valProb < val) )
23         # recall, 
24         r <- length(which(valProb[which(yval == 1)] < val)) / length( which(yval == 1) )
25         if ( is.na(p) || is.na(r) ) {
26             next
27         }
28         # F1
29         F1 <- (2 * p * r)  /  (p + r)
31         if (F1 > bestF1) {
32             bestThreshold <- val
33             bestF1 <- F1
34         }
35     }
36     return( c(bestThreshold, bestF1) )
37 }





1 X <- read.table(file="X.txt")
2 Xval <- read.table(file="Xval.txt")
3 yval <- read.table(file="yval.txt")
4 X <- as.matrix(craEx8AD_X)
5 Xval <- as.matrix(craEx8AD_Xval)
6 yval <- as.matrix(yval)
7 probXvalByM_U_Norm <- funMultiUnivariateNorm (x = Xval, X = X, parameterFile = ".MultiUnivariateNorm", isTraining = TRUE)
8 thresholdOfM_U_Norm <- funFindThreshold( valProb = probXvalByM_U_Norm, yval = as.vector(yval) )


 1 ## plot the outline of norm model at the threshold
 2 ## To get the threshold, all the possible value will be checked and the one got the best F1 score will be chosen.
 3 ## parameters:
 4 ##     lowBound  -  numeric, low bound of probability value
 5 ##     upBound  -  numeric, up bound of probability value
6 ##     threshold - numeric, value of the threshold
7## whichModel - integer, 1 is Multi-Univariate Norm model 8 ## 2 is Multivariate Norm model 9 plotOutline <- function(lowBound, upBound, whichModel) 10 { 11 u <- seq(lowBound, upBound, by=.05) 12 v <- seq(lowBound, upBound, by=.05) 13 z <- matrix(0, nrow=length(u), ncol=length(v)) 14 15 for (i in 1:length(u)) { 16 for (j in 1:length(v)) { 17 if (whichModel == 1) { 18 z[i,j] <- funMultiUnivariateNorm (x=c(u[i],v[j]), X = NULL, parameterFile = ".MultiUnivariateNorm", isTraining = FALSE) 19 } else if (whichModel == 2) { 20 z[i,j] <- funMultivariateNorm (x=c(u[i],v[j]), X = NULL, parameterFile = ".MultivariateNorm", isTraining = FALSE) 21 } 22 } 23 } 24 25 contour(u, v, z, col = "green", add = TRUE, method = "simple", levels=c(threshold), lty="solid") 26 }


 1 lowBound <- min(floor(min(X[,1])), floor(min(X[,2]))  )
 2 upBound <- max(ceiling(max(X[,1])), ceiling(max(X[,2])) )
 3 plot( x = c(lowBound, upBound), y = c(lowBound, upBound), type = "n") 
 4 points(X[,1], X[,2], pch=46)
 5 ### red circle
 6 probXByM_U_Norm <- funMultiUnivariateNorm (x = X, X = NULL, parameterFile = ".MultiUnivariateNorm", isTraining = FALSE)
 7 redPoins <- X[which(as.vector(yval) == 1),]
 8 points(redPoins[,1], redPoins[,2], col = "red", pch=1)
 9 ### outline
10 plotOutline(lowBound, upBound, thresholdOfM_U_Norm[1], whichModel=1) 


图上有两条轮廓线,分别对应阈值0.0000896 (9.961567e-05)和0.001,它们对应的F1值分别是0.8750和0.8235294,这两个阈值是用两个不同的步长,分别计算出来的。通过F1值判断出0.0000896要更合适。






1 X <- cbind(X, X[,1] / X[,2])
2 hist(X[,3], breaks=seq(from=floor(min(X[,3])),to=ceiling(max(X[,3])),by=0.03), freq=TRUE, col="blue1", main="x3")  # histogram of 3rd feature







posted @ 2014-09-06 15:16  activeshj  阅读(666)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报