对电话账单来说,春季和秋季的标准时间与夏时制时间的转换会带来有意思的问题。春季,这种转换发生在(3月末,4月初的)星期日凌晨 2:00时,这时时钟要设置为凌晨3:00 时。对称的转换通常发生在 10 月最后一个星期日,时钟要从2:59:59调回到2:00:00。
(1)通话时间<=20 分钟时,每分钟收费 0.05 美元,通话时间不到 1 分钟时按 1 分钟计算。
(2)通话时间>20 分钟时,收费 1.00 美元,外加每分钟 0.10 美元,超过 20 分钟的部分,不到 1 分钟时按 1 分钟计算。
(3)没有超过 20 个小时的通话
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> #include<stack> #include<bitset> #include<cstdlib> #include<cmath> #include<set> #include<list> #include<deque> #include<map> #include<queue> using namespace std; struct record { int smonth,sday,shour,sminute,ssecond; int emonth,eday,ehour,eminute,esecond; }; class day//mainly to label which days are sunday { private: bool is_sunday; public: day() { setsunday(false); } bool getsunday() { return is_sunday; } bool setsunday(bool value) { is_sunday=value; return true; } }; class calendar { private: day year[366]; //break1 is the last sunday before April(4);while break2 is the last sunday before November(11) int break1=31+28+31,break2=31+28+31+30+31+30+31+31+30+31; bool is_leapyear; public: calendar(int years) { is_leapyear=false; for(int i=1;i<=366;i++) { if(i%7==0) { year[i].setsunday(true); } } if((years%4==0&&years%100!=0)||years%400==0) { break1++; is_leapyear=true; } } bool showdate(int day)//to present if this day is sunday { return year[day].getsunday(); } int refresh_break1and2(int *a,int *b) { for(int i=break1;i>0;i--) { if(year[i].getsunday()) { break1=i; break; } } for(int i=break2;i>0;i--) { if(year[i].getsunday()) { break2=i; break; } } *a=break1;*b=break2; return 1; } int findday(int month,int today,int *result) { int days[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int resul; if(is_leapyear) days[1]=29; for(int i=1;i<=month;i++) { resul+=days[i]; } resul+=today; *result=resul; return 1; } }; double calculate_fee() { double totalminute,totalfee; int years,break1,break2; record rec;//record for temporary cout<<"input year:"; cin>>years; calendar telefee(years); //testing sample /* for(int i=0;i<365;i++) cout<<telefee.showdate(i)<<endl; */ telefee.refresh_break1and2(&break1,&break2); //cout<<break1<<'\t'<<break2<<endl; cout<<"input your telephone record:"; while(scanf("%d %d %d %d %d",&rec.smonth,&rec.sday,&rec.shour,&rec.sminute,&rec.ssecond)==5&&rec.smonth&& scanf("%d %d %d %d %d",&rec.emonth,&rec.eday,&rec.ehour,&rec.eminute,&rec.esecond)==5&&rec.emonth) { if(rec.smonth!=rec.emonth) { cout<<"Crossing the month error!"<<endl; continue; } int month=rec.emonth-rec.smonth,day=rec.eday-rec.sday,hour=rec.ehour-rec.shour,minute=rec.eminute-rec.sminute,second=rec.esecond-rec.ssecond; if(month>0) cout<<"long time error"<<endl; if(day>0) cout<<"long time error"<<endl; if(hour<0) hour=0; if(minute<0) minute=0; if(second<0) second=0; if(second>0) minute++; totalminute=totalminute+hour*60+minute; int num;//the total num of the day during this year; telefee.findday(rec.smonth,rec.sday,&num); if(num==break1) minute-=60; telefee.findday(rec.smonth,rec.sday,&num); if(num==break2) minute+=60; } if(totalminute<=20) totalfee=totalminute*0.05; else { totalfee=1+(totalminute-20)*0.1; } return totalfee; } int main() { cout<<"final fee:$"<<calculate_fee()<<endl;; return 0; }