phalcon: queueing使用心得,需要安装相应的软体



  1. phalcon的官网上没有说需要安装beanstalkd,我猜写文档的以为我等默认会安装,找了半天没有找到windows下的beanstalk,有个国人写的beanstalkd-win,没敢用。
  2. 找了一台Ubuntu,安装上了beanstalkd,命令: sudo apt-get install beanstalkd
  3. 启动:beanstalkd -l -p 11300
  4. 打开11300端口,命令:iptables -A INPUT -ptcp –dport 11300 -j ACCEPT
  5. 这里有个例子,用来学习phalcon和beanstalk的集成,
    • Once you have Beanstalk server up, you can run producer and worker tasks in the console using ‘php console.php producer main’ and ‘php console.php worker main’. The producer puts a job on the queue and that works fine. The worker(Phalcon implementation) does not pick up a job from the queue to execute unlike the PheanstalkWorker Task.(‘php console.php pheanstalkworker main’). You use ‘php console.php pheanstalkstats main’ to check the server stats and keep both workers running to see which worker picks the job.
  6. 把例子程序里的所有beanstalkd的host和端口号改一下。
  7. 开四个cmd,一个运行php console.php worker main,一个运行 php console.php pheanstalkworker main, 一个运行php console.php pheanstalkstats main ,最后一个运行php console.php producer main。就可以看到任务写入,任务执行过程了
  8. 基本上phalcon的消息队列环境就搭好了。
  9. 照着phalcon官网上的例子写,就可以了:



  1. 抄了一段别人写的代码,  如果把worker的这段代码用supervisor做个守护进程,就更好了。参考
    • This is not really Phalcon related but here it goes anyway. This shows a simple example of using the queue to generate a response. Your API endpoint only creates a job in the queue and can return immediately.When the item is picked from the queue the request to the external API is made and when a reponse is recieved it calls the callback supplied by the original callee. This example could be improved by splitting the job in two, one job for external api retrieval and a seperate job for the callback. This way the extarnal Api isn’t called agian when the callback fails. This also allows for multiple callback attempts by keeping a counter for failed deliveries.
    • ApiController
      public function myApiEndpointAction($myArgument, $callbackUrl) {
              'jobName' => $myArgument,
              'callbackUrl' => $callbackUrl
          return new Reponse("Item put in queue", 201);


      while (($job = $queue->peekReady()) !== false) {
          $jobBody = $job->getBody();
          if(isset($jobBody['jobName']) {
              $myArgument = $jobBody['jobName']; 
              $callbackUrl = $jobBody['callbackUrl']; 
              //Call external API
              $external = curl_init();
              curl_setopt_array($external, array(
                  CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
                  CURLOPT_URL => ''
              //The reponse from the external API
              $result = curl_exec($external);
              if(!$result) {
                  //External api failed
                  //Don't delete job, will be pickedup again the next round
              //Return the response to the original callee
              $callback = curl_init();
              curl_setopt_array($callback, array(
                  CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,
                  CURLOPT_URL => $callbackUrl, //The url which the original api caller gave
                  CURLOPT_POST => true,
                  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => array(
                      data => $result //The response from the external api call
              $deliverd = curl_exec($callback);
              if(!$deliverd) {
          //Remove the job from the queue



  1. wget
  2. tar zxvf supervisor3.0b1.tar.gz
  3. cd supervisor3.0b1
  4. easy_install supervisor #安装setuptools(yum -y install python-setuptools)


  1. [program:php]
  2. command/usr/local/php54/bin/php /root/supervisor/test.php #被监控进程
  3. ;process_name=%(process_num)02d
  4. ;numprocs=#启动几个进程
  5. autostart=true #随着supervisord的启动而启动
  6. autorestart=true #自动启动
  7. startsecs=#程序重启时候停留在runing状态的秒数
  8. startretries=10 #启动失败时的最多重试次数
  9. redirect_stderr=true #重定向stderr到stdout
  10. stdout_logfile=/root/supervisor/test.log #stdout文件

supervisord :启动supervisor sever
supervisorctl:启动supervisor client的命令行窗口。

posted @ 2016-10-25 11:02  穆晟铭  阅读(1313)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报