随笔分类 - 高精度_大整数类专题
摘要:一句话:只需将两个大数按照竖式模拟计算即可! 高精度加法: 题解报告:hdu 1002 A + B Problem II Problem Description I have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, you
摘要:Description Given A,B,C, You should quickly calculate the result of A^B mod C. (1<=A,B,C<2^63). Given A,B,C, You should quickly calculate the result o
摘要:Exponentiation Exponentiation Time Limit: 2000/1000ms (Java/Others) Problem Description: Problems involving the computation of exact values of very la
摘要:走楼梯Ⅱ Time Limit: 2000/1000ms (Java/Others) Problem Description: 有一楼梯共N+1级,刚开始时你在第一级,若每次能走M级(1<=M<=N),要走上第N+1级,共有多少种走法?(不可以后退) Problem Description: Inp