Algorithms, Part I by Kevin Wayne, Robert Sedgewick

Welcome to Algorithms, Part I


  昨天在突然看到了Coursera上Robert Sedgewick讲的Algorithms,Part II看了一些,甚是爽快,所以又去注册了Algorithms,Part I,想从I开始系统的学习,关于网站,课程,人物的介绍我就不费笔了,不知道的大家可以谷歌一下。我认为这么好的东西,不去好好学习一下,实在是人生的一大缺憾,但是自己一个看看视频学习一下,貌似又没设什么意思,所以,就想分享和大家一起学习,我的想法是,起初,将本课程翻译一下,翻译可以保证我能基本上能懂在说什么,第二步,就是写代码,做相关的题目,保证我真的明白是怎么回事。第三步,就是在实际的项目中去用(这个只能慢慢来哈)。先说说,翻译的原则,(1)选重点原则,选重点的去翻译,(如果有园友要去的话,咱们也可以一起翻译一些哦)(2)能不翻译的就不译,比如有些专有名词,网站名,人名,书名,标题名等,翻译过来倒让人更加费解,这貌似也是国内一些计算机翻译的书的一个通病。所以这些就不翻译,如果实在有需要,会加些注解。现在就这么多了,先走着看吧,希望广大同胞共同努力,学习!


  Thanks for enrolling in our course Algorithms, Part I. We're excited to let you know that the course will get started on August 23, 2013, and will run for six weeks. In the meantime, you can review the syllabus and schedule to see what's coming. You are also invited to use the Discussion Forums to ask questions or to setup a study group or Google hangout.
The course is based on a variety of material that we have prepared over many years:



  • The lecture videos, lecture slides, exercises, programming assignments, and "job interview" questions will be released weekly at the Coursera course website beginning August 23 at 12:01pm EDT.
  • Our textbook Algorithms, 4th edition is the basic reference for the material we will be covering. Although the lectures are designed to be self-contained, we will assign optional readings for students who wish more extensive coverage of the material. You can purchase the textbook in either hardcover or electronic format from
  • Our booksite, which is open to everyone and contains a wealth of supplementary information, including synopses of the textbook and Java code that you will be using throughout the course.


·我们的教科书《Algorithms,4th edition》是我们将会用到的基本参考资料。尽管本课程是独立的,我们也将会为想继续扩展知识的同学指定选择性阅读的内容。你可以在amazon.com购买本书的精装版或者电子版。(另外,我有书,谁要的email吧!)



  To maximize your chance of success in this course, you should get in the mindset of being an active participant who writes and debugs code, solves problems, studies the available resources, and engages in the discussion forums, as opposed to a passive participant who just watches the lectures. You'll get a good feeling for the spirit and pace of the course when you work on the first programming assignment, which will introduce you to our Java programming model in the context of an important scientific application. If you haven't programmed recently, you might wish to prepare for the course by writing some Java code, perhaps with the help of our Introduction to Programming in Java textbook and associated booksite. 【译文】为了最大限度的让你成功完成本课程,你应该以一种积极参与的心态进入本课程,包括写和调试代码,解决问题,学习可用的资源并参加论坛的讨论,而不是以一种只是看看课程录像的被动的心态而参与。当你处理完分配给你的第一个程序,它将会引导你进入涉及最重要的科学的java模型,的时候,你将会从精神上感到很好并逐步地融入到本课程。如果你最近没有编写过程序,你需要写一些java代码来准备本课程。也许我们网站上的《Introduction to Programming in Java》一书可能会帮到你。

  Before beginning the course, please fill out this pre-course survey. The purpose of this survey is to give us all an idea of who the Algorithms, Part I community is.
To keep you informed, we'll email weekly announcements summarizing what's to happen each week.

Fri 23 Aug 2013 3:14 AM PDT (UTC -0700)

【译文】:在开始本课程的时,请填写先修课程调查单。这个调查的目的是让我们了解谁在学习Algorithms, Part I 。为了让你消息畅通,我将每周用email通知并总结每周发生的事情

2013-8-23 星期五

  All video recordings, assessments and other materials made available in connection with this course are subject to copyright protection and may be used only for private study by persons who are enrolled in this course. Any other use of these materials must be with the express, written permission of Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
No certificates, statements of accomplishment, or other credentials will be awarded in connection with this course.










posted @ 2013-11-04 12:49  alexander.bruce.lee  阅读(1261)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报