记录记录IUSEP 2019的经历,总结总结。
Alberta - Edmonton
Edmonton只有130万的人口,这在中国是一个五六线小城的配置了。走在哪里都有一种空旷的感觉。North Saskatchewan River(北萨斯卡切温河)穿城而过,将Edmonton分成西北和东南两个部分。纬度比长春还高的Edmonton,在夏天只能说是很凉爽。夏天在这里短暂拜访的我们,倒是觉得很惬意。
University of Alberta
University of Alberta(阿尔伯塔大学),简称UA,是坐落于Edmonton的一所世界著名大学。
IUSEP全称是International Undergraduate Summer Enrichment Program in Mathematics,是UA组织的数学方面的暑期增益项目。从7月6日到达到8月10日离开,大约一个月的时间。项目主页上有这个项目的三点内容:Lectures and Tutorials,Problem-solving Group Projects,Social Activities,自由时间还是很充足。这个项目全程由阿尔伯塔大学的李毅(Michael Li)教授组织,用李老师的话说,这个项目就是带我们玩儿。当然,学习上也是有很多收获的。
Schoolwork and Project
前三周基本上都是上午下午各一节两小时的讲座,关于不同课题。周末去公园游玩,野炊。后两周就都是组队选定一个课题,做一个小专题研究。我们做的是wavelets on image beautification。简单介绍一下我的部分吧,关于如何用小波美颜。(过于懒惰直接copy谷歌翻译的讲稿了)
Principle of Face Image Beautification
How to Adjust Skin Tone
In most aesthetics, white-light skin is considered good-looking. So we are committed to how to whiten and brighten the skin area of the picture.
First we need to detect the skin area of the picture. For color images, we can use simple threshold skin color recognition based on RGB color space. Here is the corresponding formula:
When the value of three channels of a pixel RGB satisfies such a condition, we consider it to be part of the skin.
After identifying the skin area according to the formula, we can adjust the RGB value of the area to make the skin whiter and brighter. Simply put, we only need to increase the value of RGB to a larger point. Then the image will be brighter and whiter. By the way, if you like bronzed skin, you can make the skin's RGB closer to it.
How to Smooth the Skin
Maybe you are worried about the acne on the photo. So we consider how to make the skin smoother. If you think of acne as noise, smoothing your skin is a process of denoising image. We want to use wavelet to achieve this denoising function.
The Process to Denoise the Image
After wavelet transform, the image is decomposed into low frequency coefficents and high frequency coefficents. The low frequency coefficients represent the image approximation signal and the high frequency coefficients represent the image detail signals. Among them, most of the noise and some edge details in the image belong to the high frequency sub-band. We perform bilateral filtering on the low frequency coefficients to make the skin smoother, and threshold denoising on the high frequency portion to reduce the effect of noise on the image. Finally we reconstruct the denoised image by wavelet reconstruction.
Other Filters
Mean Filtering
One of the most representative filters is the mean filtering. This is the formula for mean filtering.
It uses the average gray level of the pixel neighborhood to replace the pixel value, which is suitable for impulse noise. However, the mean filtering itself has the inherent drawback that it does not protect the image details well, and the image denoising also destroys the details of the image, which makes the image blurred and does not remove the noise points well.
Median Filtering
Another common filter is the median filter. It first determines a filter window and position (usually it contains an odd number of pixels), then sorts the pixel values in the window by grayscale, and finally takes the median to replace the pixel value in the center of the original window. However, when the number of noise pixels is greater than half of the total number of window pixels, since the intermediate value of the gray scale order is still the gray value of the noise pixel, the filtering effect is poor. At this time, if the window size is increased, the probability that the original edge pixel is replaced by other area pixels is increased, the image is more likely to be blurred, and the amount of calculation is greatly increased.
Bilateral Filtering
Disadvantage of Other Filters
In addition to their own shortcomings, the above filters have a drawback in terms of portrait processing: the edges of the image cannot be maintained. The reason is that the previous filters only took the numerical factors into account and did not take the spatial factors into account.
Bilateral Filtering
So this is the formula for bilateral filtering.
Look at w, this is the weight coefficient of each pixel. The exponential part of this coefficient is composed of two functions. One function is to determine the filter coefficients from the geometric spatial distance. The other determines the filter coefficients from the pixel value difference. So it considers both spatial domain and value domain information, and can achieve the effect of edge preservation and denoising. Also it is simple and non-iterative. In this way we can smooth the picture.
Threshold Denoising
Threshold Determination
Then we come to the threshold denoising of the high coefficents. When the threshold is chosen to be large, the resulting image may be smoother but more blurred; when the threshold is smaller, the final image may be sharper but not smooth enough. During the test, we found that the picture high frequency signal value is between 30 and 70. Finally we choose 50 as the threshold.
Adaptive Threshold Function
After determining the threshold, we need a suitable threshold function to process the high frequency signal. This is an expression of the adaptive threshold function.
You will find that when alpha approaches 0, it is equivalent to a hard threshold function, so that the image will be sharper but with some mutations; when alpha approaches 1, it is equivalent to a soft threshold function, and the image will be smoother but more blurred. In the end we take the alpha to 0.5.
So here is the result of our experiment. As expected, the image is whiter and brighter and the skin is smoother.
For Fun
作为一个只会Hello World连求导都不会的CS渣渣,来到这样一个数学项目,在生活娱乐上的收获自然是远超学业了(x
Fast Food
这里KFC或者金拱门并没有那么火,倒是有许多本土的汉堡店。我们公寓附近就有许多汉堡连锁店,Harvey's,Denny's,Wendy's...其中Tim Hortons在加拿大最为流行。Tim Hortons最出名的可能不是汉堡,而是它的咖啡。在这点上,它在加拿大可能比星巴克还流行。
百度百科上说Alberta是加拿大草原三省之一,我想因之Alberta五星级牛肉才世界闻名吧。只是这边牛排的做法都是medium rare(三分熟)起步,medium(五分熟)都是不被推荐的,甚至流行的是rare(一分熟),带血牛排着实劝退。
Elk Island National Park
Edmonton Heritage Festival
这是Edmonton一个为期三天的节日活动,旨在发扬Alberta的文化和遗产多样性。这个活动每年在八月于William Hawrelak Park举办。在公园的草地上有近100个代表不同国家和文化的帐篷。帐篷里有美食和展品,帐篷外有具有文化特色的歌舞表演。
今年Festival的主题是Adventures await!
台湾馆叉烧包和bubble tea好评!emmm最后严肃地建议台湾馆香港馆和大陆馆并馆。
West Edmonton Mall
South Gate
South Edmonton Common