Poetry 入门

Author: ACatSmiling

Since: 2024-12-07




安装命令:(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -

(base) PS C:\Users\XiSun> python --version
Python 3.10.9
(base) PS C:\Users\XiSun> (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | python -
Retrieving Poetry metadata
# Welcome to Poetry!
This will download and install the latest version of Poetry,
a dependency and package manager for Python.
It will add the `poetry` command to Poetry's bin directory, located at:
You can uninstall at any time by executing this script with the --uninstall option,
and these changes will be reverted.
Installing Poetry (1.8.5)
Installing Poetry (1.8.5): Creating environment
Installing Poetry (1.8.5): Installing Poetry
Installing Poetry (1.8.5): Creating script
Installing Poetry (1.8.5): Done
Poetry (1.8.5) is installed now. Great!
To get started you need Poetry's bin directory (C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts) in your `PATH`
environment variable.
You can choose and execute one of the following commands in PowerShell:
A. Append the bin directory to your user environment variable `PATH`:
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "User") + ";C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts", "User")
B. Try to append the bin directory to PATH every when you run PowerShell (>=6 recommended):
echo 'if (-not (Get-Command poetry -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $env:Path += ";C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts" }' | Out-File -Append $PROFILE
Alternatively, you can call Poetry explicitly with `C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts\poetry`.
You can test that everything is set up by executing:
`poetry --version`



验证:poetry --version

C:\Users\XiSun>poetry --version
Poetry (version 1.8.5)

Quick Start

初始化:poetry init

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python>cd poetry-demo
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry init
This command will guide you through creating your pyproject.toml config.
Package name [poetry-demo]:
Version [0.1.0]:
Description []:
Author [ACatSmiling <xxx@qq.com>, n to skip]:
License []:
Compatible Python versions [^3.10]:
Would you like to define your main dependencies interactively? (yes/no) [yes]
You can specify a package in the following forms:
- A single name (requests): this will search for matches on PyPI
- A name and a constraint (requests@^2.23.0)
- A git url (git+https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry.git)
- A git url with a revision (git+https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry.git#develop)
- A file path (../my-package/my-package.whl)
- A directory (../my-package/)
- A url (https://example.com/packages/my-package-0.1.0.tar.gz)
Package to add or search for (leave blank to skip):
Would you like to define your development dependencies interactively? (yes/no) [yes]
Package to add or search for (leave blank to skip):
Generated file
name = "poetry-demo"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["ACatSmiling <xxx@qq.com>"]
readme = "README.md"
python = "^3.10"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
Do you confirm generation? (yes/no) [yes]

执行poetry init命令后,在 poetry-demo 路径下,会生成一个 pyproject.toml:

name = "poetry-demo"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["ACatSmiling <xxx@qq.com>"]
readme = "README.md"
python = "^3.10"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

创建虚拟环境:poetry env use python

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry env use python
Creating virtualenv poetry-demo--agK16Zd-py3.10 in C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs
Using virtualenv: C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\poetry-demo--agK16Zd-py3.10
  • poetry 默认会将虚拟环境统一放在指定目录,例如 "C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs"。
  • 虚拟环境的命名模式为:项目名--随机数--Python版本

查看 Poetry 配置:poetry config --list

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry config --list
cache-dir = "C:\\Users\\XiSun\\AppData\\Local\\pypoetry\\Cache"
experimental.system-git-client = false
installer.max-workers = null
installer.modern-installation = true
installer.no-binary = null
installer.parallel = true
keyring.enabled = true
solver.lazy-wheel = true
virtualenvs.create = true
virtualenvs.in-project = null
virtualenvs.options.always-copy = false
virtualenvs.options.no-pip = false
virtualenvs.options.no-setuptools = false
virtualenvs.options.system-site-packages = false
virtualenvs.path = "{cache-dir}\\virtualenvs" # C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs
virtualenvs.prefer-active-python = false
virtualenvs.prompt = "{project_name}-py{python_version}"
warnings.export = true

如果需要将虚拟环境设置在当前项目路径下,则修改virtualenvs.in-project配置为 true:poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true

再删除全局的虚拟环境,并重新初始化:poetry env remove python

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry env remove python
Deleted virtualenv: C:\Users\XiSun\AppData\Local\pypoetry\Cache\virtualenvs\poetry-demo--agK16Zd-py3.10
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry env use python
Creating virtualenv poetry-demo in C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo\.venv
Using virtualenv: C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo\.venv
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo 的目录
2024/12/07 20:16 <DIR> .
2024/12/07 19:19 <DIR> ..
2024/12/07 20:16 <DIR> .venv # 当前项目的虚拟环境目录
2024/12/07 19:18 282 pyproject.toml
1 个文件 282 字节
3 个目录 33,321,934,848 可用字节
  • 虚拟环境的目录,固定在当前项目的根目录下,名称为.venv

启动虚拟环境:poetry shell

# 在项目的根目录下,使用命令 poetry shell 进入虚拟环境
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry shell
# 进入虚拟环境后
(poetry-demo-py3.10) C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>
  • poetry shell 会检查当前目录或上层目录是否存在pyproject.toml,以此确定需要启动的虚拟环境,如果没有该文件,则会报错。


# 在虚拟环境中,执行 exit 退出虚拟环境
(poetry-demo-py3.10) C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>exit


安装模块:poetry add <module name>

# 可以在项目的根目录下直接使用 poetry add 命令,也可以进入虚拟环境后再使用 poetry add 命令
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry add flask
Using version ^3.1.0 for flask
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (2.9s)
Package operations: 8 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing colorama (0.4.6)
- Installing markupsafe (3.0.2)
- Installing blinker (1.9.0)
- Installing click (8.1.7)
- Installing itsdangerous (2.2.0)
- Installing jinja2 (3.1.4)
- Installing werkzeug (3.1.3)
- Installing flask (3.1.0)
Writing lock file

当安装 flask 后,项目结构也发生了变化:


pyproject.toml 文件的变化:

name = "poetry-demo"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["ACatSmiling <xxx@qq.com>"]
readme = "README.md"
python = "^3.10"
flask = "^3.1.0" # 新增 flask 模块
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
  • 虽然在安装 flask 的时候,也安装了其他的依赖,但在 pyproject.toml 文件中,只会增加 "flask = "^3.1.0"" 这个字段的第三方模块,其余依赖不会出现在 pyproject.toml 文件中。这可以方便用户区分所安装的第三方模块,以及第三方模块安装时附属的依赖。

新增模块至 dev-dependencies:poetry add <module name> --group dev

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry add black --group dev
Using version ^24.10.0 for black
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (0.1s)
Package operations: 7 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
- Installing mypy-extensions (1.0.0)
- Installing packaging (24.2)
- Installing pathspec (0.12.1)
- Installing platformdirs (4.3.6)
- Installing tomli (2.2.1)
- Installing typing-extensions (4.12.2)
- Installing black (24.10.0)
Writing lock file
  • 以 Black 为例,将其添加到 dev-dependencies,对于一些只需要在开发环境使用的依赖,将其添加到 dev 分组,是非常有必要的。

执行命令后,pyproject.toml 文件的变化:

name = "poetry-demo"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["ACatSmiling <xxx@qq.com>"]
readme = "README.md"
python = "^3.10"
flask = "^3.1.0"
# black 模块添加到 dev 分组
black = "^24.10.0"
requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

展示模块:poetry show

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry show
blinker 1.9.0 Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
click 8.1.7 Composable command line interface toolkit
colorama 0.4.6 Cross-platform colored terminal text.
flask 3.1.0 A simple framework for building complex web applications.
itsdangerous 2.2.0 Safely pass data to untrusted environments and back.
jinja2 3.1.4 A very fast and expressive template engine.
markupsafe 3.0.2 Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup.
werkzeug 3.1.3 The comprehensive WSGI web application library.
# 也可以进入虚拟环境,通过 pip list 查看已安装的模块
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry shell
(poetry-demo-py3.10) C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>pip list
Package Version
------------ -------
blinker 1.9.0
click 8.1.7
colorama 0.4.6
Flask 3.1.0
itsdangerous 2.2.0
Jinja2 3.1.4
MarkupSafe 3.0.2
pip 24.3.1
setuptools 75.6.0
Werkzeug 3.1.3
# 以树状形式展示模块
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry show --tree
black 24.10.0 The uncompromising code formatter.
├── click >=8.0.0
│ └── colorama *
├── mypy-extensions >=0.4.3
├── packaging >=22.0
├── pathspec >=0.9.0
├── platformdirs >=2
├── tomli >=1.1.0
└── typing-extensions >=4.0.1
flask 3.1.0 A simple framework for building complex web applications.
├── blinker >=1.9
├── click >=8.1.3
│ └── colorama *
├── itsdangerous >=2.2
├── jinja2 >=3.1.2
│ └── markupsafe >=2.0
└── werkzeug >=3.1
└── markupsafe >=2.1.1
# 只展示特定模块的依赖层级
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry show click --tree
click 8.1.7 Composable command line interface toolkit
└── colorama *

卸载模块:poetry remove <module name>

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry remove flask
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (0.1s)
Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 8 removals
- Removing blinker (1.9.0)
- Removing click (8.1.7)
- Removing colorama (0.4.6)
- Removing flask (3.1.0)
- Removing itsdangerous (2.2.0)
- Removing jinja2 (3.1.4)
- Removing markupsafe (3.0.2)
- Removing werkzeug (3.1.3)
Writing lock file
# 可以看到,poetry remove 会把安装 flask 时涉及到的模块都卸载,这也是 pip 无法做到的
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry show
# 进入虚拟环境后,pip 列表也没有了依赖
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry shell
(poetry-demo-py3.10) C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>pip list
Package Version
---------- -------
pip 24.3.1
setuptools 75.6.0

更新模块:poetry update

# 更新全部模块
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry update
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (0.8s)
No dependencies to install or update
# 更新特定模块
C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry update click toml
Updating dependencies
Resolving dependencies... (0.2s)
No dependencies to install or update


poetry.lock:相当于 pip 中的 requirements.txt,详细记录了所有安装的模块与版本。

当使用 poetry add 指令时,poetry 会自动依序完成三件事:

  1. 更新 pyproject.toml 文件。
  2. 根据 pyproject.toml 文件的内容,更新 poetry.lock 文件。
  3. 根据 poetry.lock 文件的那日,更新虚拟环境。

注意:虽然 poetry.lock 的内容取决于 pyproject.toml,但二者不会自动关联,是基于特定的指令才会进行同步与更新,例如 poetry add。

如果自行修改了 pyproject.toml 文件的内容,例如变更特定模块的版本,此时,为了让 poetry.lock 文件的内容与 pyproject.toml 文件的内容同步,需要手动执行poetry lock指令,重新更新 poetry.lock 文件的内容。但是,更新 poetry.lock 后,不会在虚拟环境中自动安装模块,需要执行poetry install安装模块,以此保证 poetry.lock 与虚拟环境一致。


  • poetry lock:使 poetry.lock 与 pyproject.toml 保持一致。
    • --no-update:主要用于根据项目中已有的 pyproject.toml 文件里定义的依赖及其版本范围等信息,重新生成或更新 poetry.lock 文件,但会跳过更新依赖的版本检查这一环节,也就是不会去尝试获取最新的符合版本范围的依赖版本来更新到 poetry.lock 里。它旨在基于当前已确定的依赖状态 "原样" 锁定依赖版本,确保在后续安装等操作时使用的是当前已指定好的版本组合,维持项目依赖环境的稳定性和一致性。(poetry lock 命令默认会去检查更新依赖版本
  • poetry install:使虚拟环境与 poetry.lock 保持一致。


使用poetry export命令,可以将安装的模块,生成 requirements.txt 文件:

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry export -f requirements.txt -o requirements.txt --without-hash
Warning: poetry-plugin-export will not be installed by default in a future version of Poetry.
In order to avoid a breaking change and make your automation forward-compatible, please install poetry-plugin-export explicitly. See https://python-poetry.org/docs/plugins/#using-plugins for details on how to install a plugin.
To disable this warning run 'poetry config warnings.export false'.

生成的 requirements.txt 文件内容:

blinker==1.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
click==8.1.7 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
colorama==0.4.6 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0" and platform_system == "Windows"
flask==3.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
itsdangerous==2.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
jinja2==3.1.4 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
markupsafe==3.0.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
werkzeug==3.1.3 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"

注意:poetry export 只会将 pyproject.toml 文件中的[tool.poetry.dependencies]区块的模块输出,如果需要将[tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies]区块的模块输出,使用以下命令。

C:\Users\XiSun\NewVolume-D\Codes\python\poetry-demo>poetry export -f requirements.txt -o requirements.txt --without-hashes --with dev
Warning: poetry-plugin-export will not be installed by default in a future version of Poetry.
In order to avoid a breaking change and make your automation forward-compatible, please install poetry-plugin-export explicitly. See https://python-poetry.org/docs/plugins/#using-plugins for details on how to install a plugin.
To disable this warning run 'poetry config warnings.export false'.

生成的 requirements.txt 文件内容:

black==24.10.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0" # 输出的模块,包含了 black
blinker==1.9.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
click==8.1.7 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
colorama==0.4.6 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0" and platform_system == "Windows"
flask==3.1.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
itsdangerous==2.2.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
jinja2==3.1.4 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
markupsafe==3.0.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
mypy-extensions==1.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
packaging==24.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
pathspec==0.12.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
platformdirs==4.3.6 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"
tomli==2.2.1 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.11"
typing-extensions==4.12.2 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "3.11"
werkzeug==3.1.3 ; python_version >= "3.10" and python_version < "4.0"



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