边工作边刷题:70天一遍leetcode: day 96

Design Snake Game


  • representation:给了grid,坐标放list里表示蛇身。
  • api和data structure更新的关系:就一个function: move(direction)
  • 具体的data structure
    • snake:需要随机查找碰撞检测,还要支持顺序入蛇头,简化用deque,同时用in检测是否在集合里
    • snake的移动比较tricky:如果没吃的,那么tail要pop,否则没变化,而两种情况都要加入新的head:所以deque里head在尾而tail在前
    • 碰撞检测:发生在tail pop之后(如果pop的话)


  • 很容易把food给忘了,另外food是一个一个出现,而不是同时在map上,所以可以用deque表示
  • score: 比snake长度-1
from collections import deque

class SnakeGame(object):

    def __init__(self, width,height,food):
        Initialize your data structure here.
        @param width - screen width
        @param height - screen height 
        @param food - A list of food positions
        E.g food = [[1,1], [1,0]] means the first food is positioned at [1,1], the second is at [1,0].
        :type width: int
        :type height: int
        :type food: List[List[int]]
        self.food = deque(food)
        self.snake = deque([(0,0)])
        self.height = height
        self.width = width

    def move(self, direction):
        Moves the snake.
        @param direction - 'U' = Up, 'L' = Left, 'R' = Right, 'D' = Down 
        @return The game's score after the move. Return -1 if game over. 
        Game over when snake crosses the screen boundary or bites its body.
        :type direction: str
        :rtype: int
        dirmap = {'U':(-1,0), 'L':(0,-1), 'R':(0,1), 'D':(1,0)}
        x0,y0 = self.snake[-1]
        x,y = x0+dirmap[direction][0],y0+dirmap[direction][1]
        if x<0 or x>=self.height or y<0 or y>=self.width:
            return -1
        # print x,y, self.food
        if self.food and [x,y]==self.food[0]: # error 3: check if there is food in

        if (x,y) in self.snake:
            return -1
        return len(self.snake)-1 # error 2: score should be len-1

# Your SnakeGame object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = SnakeGame(width, height, food)
# param_1 = obj.move(direction)

obj = SnakeGame(3,2,[[1,2],[0,1]])
assert [obj.move("R"), obj.move("D"), obj.move("R"), obj.move("U"), obj.move("L"), obj.move("U")]==[0,0,1,1,2,-1], "scores = [0,0,1,1,2,-1]"

posted @ 2016-07-08 20:40  absolute100  阅读(113)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报