Title is No Title

not very good here!


How to Kill Blanks in a CString,but how to kill Chinese Blanks i can not solve.

//get every word in name and then
 //get every CHINESE's zimu.
 //to be quickly must at one time get 3 CHINESE's
 //zimu at one run.
 //XXX or XX, or X X.
 //first kill all blunk //this symbo is what?
 name="是    嗯啊";//abc d";
 char *buffer,*p;
    CString blunk2;
 blunk2=" ";
 char *buffer2;
 char b1=buffer2[0];
 char b2=buffer2[1];
 //end blunk2;
 char newBuffer[20]="\0";
 int i=0;
 while(*p){///if((*p!=' ')&&(*p!=b1)&&(*p!=b2)){
  //to be do which chinese blunk!.above error.
  if((*p!=' ')){
 }//end while *p
 //now must reset the new str;
 CString newString;
 AfxMessageBox(name+" and after kill :"+newString);
return "";

posted on 2004-04-13 14:01  abraham  阅读(631)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报