class Product { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } } class Creator { create(name) { return new Product(name); } } const creator = new Creator(); const product1 = creator.create('Product 1'); console.log('product1:', product1);
class ProductA { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } } class ProductB { constructor(name) { this.name = name; } } class AbstractFactory { createProductA() {} createProductB() {} } class ConcreteFactory1 extends AbstractFactory { createProductA() { return new ProductA('ConcreteFactory1 - ProductA'); } createProductB() { return new ProductB('ConcreteFactory1 - ProductB'); } } class ConcreteFactory2 extends AbstractFactory { createProductA() { return new ProductA('ConcreteFactory2 - ProductA'); } createProductB() { return new ProductB('ConcreteFactory2 - ProductB'); } } const factory1 = new ConcreteFactory1(); console.log('productA:', factory1.createProductA()); console.log('productB:', factory1.createProductB()); const factory2 = new ConcreteFactory2(); console.log('productA:', factory2.createProductA()); console.log('productB:', factory2.createProductB());
单例模式是限制类只能实例化一次的一种模式。单例模式在 JavaScript 中比较常用,尤其是在全局状态管理中。
class Singleton { static instance = null; static getInstance() { if (Singleton.instance === null) { Singleton.instance = new Singleton(); } return Singleton.instance; } constructor() { if (Singleton.instance !== null) { throw new Error('该类只能实例化一次'); } this.name = 'Singleton'; } } const instance1 = Singleton.getInstance(); console.log('instance1:', instance1); const instance2 = Singleton.getInstance(); console.log('instance2:', instance2); console.log('instance1 === instance2:', instance1 === instance2)
原型模式基于已有的对象,通过克隆的方式得到一个新的对象。在 JavaScript 中,对象的复制可以直接使用 Object.create
const person = { name: 'John', age: 20 }; const clonePerson = Object.create(person); console.log('clonePerson:', clonePerson); console.log('clonePerson.name:', clonePerson.name); console.log('clonePerson.age:', clonePerson.age);
class Product { constructor(builder) { this.name = builder.name; this.price = builder.price; this.color = builder.color; this.size = builder.size; } } class ProductBuilder { constructor() { this.name = ''; this.price = 0; this.color = ''; this.size = ''; } setName(name) { this.name = name; return this; } setPrice(price) { this.price = price; return this; } setColor(color) { this.color = color; return this; } setSize(size) { this.size = size; return this; } build() { return new Product(this); } } const product = new ProductBuilder() .setName('Product') .setPrice(100) .setColor('blue') .setSize('big') .build(); console.log(product);
class Target { request() { return 'Target'; } } class Adaptee { specificRequest() { return 'Adaptee'; } } class Adapter extends Target { constructor(adaptee) { super(); this.adaptee = adaptee; } request() { return this.adaptee.specificRequest(); } } const target = new Target(); console.log('target.request():', target.request()); const adaptee = new Adaptee(); console.log('adaptee.specificRequest():', adaptee.specificRequest()); const adapter = new Adapter(adaptee); console.log('adapter.request():', adapter.request());
class Implementor { operationImpl() {} } class ConcreteImplementorA extends Implementor { operationImpl() { return 'ConcreteImplementorA' } } class ConcreteImplementorB extends Implementor { operationImpl() { return 'ConcreteImplementorB' } } class Abstraction { constructor(implementor) { this.implementor = implementor; } operation() {} } class RefinedAbstraction extends Abstraction { operation() { return this.implementor.operationImpl(); } } const implementorA = new ConcreteImplementorA(); const refinedAbstraction1 = new RefinedAbstraction(implementorA); console.log('refinedAbstraction1.operation():', refinedAbstraction1.operation()); const implementorB = new ConcreteImplementorB(); const refinedAbstraction2 = new RefinedAbstraction(implementorB); console.log('refinedAbstraction2.operation():', refinedAbstraction2.operation());
class Component { add(component) {} remove(component) {} getChild(index) {} operation(){} } class Composite extends Component { constructor(name) { super(); this.name = name; this.children = []; } add(component) { this.children.push(component); } remove(component) { const index = this.children.indexOf(component); if (index > -1) { this.children.splice(index, 1); } } getChild(index) { return this.children[index]; } operation() { console.log(`Composite ${this.name} operation`); this.children.forEach((child) => { child.operation(); }); } } class Leaf extends Component { constructor(name) { super(); this.name = name; } operation() { console.log(`Leaf ${this.name} operation`); } } const root = new Composite('root'); const branch1 = new Composite('branch1'); const leaf1 = new Leaf('leaf1'); const leaf2 = new Leaf('leaf2'); branch1.add(leaf1); branch1.add(leaf2); const branch2 = new Composite('branch2'); const leaf3 = new Leaf('leaf3'); branch2.add(leaf3); root.add(branch1); root.add(branch2); console.log('root.operation():'); root.operation();
class Component { operation() {} } class ConcreteComponent extends Component { operation() { console.log('ConcreteComponent operation'); } } class Decorator extends Component { constructor(component) { super(); this.component = component; } operation() { this.component.operation(); } } class ConcreteDecoratorA extends Decorator { constructor(component) { super(component); this.addedBehavior = 'ConcreteDecoratorA'; } operation() { super.operation(); console.log(`ConcreteDecoratorA operation ${this.addedBehavior}`); } } class ConcreteDecoratorB extends Decorator { constructor(component) { super(component); this.addedBehavior = 'ConcreteDecoratorB'; } operation() { super.operation(); console.log(`ConcreteDecoratorB operation ${this.addedBehavior}`); } } const component = new ConcreteComponent(); const decoratorA = new ConcreteDecoratorA(component); console.log('decoratorA.operation():'); decoratorA.operation(); const decoratorB = new ConcreteDecoratorB(component); console.log('decoratorB.operation():'); decoratorB.operation();
class SubsystemA { operationA() { console.log('SubsystemA operationA'); } } class SubsystemB { operationB() { console.log('SubsystemB operationB'); } } class Facade { constructor() { this.subsystemA = new SubsystemA(); this.subsystemB = new SubsystemB(); } operation() { this.subsystemA.operationA(); this.subsystemB.operationB(); } } const facade = new Facade(); console.log('facade.operation():'); facade.operation();
class FlyweightFactory { constructor() { this.flyweights = new Map(); } getFlyweight(key) { if (!this.flyweights.has(key)) { this.flyweights.set(key, new ConcreteFlyweight(key)); } return this.flyweights.get(key); } } class Flyweight { operation() {} } class ConcreteFlyweight extends Flyweight { constructor(key) { super(); this.key = key; } operation() { console.log(`ConcreteFlyweight(${this.key}) operation`); } } const factory = new FlyweightFactory(); const flyweight1 = factory.getFlyweight('key1'); const flyweight2 = factory.getFlyweight('key2'); const flyweight3 = factory.getFlyweight('key1'); console.log('flyweight1 ===flyweight2:', flyweight1 === flyweight2); console.log('flyweight1 === flyweight3:', flyweight1 === flyweight3);
class Subject { request() {} } class RealSubject extends Subject { request() { console.log('RealSubject request'); } } class Proxy extends Subject { constructor(realSubject) { super(); this.realSubject = realSubject; } request() { if (this.checkAccess()) { this.realSubject.request(); this.logAccess(); } } checkAccess() { console.log('Proxy checkAccess'); return true; } logAccess() { console.log('Proxy logAccess'); } } const realSubject = new RealSubject(); const proxy = new Proxy(realSubject); proxy.request();
1. 职责链模式
// Handler class Handler { constructor() { this.nextHandler = null; } setNextHandler(handler) { this.nextHandler = handler; } handleRequest(request) { if (this.nextHandler != null) { this.nextHandler.handleRequest(request); } } } // ConcreteHandler1 class ConcreteHandler1 extends Handler { handleRequest(request) { if (request.condition) { // do something } else { super.handleRequest(request); } } } // ConcreteHandler2 class ConcreteHandler2 extends Handler { handleRequest(request) { if (request.condition) { // do something } else { super.handleRequest(request); } } } // Client var h1 = new ConcreteHandler1(); var h2 = new ConcreteHandler2(); h1.setNextHandler(h2); h1.handleRequest(request);
2. 命令模式
// Receiver class Receiver { action1() { console.log('Action1 is called.'); } action2() { console.log('Action2 is called.'); } } // Command class Command { constructor(receiver) { this.receiver = receiver; } execute() {} } // ConcreteCommand1 class ConcreteCommand1 extends Command { execute() { this.receiver.action1(); } } // ConcreteCommand2 class ConcreteCommand2 extends Command { execute() { this.receiver.action2(); } } // Invoker class Invoker { constructor() { this.commands = []; } addCommand(command) { this.commands.push(command); } executeCommands() { for (let command of this.commands) { command.execute(); } } } // Client var receiver = new Receiver(); var command1 = new ConcreteCommand1(receiver); var command2 = new ConcreteCommand2(receiver); var invoker = new Invoker(); invoker.addCommand(command1); invoker.addCommand(command2); invoker.executeCommands();
3. 解释器模式
// Context class Context { constructor(input) { this.input = input; this.output = null; } getInput() { return this.input; } setInput(input) { this.input = input; } getOutput() { return this.output; } setOutput(output) { this.output = output; } } // AbstractExpression class AbstractExpression { interpret(context) {} } // TerminalExpression class TerminalExpression extends AbstractExpression { interpret(context) { let input = context.getInput(); context.setOutput(input); } } // NonterminalExpression class NonterminalExpression extends AbstractExpression { interpret(context) { let input = context.getInput(); // do something context.setOutput(output); } } // Client var context = new Context(input); let list = []; list.push(new TerminalExpression()); list.push(new NonterminalExpression()); for (let exp of list) { exp.interpret(context); } console.log(context.getOutput());
4. 迭代器模式
// Aggregate class Aggregate { constructor() {} createIterator() {} } // ConcreteAggregate class ConcreteAggregate extends Aggregate { constructor() { super(); this.collection = []; } addItem(item) { this.collection.push(item); } getItem(index) { return this.collection[index]; } getLength() { return this.collection.length; } createIterator() { return new ConcreteIterator(this); } } // Iterator class Iterator { constructor(aggregate) {} first() {} next() {} isDone() {} currentItem() {} } // ConcreteIterator class ConcreteIterator extends Iterator { constructor(aggregate) { super(); this.aggregate = aggregate; this.index = 0; } first() { this.index = 0; } next() { if (this.index < this.aggregate.getLength()) { this.index++; } } isDone() { return this.index === this.aggregate.getLength(); } currentItem() { return this.aggregate.getItem(this.index); } } // Client var collection = new ConcreteAggregate(); collection.addItem('apple'); collection.addItem('orange'); collection.addItem('banana'); let iterator = collection.createIterator(); while (!iterator.isDone()) { console.log(iterator.currentItem()); iterator.next(); }
5. 中介者模式
// Mediator class Mediator { constructor() {} ColleagueChanged() {} } // ConcreteMediator class ConcreteMediator extends Mediator { constructor() { super(); this.colleague1 = null; this.colleague2 = null; } setcolleague1(colleague1) { this.colleague1 = colleague1; } setcolleague2(colleague2) { this.colleague2 = colleague2; } ColleagueChanged() { this.colleague1.action(); this.colleague2.action(); } } // Colleague class Colleague { constructor(mediator) { this.mediator = mediator; } change() { this.mediator.ColleagueChanged(); } } // ConcreteColleague1 class ConcreteColleague1 extends Colleague { constructor(mediator) { super(mediator); } action() { console.log('ConcreteColleague1 has received the message!'); } } // ConcreteColleague2 class ConcreteColleague2 extends Colleague { constructor(mediator) { super(mediator); } action() { console.log('ConcreteColleague2 has received the message!'); } } // Client var mediator = new ConcreteMediator(); var colleague1 = new ConcreteColleague1(mediator); var colleague2 = new ConcreteColleague2(mediator); mediator.setcolleague1(colleague1); mediator.setcolleague2(colleague2); colleague1.change();
6. 备忘录模式
// Originator class Originator { constructor() { this.state = ''; } setState(state) { this.state = state; } getState() { return this.state; } saveStateMemento() { return new Memento(this.state); } getStateFromMemento(memento) { this.state = memento.getState(); } } // Memento class Memento { constructor(state) { this.state = state; } getState() { return this.state; } } // Caretaker class Caretaker { constructor() { this.mementoList = []; } add(memento) { this.mementoList.push(memento); } get(index) { return this.mementoList[index]; } } // Client var orig = new Originator(); var care = new Caretaker(); orig.setState('State1'); orig.setState('State2'); care.add(orig.saveStateMemento()); orig.setState('State3'); care.add(orig.saveStateMemento()); orig.setState('State4'); console.log("Current State: " + orig.getState()); orig.getStateFromMemento(care.get(1)); console.log("Second saved State: " + orig.getState());
7. 观察者模式
// Subject class Subject { constructor() { this.observers = []; } registerObserver(observer) { this.observers.push(observer); } removeObserver(observer) { let index = this.observers.indexOf(observer); if (index > -1) { this.observers.splice(index, 1); } } notifyObservers() { for (let observer of this.observers) { observer.update(); } } } // ConcreteSubject class ConcreteSubject extends Subject { constructor() { super(); this.state = ''; } getState() { return this.state; } setState(state) { this.state = state; this.notifyObservers(); } } // Observer class Observer { constructor() {} update() {} } // ConcreteObserver1 class ConcreteObserver1 extends Observer { constructor(subject) { super(); this.subject = subject; this.subject.registerObserver(this); } update() { console.log('ConcreteObserver1 state is changed!'); } } // ConcreteObserver2 class ConcreteObserver2 extends Observer { constructor(subject) { super(); this.subject = subject; this.subject.registerObserver(this); } update() { console.log('ConcreteObserver2 state is changed!'); } } // Client var subject = new ConcreteSubject(); var observer1 = new ConcreteObserver1(subject); var observer2 = new ConcreteObserver2(subject); subject.setState('State1');
8. 状态模式
// State class State { constructor() {} handle(context) {} } // ConcreteState1 class ConcreteState1 extends State { constructor() { super(); } handle(context) { console.log('ConcreteState1 state is handled.'); context.setState(new ConcreteState2()); } } // ConcreteState2 class ConcreteState2 extends State { constructor() { super(); } handle(context) { console.log('ConcreteState2 state is handled.'); context.setState(new ConcreteState1()); } } // Context class Context { constructor() { this.state = new ConcreteState1(); } getState() { return this.state; } setState(state) { this.state = state; } request() { this.state.handle(this); } } // Client var ctx = new Context(); ctx.request(); ctx.request();
9. 策略模式
// Context class Context { constructor(strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } getStrategy() { return this.strategy; } setStrategy(strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } executeStrategy() { return this.strategy.execute(); } } // Strategy class Strategy { constructor() {} execute() {} } // ConcreteStrategy1 class ConcreteStrategy1 extends Strategy { constructor() { super(); } execute() { console.log('ConcreteStrategy1 is executed.'); } } // ConcreteStrategy2 class ConcreteStrategy2 extends Strategy { constructor() { super(); } execute() { console.log('ConcreteStrategy2 is executed.'); } } // Client var strategy1 = new ConcreteStrategy1(); var strategy2 = new ConcreteStrategy2(); var context = new Context(strategy1); context.executeStrategy(); context.setStrategy(strategy2); context.executeStrategy();
10. 模板方法模式
// AbstractClass class AbstractClass { constructor() {} operation() { console.log('Step 1.'); this.step1(); console.log('Step 2.'); this.step2(); } step1() {} step2() {} } // ConcreteClass1 class ConcreteClass1 extends AbstractClass { constructor() { super(); } step1() { console.log('ConcreteClass1 Step1 is executed.'); } step2() { console.log('ConcreteClass1 Step2 is executed.'); } } // ConcreteClass2 class ConcreteClass2 extends AbstractClass { constructor() { super(); } step1() { console.log('ConcreteClass2 Step1 is executed.'); } step2() { console.log('ConcreteClass2 Step2 is executed.'); } } // Client var c1 = new ConcreteClass1(); c1.operation(); var c2 = new ConcreteClass2(); c2.operation();
- 容易维护、易于扩展和修改;
- 提高代码的可复用性、灵活性和可维护性;
- 提供了解决通用问题的方案,使得代码更加规范;
- 使系统更加灵活,能够适应变化的需求。
- 增加代码的复杂性,不利于代码阅读和理解;
- 设计模式需要额外的学习和实践成本;
- 设计模式不一定适用于所有的场景。
设计模式广泛应用于软件工程中,特别是在软件架构和框架中。例如,在Web应用程序中,Model-View-Controller (MVC) 模式被用于将视图、控制器和模型分离,通过这种方式可以在开发过程中提高代码的复用和可维护性。
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