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做着玩的 asp + jquery:



<Script language="VBScript" RunAt=Server>
Sub Application_onStart()    
    Application("Connectstring")="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;pwd=abinxm;Initial Catalog=mytest1;Data Source="
End Sub


  1 <%@ codepage=65001%>
  2 <!--#include file="jsonParser.asp"-->
  3 <%
  4     ' on error resume next
  5     Response.Charset="utf-8"
  6     dim actionV
  7     actionV=request.QueryString("action")
  8     if actionV="saveData" then
  9         Dim jsonData,jsonDataLen,jsonDataLen2
 10         Set jsonData = parseToJson(request.Form)
 11         jsonDataLen = jsonData.root.length
 12         If jsonDataLen = 0 Then
 13             Response.write "empty"
 14             Response.End()
 15         End if
 16         Dim SQLStr,UserRS,hConn
 17         Set hConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 18         hConn.Open application("Connectstring")
 19         SQLStr = "delete from T_EleContent"
 20         hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 21         SQLStr = "delete from T_FormContent"
 22         hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 23         jsonDataLen = jsonDataLen - 1
 24         Dim counter,counter2,eleLabel,eleType,eleName,EID,detailV,detailT
 25         For counter = 0 To jsonDataLen
 26             eleLabel = jsonData.root.get(counter).l
 27             eleType = jsonData.root.get(counter).t
 28             eleName = jsonData.root.get(counter).n
 29             eleLabel = Replace(eleLabel,"'","''")
 30             eleName = Replace(eleName,"'","''")
 31             SQLStr = "insert into T_FormContent(LabelText,EleType,FormEleName) values('"
 32             SQLStr = SQLStr & eleLabel & "','"
 33             SQLStr = SQLStr & eleType & "','"
 34             SQLStr = SQLStr & eleName & "')"
 35             hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 36             SQLStr = "select @@identity as eid"
 37             Set UserRS = hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 38             if UserRS.EOF and UserRS.BOF then
 39                 SQLStr = "delete from T_EleContent"
 40                 hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 41                 SQLStr = "delete from T_FormContent"
 42                 hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 43                 UserRS.close
 44                 Set UserRS = Nothing
 45                 hConn.Close()
 46                 Set hConn = Nothing
 47                 Response.write "error"
 48                 Response.End()
 49             else
 50                 EID = UserRS.Fields("eid").value
 51             end if
 52             if eleType = "checkbox" or eleType = "select" or eleType = "radio" then
 53                 jsonDataLen2 = jsonData.root.get(counter).d.length
 54                 jsonDataLen2 = jsonDataLen2 - 1
 55                 For counter2 = 0 To jsonDataLen2
 56                     detailV = jsonData.root.get(counter).d.get(counter2).v
 57                     detailT = jsonData.root.get(counter).d.get(counter2).x
 58                     detailV = Replace(detailV,"'","''")
 59                     detailT = Replace(detailT,"'","''")
 60                     SQLStr = "insert into T_EleContent(EID,ContentText,ContentVal) values('"
 61                     SQLStr = SQLStr & EID & "','"
 62                     SQLStr = SQLStr & detailT & "','"
 63                     SQLStr = SQLStr & detailV & "')"
 64                     hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 65                 Next
 66             end if
 67         Next
 68         UserRS.close
 69         Set UserRS = Nothing
 70         hConn.Close()
 71         Set hConn = Nothing
 72         Response.write "succ"
 73         Response.End()
 74     end if
 75 %>
 77 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
 78 <html>
 79 <head>
 80 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
 81 <title>动态表单配置页</title>
 82 <style type="text/css">
 83     body{margin:0;padding:0;font-size:16px;}
 84     #inputDiv{margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-right:5px;}
 85     #formTable{width:98%;margin-left:5px;text-align:center;font-size:14px;}
 86     .titleTr{font-weight:bold;text-align:center;}
 87     .delBtn{color:red;}
 88     .detialDiv{float:left;text-align:left;clear:both;}
 89     .contentTable{float:left;display:block;clear:both;border-color:blue;width:98%;margin-left:3px;margin-bottom:3px;}
 90 </style>
 91 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./jquery.js" ></script>
 92 <script  type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
 93 function addNewRow(){
 94     var vIndex = $("#formTable tr[class='IROW']").size();
 95     var newTr = $("<tr class='IROW' ><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
 96     newTr.find("td:first").html(vIndex+1);
 97     $("#formTable").append(newTr);
 98     return newTr;
 99 }
100 function delCurRow(obj){$(obj).parent().parent().remove();}
101 function delRow(obj){
102     delCurRow(obj);
103     $("#formTable").find("tr[class='IROW']").each(function(i){$(this).find("td:eq(0)").html(i+1);});
104 }
105 function delEleDetail(obj,ctlType,ctlText,ctlVal){
106     if(ctlType=='checkbox' || ctlType=='radio'){
107         $(obj).parents("tr[class='IROW']:first").children("td:eq(4)").find("input[type='"+ctlType+"']").each(function(){
108             if( $(this).attr('value')==ctlVal && $(this).parent().find('span:first').html()==ctlText ){
109                 $(this).parent().parent().remove();
110                 return false;    
111             }
112         });
113     }else if(ctlType=='select'){
114         $(obj).parents("tr[class='IROW']:first").children("td:eq(4)").find("select option").each(function(){
115             if( $(this).html()==ctlText && $(this).attr('value')==ctlVal ){
116                 $(this).remove();
117                 return false;
118             }
119         });
120     }
121     delCurRow(obj);
122 }
123 function createDetialAddHtml(ctlType,ctlName){
124         var htmlV1 = "<span>文本:</span><input type='text' style='width:100px;' value='' name='ctlText' />";
125         htmlV1 += "<span>值:</span><input type='text' style='width:100px;' value='' name='ctrlVal' />";
126         htmlV1 += "<input type='button' value='增加' style='width:50px;' onclick='addDetail(this,\""+ctlName+"\",\""+ctlType+"\")' />";
127         htmlV1 += "<input type='hidden' value='"+ctlName+"' name='ctlNameHide' />";
128         htmlV1 += "<input type='hidden' value='"+ctlType+"' name='ctlTypeHide' />";
129         return htmlV1;
130 }
131 function addNewEle(){
132         var labelInput = $.trim($("#labelInput").val());
133         if( labelInput == "" ){alert('请输入表单标题');$("#labelInput").focus();return;}
134         var ctlName = $.trim($("#ctlName").val());
135         if( ctlName == "" ){alert('请输入表单名称');$("#ctlName").focus();return;}
136         if( $(document).find('[name="'+ctlName+'"]').size() > 0 || $(document).find('[name="ctlNameHide"][value="'+ctlName+'"]').size()>0 )
137         {alert('已存在同名表单元素!');return;}
138         var eleType = $("#eleType").val();
139         var newTr = addNewRow();
140         newTr.children("td:eq(1)").html($("#eleType option:selected").html());
141         newTr.children("td:eq(2)").html(ctlName);
142         if( eleType == 'checkbox' || eleType == 'select' || eleType == 'radio' ){
143             newTr.children("td:eq(3)").html("<div class='detialDiv'>" + createDetialAddHtml(eleType,ctlName) + "<input type='hidden' value='"+labelInput+"' name='ctlLabelHide' /></div><table class='contentTable' border='1' ></table>" );
144         }else{
145             newTr.children("td:eq(3)").html("<div class='detialDiv' ><input type='hidden' value='"+ctlName+"' name='ctlNameHide' /><input type='hidden' value='"+eleType+"' name='ctlTypeHide' /><input type='hidden' value='"+labelInput+"' name='ctlLabelHide' /></div>");
146         }
147         if( eleType == 'select' ){
148             newTr.children("td:eq(4)").html("<div class='detialDiv' ><table><tr><td><span>"+labelInput+":</span></td><td><select name='"+ctlName+"' id='"+ctlName+"' style='min-width:200px;' ></select></td></tr></table></div>");
149         }else if( eleType == 'checkbox' || eleType == 'radio' ){
150             newTr.children("td:eq(4)").html("<div class='detialDiv' ><table><tr><td ><span>"+labelInput+":</span></td></tr></table></div>");
151         }else if( eleType == 'text' ){
152             newTr.children("td:eq(4)").html("<div class='detialDiv' ><table><tr><td ><span>"+labelInput+":</span><input type='text' value='' name='"+ctlName+"' /></td></tr></table></div>");
153         }else if( eleType == 'textarea' ){
154             newTr.children("td:eq(4)").html("<div class='detialDiv' ><table><tr><td ><span>"+labelInput+":</span><textarea rows='3' cols='30' name='"+ctlName+"' ></textarea></td></tr></table></div>");
155         }
156         newTr.children("td:eq(5)").html("<a href='#' onclick='delRow(this);return false;' class='delBtn' >删除</a>");
157 }
158 function addDetail(obj,ctlName,ctlType){
159     var curDiv = $(obj).parent();
160     var ctlText = curDiv.find("input[name='ctlText']:first");
161     var ctrlVal = curDiv.find("input[name='ctrlVal']:first");
162     var ctlTextV = $.trim( ctlText.val() );
163     var ctrlValV = $.trim( ctrlVal.val() );
164     if(ctlTextV==""){alert('请输入'+ctlType+'的文本');ctlText.focus();return;}
165     if(ctrlValV==""){alert('请输入'+ctlType+'的值');ctrlVal.focus();return;}
166     var curTable = curDiv.parent().find("table:first");
167     if( ctlType == 'checkbox' || ctlType == 'radio' || ctlType == 'select' ){
168         var tmpTr = $("<tr><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>");
169         tmpTr.find("td:eq(0)").html("文本:"+ctlTextV);
170         tmpTr.find("td:eq(1)").html("值:"+ctrlValV);
171         tmpTr.find("td:eq(2)").html("<a href='#' onclick='delEleDetail(this,\""+ctlType+"\",\""+ctlTextV+"\",\""+ctrlValV+"\");return false;' class='delBtn' >删除</a>");
172         curTable.append(tmpTr)
173         var htmlViewCtl = curDiv.parent().parent().children("td:eq(4)");
174         if(ctlType == 'checkbox'){
175             htmlViewCtl.find("table:first").append("<tr><td><input type='checkbox' value='" + ctrlValV + "' /><span>" + ctlTextV + "</span></td></tr>");
176         }else if(ctlType == 'radio'){
177             htmlViewCtl.find("table:first").append("<tr><td><input type='radio' value='" + ctrlValV + "' /><span>" + ctlTextV + "</span></td></tr>");
178         }else if(ctlType == 'select'){
179             htmlViewCtl.find("select:first").append("<option value='" + ctrlValV + "'>" + ctlTextV + "</option>")
180         }
181     }
182 }
183 function saveForm(){
184     var jsonData = '';
185     var hasErr = false;
186     var errMsg = '';
187     $("#formTable tr[class='IROW']").each(function(){
188             var ctlNameHide = $.trim( $(this).find("input[type='hidden'][name='ctlNameHide']:first").val() );
189             var ctlTypeHide = $.trim( $(this).find("input[type='hidden'][name='ctlTypeHide']:first").val() );
190             var ctlLabelHide = $.trim( $(this).find("input[type='hidden'][name='ctlLabelHide']:first").val() );
191             var tmpData ='{"t":"' + ctlTypeHide + '","n":"' + ctlNameHide + '","l":"' + ctlLabelHide + '"' ;
192             if( ctlTypeHide == 'textarea' || ctlTypeHide == 'text' ){
193                 tmpData += "}"
194             }else if( ctlTypeHide == 'checkbox' || ctlTypeHide == 'radio' || ctlTypeHide == 'select' ){
195                 tmpData += ',"d":['
196                 if( ctlTypeHide == 'select' ){
197                     var optionNum = 0;
198                     var dataString = '';
199                     $(this).children("td:eq(4)").find("select option").each(function(){
200                         optionNum++;
201                         dataString += '{"x":"' + $(this).html() + '","v":"' + $(this).attr('value') + '"},';
202                     });
203                     if( optionNum==0 ){
204                         errMsg='下拉框控件无内容,请输入内容!';
205                         $(this).find("input[type='text'][name='ctlText']:first").focus();
206                         hasErr=true;
207                         return false;
208                     }
209                     dataString = dataString.substr(0,dataString.length-1);
210                     tmpData = tmpData + dataString;
211                 }else{
212                     var optionNum = 0;
213                     var dataString = '';
214                     $(this).children("td:eq(4)").find("input[type='" + ctlTypeHide + "']").each(function(){
215                         optionNum++;
216                         dataString += '{"x":"' + $(this).parent().children("span:first").html() + '","v":"' + $(this).attr('value') + '"},';
217                     });
218                     if( optionNum==0 ){
219                         errMsg = ctlTypeHide + '控件无内容,请输入内容!';
220                         $(this).find("input[type='text'][name='ctlText']:first").focus();
221                         hasErr=true;
222                         return false;
223                     }
224                     dataString = dataString.substr(0,dataString.length-1);
225                     tmpData = tmpData + dataString;
226                 }
227                 tmpData += "]}"
228             }
229             jsonData = jsonData + tmpData + ","
230     });
231     if(hasErr==true){alert(errMsg);return;}
232     if(jsonData==''){alert('无表单元素可保存');return;}
233     else{jsonData = jsonData.substr(0,jsonData.length-1);}
234     jsonData = '{"root":[' + jsonData + ']}';
235     //alert(jsonData);
236     $.ajax({
237         url:"config.asp?action=saveData",
238         type: "POST",
239         data:jsonData,
240         dataType:'text',
241         success:function(msg){
242                 if(msg=='succ'){
243                     alert('表单保存成功!');    
244                 }else{
245                     //alert(msg);
246                     alert('表单保存失败!');        
247                 }
248         },
249         error:function(){
250             alert('提交失败!');    
251         }
252     });
253 }
254 </script>
255 </head>
256 <body>
257     <div id="inputDiv" >
258         <span>表单标题:</span>
259         <input type="text" value="" id="labelInput" maxlength="20" />
260         <span>表单名称:</span>
261         <input type="text" value="" id="ctlName" maxlength="20" />
262         <select id="eleType" >
263             <option value="text" >文本框</option>
264             <option value="textarea" >区域文本框</option>
265             <option value="radio" >单选框</option>
266             <option value="checkbox" >复选框</option>
267             <option value="select" >下拉框</option>
268         </select>
269         <input type="button" value="新增" onclick="addNewEle()" />
270         <input type="button" value="保存" onclick="saveForm()" style="margin-left:100px;background-color:blue;color:#fff;" />
271     </div>
272     <hr/>
273     <div>
274         <table id="formTable" border="1" >
275             <tr class="titleTr" >
276                 <td style="width:60px;min-width:60px;" >序号</td>
277                 <td style="width:80px;min-width:80px;" >控件类型</td>
278                 <td style="width:200px;min-width:200px;" >控件名称</td>
279                 <td>控件数据</td>
280                 <td>控件预览</td>
281                 <td style="width:60px;min-width:60px;" >操作</td>
282             </tr>
283         </table>    
284     </div>    
285 </body>
286 </html>


 1 <script language="javascript" runat="server">
 2 Array.prototype.get = function(prop)
 3 {
 4 return this[prop];
 5 }
 6 function parseToJson(json_data)
 7 {
 8     eval("var o=" + json_data);
 9     return (o);
11 }
12 </script>


  1 <%@ codepage=65001%>
  2 <!--#include file="jsonParser.asp"-->
  3 <%
  4     ' on error resume next
  5     Response.Charset="utf-8"
  6     Dim SQLStr,UserRS,hConn,UserRS2
  7     Set hConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
  8     hConn.Open application("Connectstring")
 10     dim actionV
 11     actionV=request.QueryString("action")
 12     if actionV="saveData" then
 13         dim subEleNum,iTmpIndex,formEle
 14         subEleNum = Request.Form.Count
 15         %>
 16         <center>
 17         <table border="1" >
 18             <tr><td colspan="2" ><center><strong>表单提交结果</strong></center></td></tr>
 19         <%
 20         for iTmpIndex = 1 to subEleNum
 21         %>
 22         <tr><td><%=Request.Form.key(iTmpIndex)%>:</td><td><%=Request.Form.item(iTmpIndex)%></td></tr>
 23         <%
 24         next
 25         %>
 26         </table>
 27         </center>
 28         <%
 29         Response.End()
 30     end if
 31     'submit
 32 %>
 33 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
 34 <html>
 35 <head>
 36 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
 37 <title>表单内容</title>
 38 <style type="text/css">
 39     body{margin:0;padding:0;text-align:center;}
 40     .mainDiv{width:800px;margin:0 auto;margin-top:20px;}
 41     .mainTable{width:98%;}
 42     .firstTr{height:50px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;line-height:46px}
 43     .lastTr{height:50px;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;}
 44     #subBtn{height:30px;font-size:15px;font-weight:bold;}
 45 </style>
 46 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="./jquery.js" ></script>
 47 <script  type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
 49 </script>
 50 </head>
 51 <body>
 52 <form id="subForm" name="subForm" method="post" action="form.asp?action=saveData" >
 53     <div class="mainDiv" >
 54     <table border="1" class="mainTable" >
 55             <tr class="firstTr"><td colspan="2">用户表单</td></tr>
 56     <%
 57         Dim EID,LabelText,EleType,FormEleName,ContentText,ContentVal
 58         SQLStr = "select EID,LabelText,EleType,FormEleName from T_FormContent order by EID"
 59         Set UserRS = hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 60         IF Not UserRS.EOF THEN
 61             do while not UserRS.EOF
 62                 EID = UserRS.Fields("eid").value
 63                 LabelText = UserRS.Fields("LabelText").value
 64                 EleType = UserRS.Fields("EleType").value
 65                 FormEleName = UserRS.Fields("FormEleName").value
 66                 %>
 67                 <tr ><td><strong><%=LabelText%>:</strong></td><td>
 68                 <%
 69                 if EleType = "checkbox" or EleType = "select" or EleType = "radio" then
 70                     if EleType = "select" Then
 71                         %>
 72                             <select name="<%=FormEleName%>" id="<%=FormEleName%>" >
 73                         <%
 74                     end if
 75                     SQLStr = "select EVID,ContentText,ContentVal from T_EleContent where EID = '" & EID & "' order by EVID "
 76                     Set UserRS2 = hConn.Execute(SQLStr)
 77                     do while not UserRS2.EOF
 78                         ContentText = UserRS2.Fields("ContentText").value
 79                         ContentVal = UserRS2.Fields("ContentVal").value
 80                         if EleType = "select" Then
 81                         %>
 82                             <option value="<%=ContentVal%>"><%=ContentText%></option>
 83                         <%
 84                         else
 85                         %>
 86                             <input type="<%=EleType%>" value="<%=ContentVal%>" name="<%=FormEleName%>" id="<%=FormEleName%>" /><span><%=ContentText%></span><br/>
 87                         <%
 88                         end if
 89                         UserRS2.MoveNext
 90                     Loop
 91                     if EleType = "select" Then
 92                         %>
 93                             </select>
 94                         <%
 95                     end if
 96                 end if
 97                 if EleType = "text" then
 98                     %>
 99                     <input type="text" value="" name="<%=FormEleName%>" id="<%=FormEleName%>" />
100                     <%
101                 end if
102                 if EleType = "textarea" then
103                     %>
104                     <textarea rows="3" cols="30" name="<%=FormEleName%>" id="<%=FormEleName%>" ></textarea>
105                     <%
106                 end if
107                 UserRS.MoveNext
108                 %>
109                 </td></tr>
110                 <%
111             Loop
112         End If
113     %>
114     <tr class="lastTr" ><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="提交" id="subBtn" /></td></tr>
115     </table>
116     </div>
117 </form>
118 </body>
119 </html>
120 <%
121     hConn.Close()
122     Set hConn = Nothing
123 %>


posted on 2013-08-07 09:34  阿彬  阅读(569)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报