How to build a COM to Send and Receive Multi File by ATL

Posted before 2002


The COM can send and receive Multi file from Server .

The project code has been built with VC++ 6.0 SP5 / ATL3.0 and tested on Win2K Professional.

Getting started

1.Create an ATL Project by useing ATL COM AppWizard ,name it as what you want,

       at the step 1 :choose Support MFC;

2.Insert New ATL object by menu/toolbar,select Control -->lite Control-->

              names:   short name-->TestThread

            attributes:   support ISupportErrorInfo

                       support Connection_Points

                       interface -->Dual

                             thread model -->Apartment

                Misc:  inVisible at runtime

      then click ok;

3. At classview ,right click CTestThread select Add Method,

          add three method and the .idl file can found code like following lines

                interface ITestThread : IDispatch


              [id(1), helpstring("MultiThread Download File From Server")] HRESULT DownFile([in]BSTR bstrString);

              [id(2), helpstring("Show About")] HRESULT About();

              [id(3), helpstring("method SendFile")] HRESULT SendFile([in]BSTR bstrstring,[in]BSTR bstrFileString);


4.In TestThread.cpp   add following codes:    

// TestThread.cpp : Implementation of CTestThread

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "ThreadTest.h"

#include "TestThread.h"

#include "AboutDlg.h"


// CTestThread



//     全局

char* msg[10];


CSocket sockClient;


// 全局定义完毕


STDMETHODIMP CTestThread::DownFile(BSTR bstrString)



       // TODO: Add your implementation code here



      //     负责文件的下载工作,消息字符串在这里需要处理





      LPTSTR lpMsg;

      lpMsg = OLE2T(bstrString);

      char* chMsgString;

        chMsgString = lpMsg;

      char* msg[10];

      int i = 0;

      char *Split;









                    i = i+1;

                    msg[i] = Split;








              AfxMessageBox("Connect to server Fail!");


              return S_FALSE;




              SOCKET_USERINFO UserInfo;             //// msg[]次序可能需要变动










              //HRESULT hr= sockClient.Receive(&StreamFileInfo,

              //            sizeof(SOCKET_STREAM_FILE_INFO));




                     HANDLE hThread;

                     DWORD dwThreadID;

                     hThread = CreateThread(NULL,0,ReceiveFile,0,0,&dwThreadID);










                                   //       如果接收到信息,则比较,为"end"则结束while

                                   //  循环,否则继续循环创建线程接收文件




                                   if(m_szBuffer == m_szFlag)


                                          break;           //Receive Data =="end" ,Exit While Block






                                   //       如果没有接收到任何信息,退出循环







                            break;   //while Catch Error ,break;





       catch( ... )




              return S_FALSE;



       return S_OK;






       //   以下代码经过测试可以正常接受文件





       //     添加代码,判断接收到的文件名是否含有".JPG",有则设置你

       //  保存目录为 "d:\imgtemp\" ,不是则保存为 "c:\info21\"




       ::SetCurrentDirectory(_T("C:\\Info21\\"));         //设置下载文件的目录




              CFile destFile(StreamFileInfo.szFileTitle ,//设置下载后的文件名

                     CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::typeBinary);

              UINT dwRead = 0;                           //接收文件



                     byte* data = new byte[1024];           //1k blocks to the buffer


                     UINT dw=sockClient.Receive(data, 1024);

                     destFile.Write(data, dw);






              destFile.Close();                            // One File Receive over.




           MessageBox(NULL,_T("Receive File Error!! And Socket Will DisConnect!!"),_T("Receive File"),       MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK);



              return S_FALSE;


       MessageBox(NULL,_T("File All Received Complete!!"),_T("Receive File"),MB_OK);


       return 0;


STDMETHODIMP CTestThread::About()



       // TODO: Add your implementation code here



       //   Show  About



       CAboutDlg dlg;


       return S_OK;


STDMETHODIMP CTestThread::SendFile(BSTR bstrString ,BSTR bstrFileString)



       // TODO: Add your implementation code here


       //     发送文件到服务器

       //  参数为  消息串(bstrString),文件路径(bstrFileString)



       LPTSTR lpMsg;

      lpMsg = OLE2T(bstrString);

      char* chMsgString;

        chMsgString = lpMsg;

      char* msg[10];

      int i = 0;

      char *Split;

        Split=strtok(chMsgString,":");                            ////分解消息串








                    i = i+1;

                    msg[i] = Split;








              AfxMessageBox("Connect to server Fail!");


              return S_FALSE;


       SOCKET_USERINFO UserInfo;             //// msg[]次序可能需要变动











       Recurse(bstrFileString);           //搜索指定目录下的文件并传送到服务器




       return S_OK;


void CTestThread::Recurse(BSTR  FilePath)



   CFileFind finder;

   BSTR pstr = FilePath; 


   CString strWildcard(pstr);

   strWildcard += _T("\\*.*");

   BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(strWildcard);

   while (bWorking)


      bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();


      // 输出文件名

         CString strFilename = finder.GetFilePath();

         if(strFilename!= ".")











HRESULT CTestThread::SendFile(BSTR DocFile)



       char* filename = OLE2T(DocFile);

       CFile myFile;

       if(!myFile.Open( filename ,/* conversion BSTR to char* */

                                   CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary))


              //文件打开失败直接返回。在 " . " and " .. " 两个目录文件的情况下出现。

              return 0;


       SOCKET_STREAM_FILE_INFO              StreamFileInfo;

       WIN32_FIND_DATA             FindFileData;




    StreamFileInfo.nFileSizeLow         =       FindFileData.nFileSizeLow;     


       UINT dwRead=0;



              byte* data = new byte[5120];

              UINT dw=myFile.Read(data, 5120);

              sockClient.Send(data, dw);





       return S_OK;


for the About method ,you must add a dialog and named AboutDlg,ok.

User Define Struct must be add to TestThread.h file:

typedef struct _SOCKET_STREAM_FILE_INFO {

    TCHAR       szFileTitle[128];                  

DWORD       dwFileAttributes;                 

FILETIME    ftCreationTime;                    

FILETIME    ftLastAccessTime;                 

FILETIME    ftLastWriteTime;                   

    DWORD       nFileSizeHigh;                     

    DWORD       nFileSizeLow;                      

    DWORD       dwReserved0;                       

    DWORD       dwReserved1;                    


typedef struct _SOCKET_USERINFO


       TCHAR       UserName[128];

       TCHAR   Database[128];

       TCHAR   DocID[256];

       TCHAR   AttID[256];

       TCHAR   DotName[128];

       TCHAR   MultiUser[128];

       TCHAR   EditMode[128];

       TCHAR   UserTime[128];


following two variable must be add to CTestThread class

       char m_szBuffer[4];

       char m_szFlag[4] ;

add #include "afxsock.h" to StdAfx.h file

Happy programming. :-)

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