python -- 装饰器的高级应用
2017-09-01 15:42 abce 阅读(611) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报装饰器和装饰器模式
装饰器模式可以在python中实现,但是这样做意义不大。因为python是鸭子类型风格的编程语言。鸭子类型(英语:duck typing)是动态类型的一种风格。
import time import datetime def time_this(original_func): def new_func(*args, **kwargs): start_a = x = original_func(*args, **kwargs) end_a = print("Elapsed Time = {0}".format(start_a - end_a)) return x return new_func @time_this def func_a(stuff): print("i need a sleep.") time.sleep(3) func_a(1)
i need a sleep. Elapsed Time = -1 day, 23:59:56.999700
@view_config(route_name='home',renderer='templates/') def my_view(request): return {'project':'hello decorators'}
#assume these functions exist def current_user_id(): """ this function returns the current logged in user id, if the user is not authenticated then return None """ def get_permissions(iUserId): """ returns a list of permission strings for the given user. For example ['logged_in','administrator','premium_member'] """ #we need to implment permission checking on these functions def delete_user(iUserId): """ delete the user with the given Id. This function is only accessable to users with administrator permissions """ def new_game(): """ any logged in user can start a new game """ def premium_checkpoint(): """ save the game progress, only accessable to premium members """
def requires_admin(func): def ret_func(*args,**kwargs): permissions = get_permissions(current_user_id()) if 'administrator' in permissions: return func(*args,**kwargs) else: raise Exception("Not allowed") return ret_func def requires_logged_in(func): def ret_func(*args,**kwargs): permissions = get_permissions(current_user_id()) if 'logged_in' in permissions: return func(*args,**kwargs) else: raise Exception("Not allowed") return ret_func def requires_premium_member(func): def ret_func(*args,**kwargs): permissions = get_permissions(current_user_id()) if 'premium_member' in permissions: return func(*args,**kwargs) else: raise Exception("Not allowed") return ret_func @requires_admin def delete_user(iUserId): """ delete the user with the given Id. This function is only accessable to users with administrator permissions """ @requires_logged_in def new_game(): """ any logged in user can start a new game """ @requires_premium_member def premium_checkpoint(): """ save the game progress, only accessable to premium members """
def requires_permission(sPermission): def decorator(func): def decorated(*args,**kwargs): permissions = get_permissions(current_user_id()) if sPermission in permissions: return func(*args,**kwargs) raise Exception("permission denied") return decorated return decorator def get_permissions(iUserId): #this is here so that the decorator doesn't throw NameErrors return ['logged_in',] def current_user_id(): #ditto on the NameErrors return 1 #and now we can decorate stuff... @requires_permission('administrator') def delete_user(iUserId): """ delete the user with the given Id. This function is only accessible to users with administrator permissions """ @requires_permission('logged_in') def new_game(): """ any logged in user can start a new game """ @requires_permission('premium_member') def premium_checkpoint(): """ save the game progress, only accessable to premium members """
def outer_decorator(*outer_args,**outer_kwargs): def decorator(func): def decorated(*args,**kwargs): do_something(*outer_args,**outer_kwargs) return func(*args,**kwargs) return decorated return decorator @outer_decorator(1,2,3) def foo(a,b,c): print a print b print c foo()
def decorator(func): def decorated(*args,**kwargs): do_something(1,2,3) return func(*args,**kwargs) return decorated return decorator @decorator def foo(a,b,c): print a print b print c foo()
class ImportantStuff(object): @time_this def do_stuff_1(self): ... @time_this def do_stuff_2(self): ... @time_this def do_stuff_3(self): ...
@time_all_class_methods class ImportantStuff: def do_stuff_1(self): ... def do_stuff_2(self): ... def do_stuff_3(self): ...
class ImportantStuff: def do_stuff_1(self): ... def do_stuff_2(self): ... def do_stuff_3(self): ... ImportantStuff = time_all_class_methods(ImportantStuff)
import datetime import time def time_this(original_func): print ("decorating") def new_func(*args,**kwargs): print("starting timer") start = x = original_func(*args,**kwargs) end = print "Elapsed Time = {0}".format(end-start) return x return new_func def time_all_class_methods(Cls): class NewCls(object): def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): self.oInstance = Cls(*args,**kwargs) def __getattribute__(self,s): """ this is called whenever any attribute of a NewCls object is accessed. This function first tries to get the attribute off NewCls. If it fails then it tries to fetch the attribute from self.oInstance (an instance of the decorated class). If it manages to fetch the attribute from self.oInstance, and the attribute is an instance method then `time_this` is applied. """ try: x = super(NewCls,self).__getattribute__(s) except AttributeError: pass else: return x x = self.oInstance.__getattribute__(s) if type(x) == type(self.__init__): # it is an instance method return time_this(x) # this is equivalent of just decorating the method with time_this else: return x return NewCls #now lets make a dummy class to test it out on: @time_all_class_methods class Foo(object): def a(self): print "entering a" import time time.sleep(3) print "exiting a" oF = Foo() oF.a()