ORACLE 11G内存管理方式
2016-02-02 13:44 abce 阅读(971) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
buffer cache
redo log buffer
shared pool
large pool
共享模式下为会话分配内存,oracle xa,并行查询缓存,rman
java pool
streams pool
用于oracle stream
1.AMM(Automatic Memory Management) – 统一管理SGA和PGA
2.ASSM(Automatic Shared Memory Management) – 自动管理SGA
自动管理SGA(buffer cache、shared pool、large pool、java pool、streams pool),使用$sga_target_advice进行调优
-Log buffer
-Other buffer caches (such as KEEP, RECYCLE, and other nondefault block size)
-Fixed SGA and other internal allocations
SQL> select * from v$sga_target_advice; SGA_SIZE SGA_SIZE_FACTOR ESTD_DB_TIME ESTD_DB_TIME_FACTOR ESTD_PHYSICAL_READS ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------------- ------------------- 7264 .25 1187001 4.5075 3994550959 10896 .375 453075 1.7205 1350811286 14528 .5 276980 1.0518 585978929 18160 .625 263602 1.001 525730243 21792 .75 263339 1 525730243 25424 .875 263339 1 525730243 29056 1 263339 1 525730243 32688 1.125 263339 1 525730243 36320 1.25 263339 1 525730243 39952 1.375 263339 1 525730243 43584 1.5 263339 1 525730243 47216 1.625 263339 1 525730243 50848 1.75 218598 .8301 325059009 54480 1.875 218492 .8297 325059009 58112 2 218492 .8297 325059009 15 rows selected. SQL>
3.manual shared memory management – 手动管理SGA
SQL> select * from v$memory_resize_ops; COMPONENT OPER_TYPE OPER_MODE PARAMETER INITIAL_SIZE TARGET_SIZE FINAL_SIZE STATUS START_TIM END_TIME ------------------------------ ------------- --------- ------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- shared pool STATIC shared_pool_size 0 6576668672 6576668672 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 PGA Target STATIC pga_aggregate_target 0 1.0201E+10 1.0201E+10 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 java pool STATIC java_pool_size 0 469762048 469762048 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 streams pool STATIC streams_pool_size 0 134217728 134217728 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 SGA Target STATIC sga_target 0 3.0467E+10 3.0467E+10 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT buffer cache INITIALIZING db_cache_size 2.2817E+10 2.2817E+10 2.2817E+10 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 ASM Buffer Cache STATIC db_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT buffer cache STATIC db_cache_size 0 2.2817E+10 2.2817E+10 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 2K buffer cache STATIC db_2k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 4K buffer cache STATIC db_4k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 8K buffer cache STATIC db_8k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 16K buffer cache STATIC db_16k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 32K buffer cache STATIC db_32k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 KEEP buffer cache STATIC db_keep_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 RECYCLE buffer cache STATIC db_recycle_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 large pool STATIC large_pool_size 0 268435456 268435456 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 16 rows selected. SQL>
SQL> select * from v$sga_resize_ops; COMPONENT OPER_TYPE OPER_MODE PARAMETER INITIAL_SIZE TARGET_SIZE FINAL_SIZE STATUS START_TIM END_TIME ------------------------------ ------------- --------- ------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- shared pool STATIC shared_pool_size 0 6576668672 6576668672 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 large pool STATIC large_pool_size 0 268435456 268435456 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 java pool STATIC java_pool_size 0 469762048 469762048 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 streams pool STATIC streams_pool_size 0 134217728 134217728 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT buffer cache INITIALIZING db_cache_size 2.2817E+10 2.2817E+10 2.2817E+10 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 ASM Buffer Cache STATIC db_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 RECYCLE buffer cache STATIC db_recycle_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 2K buffer cache STATIC db_2k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 4K buffer cache STATIC db_4k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 8K buffer cache STATIC db_8k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 16K buffer cache STATIC db_16k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT 32K buffer cache STATIC db_32k_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 KEEP buffer cache STATIC db_keep_cache_size 0 0 0 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 DEFAULT buffer cache STATIC db_cache_size 0 2.2817E+10 2.2817E+10 COMPLETE 26-DEC-15 26-DEC-15 14 rows selected. SQL>
SQL> select * from v$sga_dynamic_components; COMPONENT CURRENT_SIZE MIN_SIZE MAX_SIZE USER_SPECIFIED_SIZE OPER_COUNT LAST_OPER_TYP LAST_OPER LAST_OPER GRANULE_SIZE ------------------------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ------------- --------- --------- ------------ shared pool 6576668672 6576668672 6576668672 0 0 STATIC 67108864 large pool 268435456 268435456 268435456 0 0 STATIC 67108864 java pool 469762048 469762048 469762048 0 0 STATIC 67108864 streams pool 134217728 134217728 134217728 0 0 STATIC 67108864 DEFAULT buffer cache 2.2817E+10 2.2817E+10 2.2817E+10 0 0 INITIALIZING 67108864 KEEP buffer cache 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 RECYCLE buffer cache 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 DEFAULT 2K buffer cache 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 DEFAULT 4K buffer cache 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 DEFAULT 8K buffer cache 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 DEFAULT 16K buffer cache 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 DEFAULT 32K buffer cache 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 Shared IO Pool 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 ASM Buffer Cache 0 0 0 0 0 STATIC 67108864 14 rows selected. SQL>
SQL> select * from v$sga_dynamic_free_memory; CURRENT_SIZE CON_ID ------------ ---------- 50331648 0 SQL>