2022-05-09 21:32 abce 阅读(578) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报场景用例:
database database1: schema schema1: owner: user1 table table1: columns: - id: integer - data: text table table2: columns: - id: integer - data: text schema schema2:database database1: schema schema1: owner: user1 table table1: columns: - id: integer - data: text table table2: columns: - id: integer - data: text schema schema2: owner: user2 table table1: columns: - id: integer - data: text database database2: schema schema1: owner: user1 table table1: columns: - id: integer - data: text owner: user2 table table1: columns: - id: integer - data: text database database2: schema schema1: owner: user1 table table1: columns: - id: integer - data: text
pg13-database1 postgres =# create user appuser; CREATE ROLE pg13-database1 postgres =# alter user appuser password 'secretsuperpasswd'; ALTER ROLE
pg13-database1 user1 => \c database1 appuser Password for user appuser: psql (14.1, server 13.5 (Debian 13.5-1.pgdg110+1)) You are now connected to database "database1" as user "appuser". pg13-database1 user1 => select * from schema1.table1 limit 5; ERROR: permission denied for schema schema1 LINE 1: select * from schema1.table1 limit 5; ^
Pg13-database1 postgres =# grant usage on schema schema1 to appuser; GRANT
pg13-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table1 limit 5; ERROR: permission denied for table table1
pg13-database1 user1 => grant select on schema1.table1 to appuser; GRANT pg13-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table1 limit 5; id | data ----+------ 1 | 1 2 | 2 3 | 3 4 | 4 5 | 5 (5 rows)
pg13-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table2 limit 5; ERROR: permission denied for table table2
pg13-database1 user1 => grant select on all tables in schema schema1 to appuser; GRANT pg13-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table2 limit 5 ; id | data ----+------ 1 | 1 2 | 2 3 | 3 4 | 4 5 | 5 (5 rows)
pg13-database1 user1 => create table schema1.table3 (like schema1.table1) ; CREATE TABLE pg13-database1 user1 => insert into schema1.table3(id, data) select i,i::text from generate_series(1,1000) i; INSERT 0 1000
pg13-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table3 limit 5; ERROR: permission denied for table table3
pg13-database1 user1 => alter default privileges in schema schema1 grant select on tables to appuser; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES
pg13-database1 user1 => create table schema1.table4 (like schema1.table1) ; CREATE TABLE pg13-database1 user1 => insert into schema1.table4(id, data) select i,i::text from generate_series(1,1000) i; INSERT 0 1000 pg13-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table4 limit 5 ; id | data ----+------ 1 | 1 2 | 2 3 | 3 4 | 4 5 | 5 (5 rows)
pg13-database1 appuser => select * from schema2.table1 limit 5; ERROR: permission denied for schema schema2
pg13-database1 appuser => \c database2 appuser psql (14.1, server 13.5 (Debian 13.5-1.pgdg110+1)) You are now connected to database "database2" as user "appuser". pg13-database2 appuser => select * from schema1.table1 limit 5; ERROR: permission denied for schema schema1
角色 | 允许访问的范围 |
pg_read_all_data | 读所有的数据(表、视图、序列等),即在这些对象上有select权限,在所有schemas上有usage权限;该角色不包含BYPASSRLS设置的属性; |
pg_write_all_data | 写所有的数据(表、视图、序列等),即在这些对象上有update、insert、delete权限,在所有schemas上有usage权限;该角色不包含BYPASSRLS设置的属性; |
现在,来看看在postgresql 14中是如何完成上面的场景用例的。
pg14-database1 postgres =# create user appuser; CREATE ROLE pg14-database1 postgres =# alter user appuser password 'supersecretpasswd'; ALTER ROLE
pg14-database1 user1 => \c database1 appuser Password for user appuser: You are now connected to database "database1" as user "appuser". pg14-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table1 limit 5; ERROR: permission denied for schema schema1 LINE 1: select * from schema1.table1 limit 5 ;
神奇之旅开始,我们可以使用postgresql 14中预先定义的角色:
pg14-database1 postgres =# grant pg_read_all_data to appuser ; GRANT ROLE
pg14-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table1 limit 5 ; id | data ----+------ 1 | 1 2 | 2 3 | 3 4 | 4 5 | 5 (5 rows)
pg14-database1 appuser => select * from schema2.table1 limit 5 ; id | data ----+------ 1 | 1 2 | 2 3 | 3 4 | 4 5 | 5 (5 rows)
pg14-database1 user1 => create table schema1.table3 (like schema1.table1) ; CREATE TABLE pg14-database1 user1 => insert into schema1.table3(id, data) database1-> select i,i::text from generate_series(1,1000000) i; INSERT 0 1000000
pg14-database1 appuser => select * from schema1.table3 limit 5; id | data ----+------ 1 | 1 2 | 2 3 | 3 4 | 4 5 | 5 (10 rows)
pg14-database1 appuser => \c database2 appuser You are now connected to database "database2" as user "appuser". pg14-database2 appuser => select * from schema1.table1 limit 5; id | data ----+------ 1 | 1 2 | 2 3 | 3 4 | 4 5 | 5 (5 rows)
pg14-database1 write_appuser => \dg write_appuser List of roles Role name | Attributes | Member of ----------------+------------+--------------------- write_appuser | | {pg_write_all_data} pg14-database1 write_appuser => insert into schema1.table1(id, data) values(2000000, 'database1.schema1.table1-2000000'); INSERT 0 1 pg14-database1 write_appuser => update schema1.table1 set data = 'database1.schema1.table1-2000000-upd' where id = 2000000 ; ERROR: permission denied for table table1 pg14-database1 write_appuser => delete from schema1.table1 where id = 2000000 ; ERROR: permission denied for table table1 pg14-database1 write_appuser => update schema1.table1 set data = ''; UPDATE 1000001 pg14-database1 write_appuser => delete from schema1.table1; DELETE 1000001