2020-08-13 16:23 abce 阅读(1333) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报在之前的文章中,我们讨论了PostgreSQL索引引擎和访问方法的接口,以及哈希索引、b-tree、GiST、SP-GiST、GIN、RUM和BRIN。现在我们来看看Bloom索引。
典型的布隆过滤器是一种数据结构,使我们能够快速检查集合中元素的成员关系。过滤器是非常紧凑,但允许存在错误:it can mistakenly consider an element to be a member of a set (**false positive**), but it is not permitted to consider an element of a set not to be a member (**false negative**)。
通过选择签名的长度,我们可以在索引大小和false positive(这里名词解释见上文)概率之间权衡。
1 | create index on ... using bloom(...) with (length=..., col1=..., col2=..., ...); |
我们如何选择合适的值呢?理论表明,对于假设过滤器返回false positive的可能性为p,最优的签名长度是m=−nlog2p/ln2,这里n是索引中列的个数, 待设置的位数是k=−log2p.
· false positive的概率p与一个过滤器有关,因此,我们希望在表扫描期间获得Np的 false positive(当然是对返回很少行的查询)。例如,对于一个具有一百万行且概率为0.01的表,平均而言,在查询计划中,我们可以期望«Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 10000»。
当在表中插入新行时,将创建一个签名:对于所有索引字段的值,其所有对应位都设置为1。 从理论上讲,我们必须具有k个不同的哈希函数,而实际上,伪随机数生成器就足够了,每次使用唯一的哈希函数都可以选择其种子。
正如我们已经提到的那样,Bloom索引是平面的,因此在索引访问过程中,始终会连续且完整地读取它。 在阅读过程中,将生成一个位图,然后将其用于访问表。
在常规索引访问中,假定只需要读取很少的索引行,此外,很快又再次需要它们,因此,将它们存储在buffer cache中。 但是,读取Bloom索引实际上是顺序扫描。 为了防止将有用的信息从buffer cache中逐出,请通过一个小的buffer ring进行读取,这与顺序扫描表的方式完全相同。
我们应该考虑到Bloom索引的大小越大,对计划器的吸引力就越小。 这种依赖性是线性的,与树状索引不同。
让我们通过上一篇文章中的一个大的«flights_bi»表的例子来看看Bloom索引。提醒一下,这个表的大小是4 GB,大约有3000万行。表的定义:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | demo=# \d flights_bi Table "bookings.flights_bi" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default --------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+--------- airport_code | character (3) | | | airport_coord | point | | | airport_utc_offset | interval | | | flight_no | character (6) | | | flight_type | text | | | scheduled_time | timestamp with time zone | | | actual_time | timestamp with time zone | | | aircraft_code | character (3) | | | seat_no | character varying (4) | | | fare_conditions | character varying (10) | | | passenger_id | character varying (20) | | | passenger_name | text | | | |
1 | demo=# create extension bloom; |
为了选择参数值,让我们将false positive的概率设置为0.01(请注意实际中我们会得到更多)。上面的n = 9和N = 30000000的公式给出了96bit的签名大小,建议每个元素设置7位。索引的估计大小为515 MB(大约表的八分之一)。
1 2 3 4 5 | demo=# create index flights_bi_bloom on flights_bi using bloom(airport_code, airport_utc_offset, flight_no, flight_type, aircraft_code, seat_no, fare_conditions, passenger_id, passenger_name) with (length=96, col1=7, col2=7, col3=7, col4=7, col5=7, col6=7, col7=7, col8=7, col9=7); ERROR: data type character has no default operator class for access method "bloom" HINT: You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator class for the data type. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | demo=# select opcname, opcintype::regtype from pg_opclass where opcmethod = ( select oid from pg_am where amname = 'bloom' ) order by opcintype::regtype::text; opcname | opcintype ----------+----------- int4_ops | integer text_ops | text (2 rows ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | demo=# select distinct opc.opcintype::regtype::text, amop.amopopr::regoperator, ampr.amproc from pg_am am, pg_opclass opc, pg_amop amop, pg_amproc ampr where am.amname = 'hash' and opc.opcmethod = am.oid and amop.amopfamily = opc.opcfamily and amop.amoplefttype = opc.opcintype and amop.amoprighttype = opc.opcintype and ampr.amprocfamily = opc.opcfamily and ampr.amproclefttype = opc.opcintype order by opc.opcintype::regtype::text; opcintype | amopopr | amproc -----------+----------------------+-------------- abstime | =(abstime,abstime) | hashint4 aclitem | =(aclitem,aclitem) | hash_aclitem anyarray | =(anyarray,anyarray) | hash_array anyenum | =(anyenum,anyenum) | hashenum anyrange | =(anyrange,anyrange) | hash_range ... |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | demo=# CREATE OPERATOR CLASS character_ops DEFAULT FOR TYPE character USING bloom AS OPERATOR 1 =( character , character ), FUNCTION 1 hashbpchar; demo=# CREATE OPERATOR CLASS interval_ops DEFAULT FOR TYPE interval USING bloom AS OPERATOR 1 =(interval,interval), FUNCTION 1 interval_hash; |
1 2 3 4 | demo=# create index flights_bi_bloom on flights_bi using bloom(airport_code, airport_utc_offset, flight_no, flight_type, aircraft_code, seat_no, fare_conditions, passenger_id, passenger_name) with (length=96, col1=7, col2=7, col3=7, col4=7, col5=7, col6=7, col7=7, col8=7, col9=7); CREATE INDEX |
索引的大小为526 MB,比预期的要大一些。这是因为该公式没有考虑页面开销。
1 2 3 4 5 | demo=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size( 'flights_bi_bloom' )); pg_size_pretty ---------------- 526 MB (1 row) |
如前所述,Bloom filter是一种概率结构,因此其效率高度依赖于每一种特定情况。例如,让我们看一下与两位乘客Miroslav Sidorov有关的行:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | demo=# explain(costs off ,analyze) select * from flights_bi where passenger_name= 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV' ; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time =2639.010..3010.692 rows =2 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (passenger_name = 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV' ::text) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 38562 Heap Blocks: exact=21726 -> Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time =1065.191..1065.191 rows =38564 loops=1) Index Cond: (passenger_name = 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV' ::text) Planning time : 0.109 ms Execution time : 3010.736 ms |
对于Marfa Soloveva:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | demo=# explain(costs off ,analyze) select * from flights_bi where passenger_name= 'MARFA SOLOVEVA' ; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time =9980.884..10142.684 rows =2 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (passenger_name = 'MARFA SOLOVEVA' ::text) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 3950168 Heap Blocks: exact=45757 lossy=67332 -> Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time =1037.588..1037.588 rows =212972 loops=1) Index Cond: (passenger_name = 'MARFA SOLOVEVA' ::text) Planning time : 0.157 ms Execution time : 10142.730 ms |
在一种情况下,过滤器只允许4万个false positives,而在另一种情况下允许多达400万个false positives(«Rows Removed by Index Recheck»)。查询的执行时间相应地有所不同。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | demo=# explain(costs off ,analyze) demo-# select * from flights_bi where passenger_id= '5864 006033' ; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time =13747.305..16907.387 rows =2 loops=1) Recheck Cond: ((passenger_id)::text = '5864 006033' ::text) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 9620258 Heap Blocks: exact=50510 lossy=165722 -> Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time =937.202..937.202 rows =426474 loops=1) Index Cond: ((passenger_id)::text = '5864 006033' ::text) Planning time : 0.110 ms Execution time : 16907.423 ms |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | demo=# explain(costs off ,analyze) select * from flights_bi where passenger_id= '2461 559238' ; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time =3881.615..3934.481 rows =2 loops=1) Recheck Cond: ((passenger_id)::text = '2461 559238' ::text) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 30669 Heap Blocks: exact=27513 -> Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time =1084.391..1084.391 rows =30671 loops=1) Index Cond: ((passenger_id)::text = '2461 559238' ::text) Planning time : 0.120 ms Execution time : 3934.517 ms |
注意,同时搜索两个字段将做得更有效,因为一个false positive p的概率变成p*p
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | demo=# explain(costs off ,analyze) select * from flights_bi where passenger_name= 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV' and passenger_id= '5864 006033' ; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on flights_bi (actual time =872.593..877.915 rows =2 loops=1) Recheck Cond: (((passenger_id)::text = '5864 006033' ::text) AND (passenger_name = 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV' ::text)) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 357 Heap Blocks: exact=356 -> Bitmap Index Scan on flights_bi_bloom (actual time =832.041..832.041 rows =359 loops=1) Index Cond: (((passenger_id)::text = '5864 006033' ::text) AND (passenger_name = 'MIROSLAV SIDOROV' ::text)) Planning time : 0.524 ms Execution time : 877.967 ms |
但是,根本不支持使用布尔«or»进行搜索。 这是计划器的限制,而不是访问方法的限制。 当然,仍然可以选择读取索引两次,构建两个位图并连接它们,但这对于选择该计划而言很可能太昂贵了。
Bloom和BRIN索引的应用领域明显相交。 这些是大表,希望确保通过不同的字段进行搜索,但牺牲了搜索精度以降低紧凑性。
BRIN索引更紧凑(例如,在我们的示例中为多达几十兆字节),并且可以支持按范围进行搜索,但是与文件中数据的物理排序有关,因此存在很大的局限性。 Bloom索引更大(数百兆字节),但没有限制,除了需要合适的哈希函数可用。
像Bloom索引一样,哈希索引仅支持相等性检查的操作。 散列索引确保了Bloom难以获得的搜索准确性,但是索引的大小要大得多(在我们的示例中,一个字段只有一个千兆字节,并且不能在多个字段上创建散列索引)。
1 2 3 4 5 6 | amname | name | pg_indexam_has_property --------+---------------+------------------------- bloom | can_order | f bloom | can_unique | f bloom | can_multi_col | t bloom | can_exclude | f |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | name | pg_index_has_property ---------------+----------------------- clusterable | f index_scan | f bitmap_scan | t backward_scan | f |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | name | pg_index_column_has_property --------------------+------------------------------ asc | f desc | f nulls_first | f nulls_last | f orderable | f distance_orderable | f returnable | f search_array | f search_nulls | f |
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