07 2022 档案
摘要:Preparation Containerd Image preparation 制作Containerd镜像 Deployment with rolling update preparation apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name
摘要:Node master distribute application to worker nodes. self healing. it monitors running status of pod which hosts application, it starts a new pod if ex
摘要:Overview ReplicaSet is a process of monitoring pods, when pod is down, it will startup a new one. ReplicaSet identify which pods to monitor by labels.
摘要:Node IP IP of the machine(physical or virtual) that installed Kubernetes. kubectl get nodes kubectl describe node k8s -A | grep InternalIP Cluster IP
摘要:Overview Kubernetes NodePort, LoadBalancer, and Ingress. They are all different ways to route traffic from the internet to your services inside the Ku