SciTech-Mathmatics-Probability+Statistics: {$\large Data \rightarrow Info. \rightarrow Knowledge \rightarrow Wisdom \rightarrow Power \rightarrow Organization \rightarrow Wealth \rightarrow Power $}
\(\large \begin{array}{rll} \\ Data &: \text{ set } metrics \text{ and } measure \\ Information &: \text{ extract } relationship \text{ between } datums \\ Knowledge &: apply \text{ Information } \text{ to } scenes \\ Wisdom &: predicting, verifing \text{ and } summaring \text{ with } Knowledges \\ Organization &:\text{ Society unit for social produce system}. \\ Wealth &: \text{ According to }Materialism, \text{ you worth to own }fortune. \\ Power &: \text{ better life, better society, better world. }\\ \end{array}\)