Preface My virtual machine was simply created by vagrant in default mode without anything about the extra disk volume configuration.The default size i 阅读全文
Issue I encountered an error when I run the python script which need to import the module of "MySQLdb".The error shows like this: [root@docker1 script 阅读全文
Preface When I was compiling the sysbench just now,I encountered some failures in the precedure.I'll show the issue and workaround below. Issues 1. Ex 阅读全文
Preface Yesterday I've installed the 11g GI software on CentOS 7.2.But I still encounter some troubles when I continue to install the database softwar 阅读全文
Preface Oracle claimed that 11g RAC is supported on Redhat Linux 7 and above version,but there're still some incompatible issues in inplementing 11g G 阅读全文
Preface Today I'm gonna export some test data to another server.The source server is Windows Server 2012 R2 and the tartget server is CentOS 7.2.Event 阅读全文
Preface I've demontstrated several InnoDB locking cases in my previous blog.I'm gonna do the rest tests about InnoDB locks. Procedure Test table infor 阅读全文
Preface Today I'm gonna implement a consul in my environment to discover service of MySQL database and check whether the master-slave is working norma 阅读全文
Preface As we know,InnoDB is index organized table.InnoDB engine supports row-level lock base on indexes,if there're no indexes on a certain table the 阅读全文
Preface Last night one buddy in tech wechat group asked "what's intention locks of InnoDB?"Thus,I'm gonna say someting about it.As we all know,there'r 阅读全文