一、 (a) Draw the control flow graph for the printPrime() method. (b) Consider test cases t1 = (n = 3) and t2 = ( n = 5). Although these tour the same p 阅读全文
Write a java program for the triangle problem and test the program with Junit. Description of triangle problem:Function triangle takes three integers 阅读全文
Below are two faulty programs. Each includes a test case that results in failure. Answer the following questions (in the next slide) about each progra 阅读全文
印象最深的error是在写数据库大作业学生选课管理系统的时候 函数类型应为Mysql 错写为sql 找了两天才找出来 最后是在网上搜了无数博客之后 一个字母一个字母和博客上的程序比对才找出来的 很坑 从此学会写程序需要更细心 出现问题的时候不要想当然 多检查一些自己认为不会出错的地方 阅读全文