EF实体查询出的数据List<T>转DataTable出现【DataSet 不支持 System.Nullable<>】的问题

     public static DataTable ToDataTable<T>(this IEnumerable<T> varlist, CreateRowDelegate<T> fn)
            DataTable dtReturn = new DataTable();
            // column names
            PropertyInfo[] oProps = null;
            // Could add a check to verify that there is an element 0
            foreach (T rec in varlist)
                // Use reflection to get property names, to create table, Only first time, others will follow
                if (oProps == null)
                    oProps = ((Type)rec.GetType()).GetProperties();
                    foreach (PropertyInfo pi in oProps)
                        Type colType = pi.PropertyType; if ((colType.IsGenericType) && (colType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>)))
                            colType = colType.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                        dtReturn.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(pi.Name, colType));
                DataRow dr = dtReturn.NewRow(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in oProps)
                    dr[pi.Name] = pi.GetValue(rec, null) == null ? DBNull.Value : pi.GetValue(rec, null);
            return (dtReturn);
        public delegate object[] CreateRowDelegate<T>(T t);
List<T> list = DAL.ToList();
dataGridView1.DataSource = list.ToDataTable(a => new object[] { list });


posted @ 2018-01-03 11:20  Cherry的冬天  阅读(2764)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报