@Controller @RequestMapping("/task/topic") public class TopicQuartzController { protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TopicQuartzController.class); @Autowired private LiveTopicService liveTopicService; @RequestMapping("execute") @ResponseBody public CommonResult execute(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response,String type){ long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.error("topic定时器执行开始"+type); CommonResult result = new CommonResult(); if(QlchatUtil.isEmpty(type)){ result.setMsg("参数为空"); result.setSuccess(false); return result; } try { switch (type) { case "autoEndTopic": this.autoEndTopic(); break; case "oneWeek": this.endTopicOneWeek(); break; default: break; } result.setSuccess(true); result.setMsg("执行完成" + type); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("topic定时器执行异常" + type, e); result.setMsg("topic定时器执行异常" + type); result.setSuccess(false); } long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); logger.error("topic定时器执行结束"+type+",耗时="+(t2 - t1) + "ms"); return result; } private void autoEndTopic(){ String sql = "SELECT id_ topicId FROM skg_live_topic lt WHERE lt.`status_` = 'beginning' AND lt.end_time_ IS NOT NULL AND lt.`end_time_` < NOW()"; JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = SpringHelper.getBean(JdbcTemplate.class); List<Map<String, Object>> resultMap = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); for (Map<String, Object> map : resultMap) { String topicId = String.valueOf(map.get("topicId")); try { LiveTopicPo liveTopicPo = liveTopicService.loadCache(topicId); liveTopicService.endTopic(liveTopicPo, liveTopicPo.getCreateBy()); }catch (Exception e){ logger.error("autoEndTopic异常" + topicId, e); } } } /** * 结束之前的没有结束时间的话题,只跑一周 */ private void endTopicOneWeek(){ String sql = "SELECT id_ topicId FROM skg_live_topic lt WHERE lt.`status_` = 'beginning' AND lt.end_time_ IS NULL AND lt.start_time_ <= (NOW() - interval 48 hour)"; JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = SpringHelper.getBean(JdbcTemplate.class); List<Map<String, Object>> resultMap = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(sql); for (Map<String, Object> map : resultMap) { String topicId = String.valueOf(map.get("topicId")); try { LiveTopicPo liveTopicPo = liveTopicService.loadCache(topicId); liveTopicService.endTopic(liveTopicPo, liveTopicPo.getCreateBy()); }catch (Exception e){ logger.error("autoEndTopic异常" + topicId, e); } } } } 像上面这样写好定时任务的逻辑类 创建一个contab.txt */30 * * * * curl '' */30 * * * * curl '' 里面这样调用方法去执行即可实现分布式项目的定时任务 上面即每30分钟执行一次