1)ABAP基础介绍 ABAP Workbench: Foundations and Concepts 0.5day
2)ABAP数据字典 ABAP Dictionary & Exercises 0.5day
3)报表设计与开发 Techniques of List Processing & Exercises 1.5day
4)画面设计与开发 Programming User Dialogs & Exercises 1.5day
5 )BDC开发 Batch input & Exercises 1day
6 ) ALV开发 ALV output & Exercises 1day
SAP 标准初中级课程.
讲述数据库之间的关系和字段设计及索引表的建立,还有help table的建立。
ABAP/4 高级课程培训 |
培训时间:5天 |
SAP ABAP 应用开发工程师
SAP NetWeaver 技术. ORACLE数据库. Java 技术. SAP J2EE &Java 开发集成技术. ABAP编程语言. 应用ABAP开发用户界面. ABAP Objects &ABAP Dictionary. 在SAP和非SAP之间应用ABAP通讯. 高级ABAP编程技术. 系统增强与修改. 使用Web Dynpro & Visual Composer开发用户面. 项目实践. 技术英语/日语口语. 职业素质教育
通过本课程的学习,学员能够了解ERP的原理和SAP的知识;了解ERP在企业中的应用;能够使用SAP IDE进行编程;能够使用SAP ABAP进行程序的编写和报表的制作;能够编写ORACLE PL/SQL程序;能够应用SAP独立进行项目制作。
reference websites.
highlight spot
digested :
ABAP Cafe - is an excellent resource, with a lot of source code to download. | |
ABAP Central - has some good info, and some really good links (it links to this site among others). ABAP Central has been recently updated, and now contains alot of useful code examples. | |
ABAP Development Code Efficiencies - has many good examples of how to code ABAP properly, and efficiently. A good read. | |
ABAP/4 Samples - A collection of ABAP reports written by Imre Kabai and Benny G. Sorensen. | |
ABAP Source Code - has a number of sample reports that look interesting. | |
BasisGuru.com - is a site that has some useful ABAPs in the Utilities section, and some useful FAQs. | |
Bence Toth's Website - has sample ABAP programs, and is a good overall resource. | |
CT Software - offers several free reports. They may be of some use. Or maybe not... | |
Foro de Discussion ABAP - A Spanish language ABAP web site. | |
Globe Data - has a useful overview of using SAP and the internet. | |
IntelligentERP - has some good articles on various aspects of ABAP. They can be found in Archived SAP ArticlesArchived SAP Articles, and Archived SAP COLUMNSArchived SAP COLUMNS | |
Logos Informatic - have some interesting papers on EDI, SAPScript, ALE, and WebRFCs. | |
Object-Oriented Language: ABAP Objects - Contains some good papers on ABAP Objects, the object oriented extension of ABAP/4 | |
OSS website - Access all of your favourite OSS content via the web. Requires an OSS userid. | |
Popeys Place - has technical tips, how to's, downloadable code, links, and more. | |
Primestaff - is offering a search service for archives of the SAP-R3-L mailing list. | |
SAP101 - A good collection of information. Has useful tables, programs, and more. Has more of a BASIS slant. | |
SAP and ABAP Goodies - has a collection of interesting (and useful) program examples. | |
SAP Assist - has a site with a lot of information, some specifically for developers. This includes links to relavant sites, and forums to ask/answer questions. Also has a good selection of general SAP news. | |
SAP Fans Website - A good source for a general overview of SAP. Also contains a number of links. Some are useful, others are not so good. | |
SAP Help Files - An SAP site that has most of the 4.0 helpfiles and printfiles online. | |
SAP Labs Website - This website has some useful downloads, plus links to the SAP Simplification Site | |
SAP Materials web site - A collection of technical documents related to ABAP, ABAP Query, ALE/BAPI and Basis. | |
SAP Professionals Home Page - has an excellent collection of SAP related links, and several other documents that have been handy to me. | |
SAP R/3-ABAP4 - This site has a great windows help file of ABAP tips, check out the ABAP Hints and Tips section. | |
SAP-R3-L Archive - Search the SAP-R3-L mailing list archive, very useful for finding answers to obscure problems. | |
SAP Services and Pointers - has many good articles related to SAP and ABAP, as well as some excellent reference material. | |
SAP Simplification Site - Good site with some excellent documentation on Data loads, Report Writing, and SAPScript. | |
SAPStuff - Like the name says, lots of stuff about SAP. Has a focus on BASIS and ABAP. | |
SearchSap - They gave me a link, so I will give them one back. | |
Subba Rao's SAP Material Site - This site has a lot of documents on ABAP and technical aspects of SAP. | |
Wolfgang's ABAP Home - is the best ABAP site that I have come across in my web wanderings. | |
Henriks ABAP Page - A useful page with good info on ABAP Objects, examples of using EnjoySAP controls, and more. | |
ABAP Objects - Another site with good info on ABAP Objects | |
Introduction to Object Orientation - An Introduction to ABAP Objects | |
SAP Hints and Tips on Configuration and Abap/4 - Configuration modules are Material Management, Production Planning, Sales/Distribution, Financial, Controlling and Basis Components. |
SAP Business Suite % b3 l7 S8 N9 h
当前SAP公司的主力产品包,里面包含了mySAP ERP, mySAP CRM, mySAP SCM .... 几乎是SAP的所有东东。如果购买的是此种许可证,就意味着几乎可以用SAP的所有产品的功能--某些特定行业的特定引擎(Engine)除外。
主要就是以前的SAP R/3加上SAP最新的集成平台SAP Netweaver。
之所以叫mySAP CRM而不是SAP CRM,就是为了突出SAP的CRM产品是以客户为中心的、灵活可配置的……所以叫”my***“,mySAP CRM主要就是包括SAP的CRM产品功能包(Logic Box)再加上SAP最新的集成平台SAP Netweaver。
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SAP Netweaver4 D/ T" {. r4 s1 J A
是SAP最新的集成应用平台,一方面SAP用这么一个平台来集成SAP与非SAP(Oracle, Siebel, ...)应用系统;另一方面SAP把一些各个系统都可以通用的功能放入此平台中,如SAP门户( SAP Portal)可以访问各种SAP应用系统(ERP, CRM...)及非SAP系统、SAP商务智能(SAP BI)可以对来自各种系统的数据进行分析……: z; p; Q/ `3 ~5 J3 h$ J
这是前几年SAP为了迎合网络风潮而给自己的产品包改的名字,它跟www.mySAP.com这个网站没有任何实质关系,其实它就是现在的SAP Business Suite。
以前SAP公司的主力产品,包 括大家非常熟悉的SD, MM, FI, CO, PP..等模块。但从今年起SAP已经不再单独出售R/3的许可证,代之以mySAP ERP。也就意味着客户无论选择SAP的何种产品(mySAP ERP, mySAP CRM...)都会得到SAP Netweaver,其中包括了SAP Portal 与SAP BW的使用许可。
SAP All-in One (SAP A1)
在SAP R/3的基础上,SAP做了一些预配置,然后按不同行业交给咨询合作伙伴,由他们再加一些预配置,然后以咨询合作伙伴的名义将加了预配置的系统销售给用户。内含mySAP CRM的部分功能。
SAP Business One (SAP B1)
在SAP收购的另一家公司的产品基础上改造而成,优点是价格低廉,并且由于数据结构相同可以无缝地将系统升级至SAP A1, SAP Business Suite。SAP B1中有CRM功能,但远不及mySAP CRM系统中的那么强大。
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SAP Release版本之间的差异和关系:
版本4.6C以前是所谓传统的R3系统,建立在SAP Basis的基础上; o6 R
版本4.70以后,改为R3 Enterprise,最大的变化是SAP WEB AS取代了传统的Basis,核心业务功能模块也作了划分;
R3 Enterprise之后改称为mySAP ERP2004,基础平台演变成SAP NetWeaver,并产生SAP ECC (ECC = ERP Central Component) ,作为Enterprise的替代,并集成了BW,SEM和ITS;
2005第4季度开始mySAP ERP2005的准备,最大的变化将是全面转向ESA体系(基于消息机制的企业应用体系),并引入了新的功能模块,比如PLM和SRM.
SAP的客户端是 SAP GUI,现在的版本是7.1,在SAP FTP下载 ftp://ftp.sap.com/ 2 s$ R% |. m+ x8 k6 \, |
IDES 没有免费的服务器之后自己建了,从http://www.qiuhao.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=23&ID=4119下载。+ k2 F# Z) T$ d! ?: N
安装文件16G大,安装需要80G空间。5 e# i& Z6 {# l0 h$ ~
ECC没找到下载的地方,另外配置要求太高了,我自己练手,boss也不会专门给个服务器的。+ `! k# ?" O0 v, o, g6 `4 K% y
! ~( f. D1 k. G# [; o
SAP 7.1 装完后桌面会有两个图标,TWEAK SAP是一个配置程序,SAP LOGON是登陆程序。IDES 还在已乌龟的速度往我的机器里爬,看它能不能赶过来看开幕式了。
下了本100小时学会SAP V2现看着了。
顺便解释一下ides各client的差别1 Q- |9 V" p; x1 q8 B
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