If we sum up every digit of a number and the result can be exactly divided by 1010 , we say this number is a good number. You are required to count th 阅读全文
Complete the ternary calculation.Input There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T indicating the number of test case 阅读全文
For security issues, Marjar University has an access control system for each dormitory building.The system requires the students to use their personal 阅读全文
C. Voltage Keepsake time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output C. Voltage Keepsake 阅读全文
The little cat is majoring in physics in the capital of Byterland. A piece of sad news comes to him these days: his mother is getting ill. Being worri 阅读全文
问题描述 “在树最美丽的那天,当时间老人再次把大钟平均分开时,我会降临在灯火之城的金字塔前,带走那最珍贵的笑容。”这是怪盗基德盗取巴黎卢浮宫的《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》这幅画时,挑战书上的内容。 但这次,怪盗基德的挑战书上出现了一串串小写字母“aaab sdfeeddd...”。柯南以小学生的眼睛,超凡高中 阅读全文
The Graver Robbers' Chronicles Description One day, Kylin Zhang and Wu Xie are trapped in a graveyard. They find an ancient piece of parchment with a 阅读全文
后缀数组 大佬的讲解 http://blog.csdn.net/qq_35640373/article/details/70168683 http://blog.csdn.net/yxuanwkeith/article/details/50636898 后缀数组 DA(倍增)算法求 SA[N] 与 阅读全文
分析:由题,我们需要决定新的容器放置的位置。 可以采用dp的方法 dp[j][i]代表到第j个数第i个容器的最优情况 对于dp[j][i]尝试在可能每个地方放置的新容器找最小值 状态转移方程 dp[j][i]=min(dp[j][i],dp[j-k][i-1]+a[j]-a[j-k+1]); 代码如 阅读全文